Chapter 80 Monkey King’s Tightening Curse with the Same Paragraph?

“Lin Lin, please let us go.”

When Fatty Yao was stunned, all the other brothers also knelt down, begging for mercy each louder, for fear that Lin Chuan would not be able to hear it.

In the face of life, what is face!

Let Lin Chuan’s anger temporarily, don’t smash them to death with a stamp, it is already considered a success.

“Don’t make a noise, my ears hurt because of noise.” Lin Chuan didn’t expect these elder brothers to have such soft knees.

As soon as he said something, those elder brothers fell silent for a moment, and did not dare to say one more word.


At this time, in the pit that was smashed by the mark of mountains and rivers, the mound collapsed, and a figure rushed out of it.

Pu Li Qi is not dead!

“Master Immortal is not dead yet?” Those people from the rivers and lakes were overjoyed when they saw Pu Liqi jump out.

Unlike these elder brothers, these gangsters are all Pu Liqi’s subordinates.

When Pu Liqi died, no matter whether Lin Chuan would kill them or not, their opponent would not let them go.

Therefore, since Lin Chuan Yiyin smashed Pu Liqi into the soil, these people in the arena have been like bereaved concubines, without saying a word.

Now that Pu Liqi suddenly appeared, they were overjoyed.

The immortal master is indeed the immortal master, they still have a chance to comeback!

“I’m not dead yet, my life is hard enough, I’ll give you another seal of mountains and rivers!” Lin Chuan was also a little surprised, but he didn’t care too much.

One seal can’t kill you, then another seal!

“Don’t don’t, fellow daoist wait a minute, let me make a living!”

Pu Liqi didn’t expect that he would be beaten as soon as he came out, so he thumped and knelt next to the brothers, begging for mercy.

“…” The quack people who had just brought up their spirits fainted in an instant.

You are an immortal master, a domineering and powerful immortal master, how can you kneel down so easily?

Pu Liqi noticed the gazes of those in the arena, feeling a little embarrassed, but continued to beg for mercy.

After all, life is the most important thing!

“Tell me, how did you survive the attack of my Shanheyin?” Lin Chuan asked aloud when he saw this, but did not attack him for the time being.

You have to make this question clear, and check the omissions next time to make sure that the enemy can be killed once the stamp is smashed.

“I actually use a little earth escape technique. When you smashed me into the earth with your treasure seal, I took the opportunity to use this technique.”

“But fellow Daoist, your Shanhe Yin attack is too violent. I didn’t have time to cast the spell, so I got stuck in the soil, and I knew you would take the Shanhe Seal back before I could come out.”

Pu Liqi showed embarrassment and explained why he did not die.

Even though he seems to be intact now, he has actually been injured internally by Shanheyin.

After Shanheyin was taken back, he actually had the opportunity to take advantage of the land to escape.

But after hesitating again and again, he still did not dare to escape.

Because he wants to use the earth escape technique, it will inevitably cause spiritual fluctuations, and it is easy to be noticed by Lin Chuan.

Once he escaped and was discovered by Lin Chuan, he would definitely be greeted by a more violent attack, and he might not be able to survive by then.

Instead of this, it is better to take the initiative to surrender, and there may be a chance of survival.

“Soil escape technique, this is indeed a good way to avoid the attack of Shanheyin.”

“It seems that the next time you use Shanheyin, you should be faster and more fierce, and you can’t give your opponent a chance to dodge.”

Lin Chuan’s eyes flashed upon hearing this, and he gained a lot of experience in the battle.

Pu Liqi didn’t know that Lin Chuan, who seemed to him extremely powerful, was actually fighting a practitioner head-on for the first time.

Compared with Pu Liqi, who has been in the practice world for many years, Lin Chuan’s combat experience is like a piece of white paper.

He can show such confidence because Shanheyin’s offensive ability is really strong.

The seamless heavenly clothes that Lin Chuan wears can also ensure his safety, and he is naturally fearless.

This guy Pu Liqi also naturally became the object of his experience.

When Lin Chuan was absorbing the experience of the battle, Pu Liqi looked at him fearfully, as if he was undergoing the trial of his own destiny, which was extremely tormented.

When he first wanted to deal with Lin Chuan, he never thought that he would be planted in the hands of a young man like Lin Chuan.

“Give me a reason to let you go.” After Lin Chuan was silent for a while, he finally spoke.

As for whether to kill Pu Liqi or not, he actually hasn’t decided yet…

“I can act as a bull for you, fellow daoist!”

“Although I am a cultivator in the foundation building period, it is nothing to you, fellow daoist, but as a servant, you should still be qualified.”

“As long as fellow Daoist…no, it’s the master!”

“As long as the master is willing to accept me, I am willing to treat the master’s heart and soul!”

Pu Liqi felt that he had grasped a life-saving straw and was desperately loyal to Lin Chuan.

“Be my servant?” Lin Chuan raised his brows, feeling a little weird.

Just before, when he accepted the little demon, it was almost the same.

Why is he so popular? Everyone wants to be his servant?

Lin Chuan thought carefully, it was not impossible to accept such a servant.

Just as Pu Liqi himself said, he has a foundation stage cultivation base, which is already considered good in the spiritual world.

With him, at least Lin Chuan can avoid a large part of the troubles from the spiritual world.

Lin Chuan didn’t want to live a life of fighting and fighting with people in the spiritual world every day.

It is a good choice to take in a few subordinates and direct them to work.

The only concern is Pu Liqi’s loyalty.

He is now facing life threats, and of course he speaks better than sings.

Don’t look at Pu Liqi being so obedient now, Lin Chuan hasn’t forgotten that he is a cruel and cruel person who wants to grab the bald hair at every turn with the vertical and horizontal cultivation world.

If you believe in the loyalty of such a person, it is really lacking in heart.

“How can I control him and use it for me?” Lin Chuan frowned, began to think, and habitually took out his mobile phone.

It is already Lin Chuan’s habitual operation to find a god if he has something to do.

But the others at the scene didn’t know. When they saw Lin Chuan suddenly took out their mobile phone, their mentality was a little broken, and Pu Li Qi Beng was the most powerful.

Brother, you are making trouble, but now when our lives are at stake, do you want to kill me or accept me as a servant? It’s a good thing to say!

Lin Chuan’s attention at this time has been completely focused on the phone.

Because he found that Happy Luohan sent him a message, he was too busy just now and he didn’t notice.

Happy Arhat: Fellow Daoist, in order to make up for the previous sins, the poor monk took the credit for your ideas on me.

The more you think about it, the more you feel guilty. Fellow Daoists, do you have any needs? The poor monks are willing to get your forgiveness at any price!

Lin Chuan looked at the news, and his heart moved.

Xiaoyaoxian: Do you know that there are methods that can completely control a person.

Happy Arhat: Fellow Daoist you finally paid attention to me, I thought you would not forgive me.

I know the way to control people. You can do it with Tightening Curse. The Monkey King is the same!

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