Chapter 85 A big chess game in the world of practice?

The founding of the sect was like a blockbuster, instantly rekindling hope for Pu Liqi, who was already heartbroken.

It turned out that Lin Chuan did not accept him as a servant to make him wait for him!

It turned out that even if he became someone else’s servant, he still had the opportunity to realize his dream.

Yes, starting a school and establishing a school is Pu Liqi’s dream in itself.

Don’t look at him as a casual cultivator who crosses the world, it seems so free and easy, only he knows the hard work.

The loose cultivation during the foundation period, the cultivation base in the current practice world, is indeed pretty good, but it is only good.

For the slightly larger cultivating school, there are not many monks in the foundation building period.

Not to mention those big sects, they can easily crush him!

He is a casual cultivator and is helpless. Everything needs to rely on hard work to survive in the cracks of cultivating sects.

Pu Liqi had tasted enough of fighting alone, and the idea of ​​starting a school was born.

However, it is not so easy to start a school.

First of all, you have to have the resources for practice. Without resources, you cannot train disciples. There is only one person. What is the difference?

Secondly, there must be a guardian formation, guardian god beasts, etc., to protect the key facilities of the sect.

Pu Liqi wanted to snatch bald hair, but in fact he cultivated it as a guardian beast.

Finally, and most importantly, you have to be able to withstand the pressure of the place where the school is established and the various schools around you.

Cultivation resources are limited. If there is one more practice sect in one place, then there will be one more people who share the pie. How could other practice sects easily agree to it.

Therefore, they will inevitably put pressure on them and compete in various ways. Only when they are subdued can they stand up.

Pu Li Qiquan didn’t have these conditions, so he didn’t dare to start a sect, so he could only prepare silently by himself.

Who knows, Lin Chuan, who had just become his master, actually took the initiative to mention the establishment of a school!

“Master, are you serious?” Pu Liqi, who felt unreal, couldn’t help asking.

“Of course it’s serious. Don’t you think my idle time hurts. I came to you in the morning just to make a joke with you?”

Lin Chuan’s eyes glared, and he didn’t have a good air.

“Master forgive me, I’m just too surprised. After all, I want to start a sect. That’s not a trivial matter.”

Seeing that Lin Chuan was not joking, Pu Liqi was still a little nervous when he was overjoyed.

Is there really enough strength behind Lin Chuan to support a cultivating school?

“No matter the big or small things, I’ll leave this to you anyway.”

“It’s not like letting you set up a cultivating sect right away. You can do it step by step. If you have any needs, just ask me to solve it.”

Lin Chuan gave the order directly.

He accepted Pu Liqi, naturally, it was impossible for him to be a man in front of a horse, and more importantly, to drive a nail in the spiritual world.

After Pu left the Qi Kaizong sect, Lin Chuan had his own power in the spiritual world, and faced many things a lot easier.

Of course, the most important thing is that he relied on the Heavenly Court chat group to have the opportunity to reap the benefits, and he would not be able to use up the resources if he had more resources.

That being the case, it’s not a bad idea to get a family practice sect to play with.

“If you really want me to start a school, Master, then I really need your support from the Master.”

“In fact, I have taken a fancy to a few good seedlings, and I can bring them under my command at any time.”

“It’s just that I am shy in my pocket. I am tightly supplied with spiritual resources, and there is no extra resources to train them.”

“In this regard, I hope you can help, the host.”

Pu Liqi’s mind became more active and courageous, so he tentatively made a request.

“Cultivation resources, right? What do you think of this thing?” Lin Chuan directly took out a small bottle.

“This is… an excellent pill?!”

As soon as Pu Liqi took it and opened it, he immediately smelled the fragrance of the medicine coming from the bottle, his heart was shocked, and his gaze at Lin Chuan was incredible.

He had only heard of a pill of this level, and had never used it.

It is said that after taking the quintessential pill, it allows practitioners to quickly break through the realm without any side effects, and has always been favored by the great monks.

Corresponding to the medicinal effect of the exquisite pill is its difficulty in refining.

Refining tens of thousands of furnaces of pill, only one furnace can produce the peculiar pill.

Even the direct disciples of those Yuan Ying big brothers are lucky enough to get a few pieces.

And Lin Chuan handily gave him a total of twenty exquisite pills!

How lavish this is.

“This is called the Spiritual Pill, it’s just a little ordinary pill. You can watch it and use it first, and then tell me when you’re done.”

Lin Chuan didn’t really like the Spirit Gathering Pill, and said casually.

He has been chatting and mixing in the heavenly court for so long, his vision has been opened, and he really didn’t pay much attention to the Spirit Gathering Pill.

I don’t know how many of the Gathering Pills that were used as jelly beans for bald hairs, but I don’t know how many they are given to Pu Liqi.

“Is it up?” Pu Li Qi heard this, feeling a little numb in shock.

To continue to supply the peculiar pill, how terrifying is his master’s background?

Thinking about it, Pu Li Qi Meng shook his head, not daring to think anymore.

In any case, his current status is Lin Chuan’s servant.

Lin Chuan and the people behind him continue to supply him with such a precious pill. They definitely want to make a big chess game in the spiritual world, and he is a chess piece.

As a chess piece, you should have the consciousness of a chess piece, and it is enough to do what Lin Chuan ordered.

“I, Pu Liqi, if I can become the master of a sect, I would be willing to be a chess piece!” Pu Liqi tightly grasped the bottle in his hand, and his mood became more and more fiery.

“I will definitely live up to my master’s trust, start a sect, and declare the supreme will of my master to the spiritual world!”

Thinking clearly, Pu Liqi bowed directly to the ground and said loudly.

Lin Chuan heard his words, but his head was full of question marks.

He just wanted to open a sect for fun, how could he become a trust.

He also declared the supreme will, this Pu Liqi would not be the second-year culprit.

What on earth did this guy add to his brain?

“Ahem, you let go and do it, I am optimistic about you.” I think so, saying that it is impossible to say it.

No matter what Pu Liqi misunderstood, the most important thing is to achieve the goal of establishing a sect.

Pu Liqi is in a good state now, so let’s not discourage his enthusiasm.

“By the way, you have been in the practice world for so long, do you know a school called Baidumen?”

Lin Chuan put down the matter of establishing a school and thought of another thing.

He has never forgotten about Baidumen!

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