Chapter 94: Master Lin Chuan’s Identity Revealed?

“Yue Qin’er’s idea is really interesting, I want to participate in it after listening.”

“You have the opportunity to participate in a decryption game, and you can also visit Qinghuang Xiaozhu. It is simply too attractive to eat the delicacies you made by Shangchuan brother.”

“More importantly, we only need to put a few invitations and provide a little information. It’s not too easy.”

Fatty Yao admired Yue Qin’er’s idea very much, and he couldn’t wait to start.

“Sister Qin’er is indeed a good idea, but there is a problem, what if there is no one willing to participate at all?”

“In this case, isn’t it embarrassing for our opening?”

Ling Xiaoxiao was also very interested in this idea, but as an employee hired by Lin Chuan, she had to think badly.

“This…” Fatty Yao hesitated when he heard this.

He finds it attractive because he understands Lin Chuan’s cooking skills and the environment of Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

For other strangers, the situation is not necessarily true.

Fatty Yao didn’t dare to pack tickets. He felt that this event would be very popular.

“One by one, you don’t have so much confidence in Qinghuang Xiaozhu?”

“Ling Xiaoxiao I have watched all the short videos you posted. The feedback is very good. I believe there are many people who are interested in Qinghuang Xiaozhu.”

“No matter how bad it is, we are equivalent to not having this opening ceremony.”

“Anyway, we won’t be too troublesome, just do it like this.”

“If no one really participated in the event and came over with an invitation card, it would be their loss.”

Lin Chuan was speechless when seeing them all without confidence, so he made a decision directly.

To be honest, the success of Qinghuang Xiaozhu’s development is not important to him now whether he can make money.

The benefits he had obtained in the heavenly court, casually leaked out a little bit, and the resources obtained were enough for him to live comfortably for a long time.

However, Qinghuang Xiaozhu was his first career after all, and this was something he was interested in. Lin Chuan would decide to open Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

If no one came, he was still happy.

It’s just that those who did not participate in the event missed an opportunity to taste the delicious food he cooked by himself.

“Brother Chuan is okay with this, so let’s do it like this.”

“Just leave this to me. It just so happened that my old man told me to go back, and I will do all the invitations and hide invitations.”

As soon as Lin Chuan said this, Fatty Yao immediately got excited and said with a heartbeat.

It was so decided on the opening of Qinghuang Xiaozhu.

“I see!” Yue Qin’er said suddenly when the three were discussing the details.

“What do you know?” The three of them looked at her together, feeling inexplicable.

“Although you said it vaguely, I still want to understand who your master is.”

Yue Qin’er stared at Lin Chuan with a confident look, as if he had already seen everything.

? ? ?

Lin Chuan heard this, but his head was full of question marks.

He didn’t have any master at all, how could Yue Qin’er know who his master was.

When answering Yue Qin’er just now, he just pointed to the sky. How much information did Yue Qin’er’s little head fill in?

“I’ll go back and rest first.” Yue Qin’er didn’t care about Lin Chuan’s expression, and left with the pride of seeing the truth.

“What’s the situation?” Ling Xiaoxiao was a little confused.

“Follow her, we will do what we have discussed before, and we will have the invitation activity tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, Qinghuang Xiaozhu will officially open!”

Lin Chuan didn’t bother to control Yue Qin’er, and ordered the two of them.

“Okay!” The two responded together, and then each went to do their own thing.

After returning to the room, Yue Qin’er dialed Yue Qingyang’s phone after locking the door.

“My dear granddaughter, did you finally remember your grandfather?” After the call was connected, Yue Qingyang’s ridicule came with some complaining voices.

“Grandpa, you still said, if you didn’t send me to Lin Chuan, we could meet every day, okay!”

Yue Qin’er got angry when he heard this.

“Okay, it’s grandpa who is wrong, grandpa admits his mistake to you.”

“You called, did you gain anything?”

When Yue Qingyang saw Yue Qin’er having a temper, he soothed and asked.

“There are indeed gains, and the gains are very big.”

“After that time there was a monk who wanted to deal with Lin Chuan, and there was another monk who wanted to deal with Lin Chuan, but it was a monk in the foundation period, named Pu Liqi!”

“After I learned his identity, I originally planned to report his identity and let that Pu Liqi retreat.”

“Who knows that I don’t need to report my identity at all. Lin Chuan directly used a seal-like magic weapon to defeat Pu Liqi and take him into a servant.”

Yue Qin’er told Yue Qingyang what happened before.

“Pu Liqi? I really want to have heard of this name. It can defeat a foundation-building monk and even accept him as a servant. It seems that I still underestimate this little friend.”

Upon hearing this, Yue Qingyang couldn’t help but a hint of surprise appeared on Gu Jing Wubo’s face.

“Because of this matter, I am even more curious about the origin of his cultivation.”

“Until today, I found the opportunity to ask Lin Chuan about his master’s information.”

“He said that his master would not let him reveal his identity. He didn’t say it clearly. He just pointed to the sky. Grandpa, can you guess who his master is?”

Yue Qin’er also heard Yue Qingyang’s surprise, and couldn’t help being proud, and continued to explode with an anecdote.

“Pointing to the sky, the information contained in it is really intriguing.”

“Okay, you don’t have to be close, just talk about your thoughts.”

After listening to Yue Qin’er, Yue Qingyang pondered for a while, and then asked Yue Qin’er’s judgment.

“At first, I couldn’t figure it out. I didn’t know what Lin Chuan meant by pointing at the sky.”

“But then I wanted to understand that he might not mean the sky, but the cloud!”

“I also learned a little information from his family.”

“The master Lin Chuan gave him some antique bottles, and Lin Chuan made tens of millions when he sold them.”

“It has something to do with Yun, there are so many antique bottles in hand, and they don’t want to reveal their identity. There are not many people like this in the spiritual world.”

“Grandpa, can you guess who it is?”

Yue Qin’er told her judgment, but she still sold her final guess.

“Little girl still learns to sell off, want to test your grandfather and me?”

“The only person who meets the conditions you mentioned and who can train Lin Chuan to leave like this in a short period of time is the Yuanying stage Sanxiu Yunzhongzi!”

Yue Qingyang smiled, and directly reported a name.

“Yes, I think so too.”

“If it is Senior Yun Zhongzi, then everything can be explained.”

“Senior Yun Zhongzi likes to accept apprentices, but Xianyun Yehe’s temperament does not like to discipline apprentices. He always allows apprentices to practice on their own.”

“With Yun Zhongzi’s net worth, it is understandable to give Lin Chuan so many good things.”

“Therefore, there is only one truth, Lin Chuan’s master is definitely Senior Yun Zhongzi!”

Yue Qin’er made a conclusion confidently.

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