My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 102: Oriental Pearl

Galaxy Group, logistics base.

"You want to choose this elf?"

Xiang Dong, who was wearing a red uniform, looked at Wang Yingjie in surprise.

"Sorok is indeed very rare, but this Sorok, you have also seen it..."

Wang Yingjie looked down at the black-grey fox that was grinning at him, and saw that its hair was messy and full of dirt, and even the red-haired hair on its forehead was extremely dull.

More importantly, there was an obvious scar on its ear, which almost bruised the entire cartilage.

Xiang Dong sighed and said, "This Sorok has a problem with hearing, which means it can't be commanded very well."

"Also, because those lunatics have done too many experiments on it, its transformation genes are already very unstable."

"That is to say, it's almost impossible to use its hallucinatory properties."

Xiang Dong said solemnly, "I advise you to change to another elf?"

Looking at the dirty, vigilant little beast, Wang Yingjie's eyes changed.

In a low voice: "No need..."

"Just this one."

Xiang Dong looked at Wang Yingjie in surprise, and saw that he stretched out his bandaged hand towards Sorock.

Soroc grinned and took two steps back, suddenly biting Wang Yingjie hard.

The sharp fangs pierced the bandage instantly, red blood spilled from the wound, but Wang Yingjie's face remained the same.

The other hand grabbed Sorok's neck violently, lifted it mercilessly, and stuffed it into the dark ball Xiangdong had prepared for him.

The red light flickered three times, and finally went out.

Xiang Dong frowned.

She didn't know what to say.

Intuition told her that the fisherman's child in front of her might reach a very high level.

Until then, his forbearance may be his best protection.

Thinking like this, Xiang Dong's bright red lips evoked a smile.


Wang Yingjie nodded silently, staring at her wound in a daze.

The severe pain made him think about the West Lake Guild Hall again.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, Ren Li, wearing a beret, walked in.

He still wore that carefree smile, but he kept staring at Wang Yingjie with fierce eyes.

"Morning, to the cadre." He rushed to greet Dong.

"What are you doing here?" Xiang Dong frowned.

Her personal relationship with Ren Li was not good, rather, it was just a cold colleague relationship.

"There is a shortage of manpower for the task in the magic capital." Ren Li smiled and his eyes fell on Wang Yingjie.

"I'm here to borrow someone from you."

"I reject."

Xiang Dongguo interrupted and said dissatisfiedly, "The boss has set four elites for each cadre. If you don't have enough staff, that's your own problem."

As if expecting Xiang Dong's answer, Ren Li smiled and said:

"Since Miao Bo was arrested, doesn't the smuggling business still require my help?"

"Don't say four, even eight is not enough for me!"

"Besides, the mission in the magic capital was personally promised by the boss." Ren Li folded his arms and played his trump card.

"He has agreed to my transfer of personnel from the branch."

Xiang Dong frowned slightly.

Ren Li has been targeting Wang Yingjie before, which is obvious to all. Since Wang Yingjie has become an elite under her command, she naturally has the obligation to protect Wang Yingjie.

But this time, the boss spoke in person and gave Ren Li permission, and even Xiang Dong couldn't object.

She frowned, unable to find a reason to refuse.

At this moment, Wang Yingjie said, "Let me go."

Xiang Dong looked at Wang Yingjie in surprise, while Ren Li was also a little surprised, and immediately grinned and folded his arms.

This kid is quite sensible!

Well, on the boat, let him die a little more clearly!

Wang Yingjie knew very well that being under the protection of Xiang Dong was not a long-term solution, but after seeing what Ren Li did at the West Lake Hall, he would definitely find him.

This time, this prestigious mission is actually an opportunity for Wang Yingjie to do it once and for all.

The sea is not the battlefield of the Renli elves, but as a fisherman's child, Wang Yingjie has great confidence in water.

"Well, then let Wang Yingjie come with you." Xiang Dong sighed and said coldly:

"But I declare in advance that if my people have any accident, you will bear the corresponding consequences!"

Ren Li laughed and waved his hand: "How could it be, I've known him for a long time!"

As he said that, he hooked Wang Yingjie's neck and laughed loudly, "You said yes, Wang Yingjie?"

Feeling the tightening arms around his neck, Wang Yingjie lowered his head and remained silent, a cold light flashed in his eyes.


"You board the ship from Gate A, and Xie Yuan and I enter through the other two entrances respectively."

Liu Shengnan urged: "Remember, use the walkie-talkie to report any situation!"

Lu Cheng nodded, only to see Liu Shengnan shouting at Xie Yuan who was dozing off again:

"Wake up, don't sleep!"

"Don't always think about playing after you go up, we are here for a mission!"

Xie Yuan yawned, waved his hand and said, "I know, I know!"

"I'll go up first!"

Liu Shengnan also waved at Lu Cheng, and at the same time, the system beep sounded.

"Ding - Discovery mission 'Oriental Pearl'

Mission objective: Assist members of the Armed Forces on the Oriental Pearl and arrest the criminals of the Galaxy Group

Mission reward: 2 defense points, 5 potential points, 5W cash, and the title reward 'Nova of the Armed Forces'"

This is the first time the system has released title After unlocking the title system, Lu Cheng's "achievement panel" also received a title reward of "U20 Championship".

"U20 champion (green)

Specifications: Provincial competitions

Title Description: First prize in the Youth Trainer Competition under the age of 20 in Zhejiang Province

Title effect: 5% increase in the growth rate of elves"

Titles are divided into white, green, blue, purple, and orange. Although they are only green rewards, titles can be stacked on top of each other.

Although the effect is not obvious, it is better than nothing.

"The effect of this new title will probably not be known until the task is completed." Lu Cheng murmured.

"Now, let's board the ship first."

From the VIP passage to the pier at dusk, a snow-white luxury cruise ship is bathed in the sunset, and the glass windows reflect the golden luster.

From the appearance, the Oriental Pearl has three floors, and there are already many people on the open deck on the topmost floor.

Handed the dark golden ticket to the beautiful big sister in uniform with a smile on her face.

The eldest sister beckoned, and a crew member wearing a snow-white hat walked out from the side.

"He will take you to the corresponding room." Big sister smiled.

Lu Cheng was greatly disappointed.

"Give me your luggage."

The crew took the luggage and asked curiously, "Did you go to the magic capital alone?"

Lu Cheng nodded.

"Looking at your outfit, are you here for today's party too?"

Looking at Lu Cheng's surprised expression, the crew explained with a smile:

"There is a trainer party on this ship today, and many trainers have come."

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