My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 104: The knife is slow!

The female voice is crisp and gentle, very nice.

Lu Cheng felt that the voice was a little familiar.

The crowd separated consciously, Lu Ning walked out with a smile, and nodded to Lu Cheng.

She was wearing a light purple half-sleeve dress, a swan necklace around her neck, and a pair of diamond-studded high heels, which made her already tall figure even more outstanding.

Lu Ning and Lu Cheng had a relationship in the U20 competition, and this girl like a spring breeze left a deep impression on Lu Cheng.

"It's you." Lu Cheng smiled.

Lu Ning nodded and smiled, revealing a small pear vortex:

"Champion, please show mercy later."

Thinking of Lu Ning's long-eared rabbit with a very violent style of women's clothing, Lu Cheng couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

This woman is the third runner-up, and her strength should not be underestimated!

At this time, I only heard people around me talking:

"Who is this girl and why is she so familiar?"

"The daughter of the Demon Capital Wilderness Group! She has appeared on the cover of "Youth" magazine several times!"

"I mean, I seem to have seen her on TV!"

"Magic city's gorgeous contest, she is the youngest contestant to win a beautiful ribbon!"

Lu Ning, who had long been accustomed to praise from everyone, smiled generously and said:

"let us start!"

Lu Cheng nodded, but decided to let the forest lizard continue to appear.

Lu Ning threw a friend ball.

A green onion jumped out!

"Wow, what kind of elf is this, so cute!"

"I don't know, it's rare here, it's probably very rare!"

Lu Cheng's eyes could not help twitching at the comments of the melon-eating crowd.

Dwarf and small, like a spherical tumor growing in a dark corner, the three rotten leaves on his head have worm-eaten marks, and the green bib around his neck is still stained with mud or blood-stained unknown liquid.

On the pale face, there was no nose or mouth, only oval eyes full of bloodshot eyes, staring straight at Lu Cheng.

"Lily Root Doll (Anna)

Personality: Shy

Features: Chlorophyll

Matching moves: parasitic seeds, rooting, growing, coquetry

Analysis: This kind of elf is only female, so you don't need to worry about whether it is a women's clothing boss! "

I just heard Lu Ning smile and say:

"This little guy is the elf I just conquered last month, but she is a bit introverted and doesn't have much combat experience."

"The battle with the champion should make this little guy grow up quickly."

Lu Cheng understood what Lu Ning said, what he meant by showing mercy.

Isn't this level of elves who brought food to Lu Cheng!

However, looking at Lu Ning's expression, it seems to be to ease the embarrassment of no one on stage.

If you think more deeply,

Instead of letting the long-eared rabbit play, it's better to send a weaker elf.

First, it will give Lu Cheng a face, and second, it will allow the Lily Root Doll to gain a lot of experience.

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed.

This woman has such a deep scheming!

Lu Ning didn't know what Lu Cheng was thinking. In fact, she only brought this elf with her when she went out this time.

Moreover, fighting against excellent elves can make elves grow rapidly, which is a fact recognized by trainers.

Lu Ning smiled slightly: "Come on, Anna!"

"Use Rooted!"

With an order, the bulbous stem suddenly sat on the ground, and at the same time, a large number of gray tentacles grew from the hem of the skirt and pierced into the deck.

Lu Cheng: ...

There are too many flaws, and Lu Cheng, who didn't know how to complain for a while, held his forehead and sighed:

"Forest lizard, use a leaf blade."

Out of a gentlemanly manner, Lu Cheng was too embarrassed to send the lily-root doll off the stage.

Ye Ren will only do half of the damage to the Lily Root Doll, and it can't be resisted, so it's not Lu Cheng's fault.

Although this lily root doll is still weak, Lu Ning is an experienced trainer.

"Use coquettish!"

As the forest lizard approached, the Lily Root Doll suddenly raised its head and stared at the forest lizard with those oval eyes.


The lily root doll made a cry for a recommendation ticket and a collection!

The forest lizard's eyes narrowed, but the knife in his hand was three points slower.

My heart is messed up, the knife is slow!

This leaf blade slashed the empty space, but the lily root doll took advantage of the situation to attack, and a few unskilled magic leaves flew towards the forest lizard.

The joking leaves fell softly on the forest lizard.

The forest lizard looked bewildered.

This, it doesn't hurt!

The forest lizard glanced back at Lu Cheng, who looked up at the sky with a fascinated look.

The forest lizard gritted its teeth.

Forget it, come on by yourself!

Turning around, he slashed the lily-root doll with a knife—

The green juice was filled with the smell of onions.

The audience had a sour nose.

"Hey, it's too ruthless to attack."

"Fuck, ruthless!"

Lu Ning didn't react at all, but instead she thanked Lu Cheng and walked off the stage.


With a dry cough, Lu Cheng opened his mouth and said, "Is there anyone else coming up?"

With Lu Ning's lessons learned, the people in the back think that no matter how bad it is, it will not be weaker than that lily-root doll, right?

For a while, the battle party became lively again, and people kept coming on stage to challenge Lu Cheng.

Lada, Ba Dahu, Bibi Bird... As the winning streak became more and more, the smile on Lu Cheng's face became more and more happy.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but thank Lu Ning.

Thanks to her, the atmosphere of the whole scene was mobilized.

Under the stand, Lu Ning was holding a goblet, and several well-dressed boys surrounded her, as if to comfort her.

This made Lu Cheng feel a little emotional:

The daughter of an entrepreneur, she really has some means!


"Is this the number one in your Zhejiang province?"

Beside Lu Ning a luxurious ball is attached to his waist, a young man wearing a waistcoat and combing oily hair asked while holding champagne.

Lu Ning smiled slightly, revealing a shallow pear vortex:

"Why, are you going to challenge him too?"

The young man yawned and said, "That would be too boring."

"I provided that gold bead, just to have some fun."

Lu Ning covered her mouth with a smile and said, "Young Master Yu from the Dianxi Consortium is really a big player."

Yu Fengshi shrugged.

Although this Lu Cheng was outstanding, he still couldn't catch his eye.

Originally, this trainer party was held to celebrate Lu Ning's birthday.

But I didn't expect that this group of people would spontaneously engage in some kind of arena match.

As the organizer, Yu Fengshi had no choice but to take out the gold beads as the final prize.

Solid gold beads, about the size of a quail egg.

It will be of great benefit to elves that eat minerals such as small diamonds and ecstasy eyes, so the market price is also more than 10W.

Although it is only a small amount of money, this so-called ring match is really boring.

Yu Fengshi narrowed his eyes and yawned again.

At this time, Lu Cheng released the second elf, a six-tailed fiery red body.

As if suddenly remembered something. Yu Fengshi raised his eyebrows and asked Lu Ning next to him:

"The reward for your provincial championship should be an evolution stone, right?"

Lu Ning nodded, and immediately understood what he was thinking, and said solemnly, "You don't mean to..."

"Since his six tails haven't evolved yet, it means that the Fire Stone is still on him."

Yu Fengshi shrugged, took down the luxury ball, and walked forward slowly.

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