My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 107: Pylast's body is a mushroom!

"What? How come the forest lizard's speed has increased again!"

"The characteristics of this forest lizard are not lush, but light!"

"How could Yu Fengshi make such a low-level mistake?"

Looking at the cold sweat on Yu Fengshi's forehead, Lu Ning knew that he was starting to panic.

Since Lu Cheng set fire to the Katee Dog, Yu Fengshi has been brought into Lu Cheng's rhythm.

Shooting down the forest lizard's bone sword was also out of gambling.

Unfortunately, the bet was lost!

With the rapid increase in the speed of forest lizards, the situation was once divided from doubles to 1v1 of two elves!

Katy met Six Tails, and Forest Lizard met Soul Eye.

Once Evil Eye tried to support the Katee, it would be chased by the forest lizard from behind at a very high speed.

And Katie tried to rush out of the siege, but the speed was restrained by the six-tailed supernatural power.

The battlefield is divided!

Lu Cheng smiled slightly.

He is very aware of his disadvantage in doubles, and since that is the case, it is better to let the elves play to their advantages in singles.

This is the tactic he learned from the Prince of Tennis!

"No way, the speed of the Soul Seduction Eye is too slow, the shadow ball can't hit at all!"

"That's right, although the Catty dog ​​on the other side is an advantage, the flames are also ineffective against the six tails!"


Yu Fengshi's eyes showed a trace of violence.

Since that's the case, let's end the battle with singles!

"Catty, give yourself up and hit!"

Wait until the Catty dog ​​has finished the six tails, and then deal with this annoying lizard!

Seeing this scene, Lu Ning let out an inaudible sigh.

it's over.

Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

If they remain deadlocked for a while longer, the forest lizard's physical strength will not be able to keep up with the speed.

However, this kid seems to be on the top...

As the distance between the two elves approached, Yu Fengshi gradually revealed a smile.

The next moment, the mood suddenly fell from the peak to the bottom!

"Use fraud!"

Does the six tails have powerful physical attack moves?

Apparently not, there is obviously no chance of winning if repaying the kindness and giving one's life to fight against each other.

But Lu Cheng didn't want to miss this opportunity to attack, so there was only one option left.

Fraud: Use the opponent's physical attack attribute to attack yourself!

I saw Six Tails leaping lightly, seemingly colliding with Katie, but it threw out its own six tails!

The six tails are extremely soft, but at the moment when the caty dog ​​collided, they were suddenly as strong as steel!

Coupled with the recoil of the deadly impact, the Katee flew upside down and instantly lost its combat effectiveness.

Yu Feng was fooled!

Yu Fengshi, whose face was pale, forgot to command the Evil Eye for a while, and the Evil Eye screamed and was also knocked to the ground by Ye Ren.

Victory and defeat.

The place was silent.

After a while, there was warm applause from the audience.

"Bravo!" In the crowd, several foreign tourists applauded excitedly.

Lu Cheng nodded in greeting.

And Yu Fengshi took a deep breath and hung up a far-fetched smile.

"Congratulations." Yu Fengshi smiled stiffly.

"Good luck." Lu Cheng shrugged.

At this time, Lu Cheng's talented little girl, under the roar of everyone, blushed and handed Lu Cheng the golden beads.

No one in the field can beat the two of them, so there is no need to fight.

"Ding - the mission 'Double Fighting First Victory' completed!

Quest reward: 3 points of physical attack, defense enhancer (increase the basic defense value of an elf), characteristic "heart-like"

Heart Consonance LV1: Elves can better understand your command. In doubles, the degree of fit between elves increases slightly. "

"Ding - Mission 'Winning Streak on the Deck' completed!

Mission Completion: Perfect

Quest reward: 8 potential points, chain feature upgrade.

Chain LV2: Your elves have a better understanding of how skills are connected.

When the host's spirit uses the same move continuously, the power is superimposed by 15%, and the stamina consumption of the spirit is reduced by 10% when fighting continuously.

The reward of the mission is to upgrade Lu Cheng's chain characteristics.

This will allow Lu Cheng's elves to have more endurance.

Lu Cheng closed the system with satisfaction, but Yu Fengshi's expression was a little off.

I saw Yu Fengshi stuffing the three gems in his hand into a bag and handing them to Lu Cheng, he said without a smile:

"Your gem, Champion Lu!"

"Thank you!" Lu Cheng said with a grin.

Yu Fengshi's face darkened, he didn't want to stay for a moment, and left the deck in a hurry.

After the party ended, the trainers also dispersed in twos and threes, chatting with each other.

Playing with the three beautiful rubies, Lu Cheng smiled.

These three gems are of great help in enhancing the fire power of the Six Tails!

At this moment, Kevin stepped forward with a smile and said, "Senior, do you want to go to the second floor for dinner? I heard that there will be fresh salmon today!"

Lu Cheng glanced at his phone.

Lu Cheng stayed for almost an hour just now.

Although the headset was cut off, there was no call to Lu Cheng, indicating that there was no emergency.

However, he has stayed long enough to continue to fish.

Lu Cheng smiled apologetically: "No, I still have something to do!"

"Fine." Kevin spread his hands and went to find another companion.

Lu Cheng came to the railing on the deck and turned on the headset.

Xie Yuan was the first to connect.

"Hey, Senior Xie Yuan, what's the situation?"

"Well, I don't have any clues here. I don't know what's going on with Detective Liu."

"Where are you?"

"In the restaurant!"

"Dinning room?"

Xie Yuan held the plate, happily took the cake from the chef, and said with a smile:

"Yes, didn't I tell you that there is a famous pastry chef on this ship?"

"Well, it's delicious!"

Lu Cheng sighed.

It seems that there are people who are more fishy than him!

At this moment, both of their headsets were occupied by Liu Shengnan's anxious voice.

"Come to the second floor, cabin 208 in the east corridor!"

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, and at the same time quickly ran to the second floor.


Lu Cheng and Xie Yuan arrived almost at the same time.

Seeing the surprised eyes of the two of them, Liu Shengnan motioned them to boo, and pointed to the cabin 208 behind her.

"They're inside?" Lu Cheng said I'm not sure, but the crew said that no one had reserved this cabin. "

At the same time, there was a creaking sound in the cabin, as if gnawing on a bone, making people horrified.

The three's expressions froze.

"There are 210 cabins."

Xie Yuan's sleepiness disappeared at this time, and he explained with a serious expression:

"I asked the waiter in the restaurant just now. In addition to delivering meals, the guest in cabin 210 also requested three rations for elves."

"Ordinary people are unlikely to keep three elves at the same time, right?"

The atmosphere was a little dignified for a while.

At this time, the best situation is that the owner of cabin 210 is just an ordinary trainer, who happens to have cultivated three elves.

And in the worst case, Lu Cheng and the others had to plan to have enemies in both rooms.

Without knowing the number of opponents, Rao is Liu Shengnan, and he is not fully sure.

Liu Shengnan and Xie Yuan exchanged glances and whispered to Lu Cheng:

"Lu Cheng, stand behind us later."

"If the situation changes, retreat immediately!"

Lu Cheng didn't dare to be too big, and nodded cautiously.

Liu Shengnan nodded slightly, a cold light flashed in his arms, and a pitch-black pistol had already started.

On the other side, a huge mushroom worm appeared behind Xie Yuan.

The Pylast, which is covered with bright patterns, exudes the fragrance of mushrooms and the rotten smell of insect carcasses.

Under the mushroom, the spider-like worm stretched out three pairs of thoracic feet covered with velvet, and at the forefront was a pair of terrifyingly large worm pincers.

The corpse of the worm, controlled by the mushroom, stared at the door with gray eyes.

At this moment, the door of 210 was pushed open.

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