My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 119: Revolving Restaurant & Trainer Hostel

Why did the mega-evolved fire-breathing dragon appear here?

Why is the fire-breathing dragon chasing the fiercely biting land shark?

Who is the one who bites Lu Shark on the back?

All these confusions lingered in Lu Cheng's mind like one question mark after another.

"Hey, why are you in a daze?"

Lu Ning stretched out her hand and shook it in front of Lu Cheng.

"It's okay." Lu Cheng sighed,

"Aren't you going to eat, where to eat?"

"You and me?" Lu Ning's eyes lit up.

Lu Cheng nodded silently and added.

"Find a quiet place."

He was afraid that this woman would continue to pester him.

Right now, he needs a relatively quiet place to recall the scene at that time.

She is familiar with this place and should know where it is more suitable.

Biting the land shark fiercely, the man on his back, and that mega-evolved fire-breathing dragon—

This is the first opportunity for Lu Cheng to meet the mega evolution.

How could this not make him agitated!

Lu Ning's eyes curved into crescents, her long eyelashes fluttered, and she smiled:

"Since you've come to the Battle Tower, why don't you go to its most famous revolving restaurant."

"In the VIP seats, it should be relatively quiet."

"VIP seat?"

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment.

How much does this cost!

I have to save money to buy a fruit mixer!

"It's okay, I have a VIP card for this restaurant." Lu Ning smiled lightly,

"This time it's up to me to invite you, just come back next time!"

A small scheming flashed in Lu Ning's eyes.

This little trick can be said to be an invincible routine!

"AA will do." Lu Cheng touched his chin and said.

"I just want to see the so-called revolving restaurant."

Lu Cheng had already heard about the revolving restaurant in the East Battle Tower.

It is said that you can enjoy the night view of the magic city in 360 degrees, and it is one of the must-see attractions in the magic city.

It's just that the price is not very friendly.

"If you have a trainer certificate, you can get a 20% discount." Lu Ning waved her fingers and said,

"Other qualification certificates or badges are also acceptable!"

Lu Cheng shook the turban-shaped "One Heart Badge" and said, "Let's go!"

The transparent sightseeing ladder gradually rose, and several waves flew past the glass.

The tall buildings gradually became shorter, the neon gradually spread, and finally became a dense mass.

The soft sound of the violin came from behind, and the waiter led the two into the revolving restaurant.

"It really moves!" Lu Cheng said in surprise,

"I thought it was just a gimmick."

"Otherwise, what's the name of the revolving restaurant?" Lu Ning covered her mouth and chuckled as she walked in familiarly.

With blue transparent glass, the restaurant slowly revolves around the central bar.

On the top of the bar, there is a ghost-shaped wind chime, and a slightly bloated Gugu hanging upside down on the beam.

Fence-like mahogany divides the floor-to-ceiling windows, and from the gap, you can overlook the night view of the magic capital.

There are only a few tables of individual guests in the outer hall, and the inner hall is even more quiet, which fully meets Lu Cheng's requirements.

"How is it, is it alright here?" Lu Ning said with a smile.

"I'll just order the same thing as you."

Lu Cheng didn't answer, he fell into deep thought after speaking.

Lu Ning rang the bell, supported her chin with her hand, and quietly did not disturb Lu Cheng, staring at the soft hanging lamp.

That fire-breathing dragon just now—

Although it was blurry, Lu Cheng could still vaguely distinguish its appearance under dynamic vision.

The wings are like bone growth, with many sharp barbs growing, and the body is covered with hot flames, and the monster-shaped head is constantly splashing with flames, rather like a combination of Ghost Rider and Godzilla.

Very mighty!

And although that biting land shark looks a little thinner than Fire-breathing Dragon X, its speed is a bit faster than Fire-breathing Dragon X.

If it wasn't for Lu Cheng's dynamic vision, he wouldn't have noticed that there was a man sitting on his back!

What kind of powerful trainer is this!

Lu Cheng sighed and stared at the Poké Ball with a metallic sheen around his waist.

As if feeling the master's intentions, Liuwei automatically shot the ball and licked Lu Cheng's palm with his warm tongue.

The six tails hatched for just over four months.

Besides, with the blessing of the system, one day, I can reach such a height!

Not urgent!

Lu Cheng showed a relieved smile.

"Hello, your sirloin steak set."

Next to the waiter was a small sizzling monkey.

The monkey has a flat face, a pair of huge bellowing ears, red hair all over its body, and smart eyes that roll around.

With the silver cup lid, the waiter patted the Saoxiang Monkey lightly, and the latter spit out a mass of flames.

I saw that the flames circled the lid of the cup with great precision, and then went out again.

"Please take it slow." Said, the waiter opened the hot cup lid with gloves.

"Will it make it more delicious?" Lu Ning asked curiously.

"No, it will be more expensive."

While complaining, Lu Cheng moved over the steak.

This, isn't it Kentaro's meat again?

"Are you trainers?" the waiter laughed.

"Today, a West Lion Hairen came to the store, and you can hear it play later."

The music sounded like a clear spring, and Lu Cheng followed the direction of the harp.

A plump blue sea lion ties his blue hair into an artist-like ponytail.

The slippery lower tail soaked in the bucket, stood up, and flapped the harp with its tentacles and plump white fins.

Although it sounds good, the stage has become wet.

A sea lion played a piece of music, and everyone applauded. The scene was very abstract.

"How much is the per capita consumption here?" Lu Chengchong whispered to Lu Ning.

"A table is about two thousand."


Looking at the 250,000 in the balance and the pitiful six tails, Lu Cheng gritted his teeth.

"Waiter, another berry ice cream."

"Is there any spicy food?"

"I want a piece of metal cutlery!"


After eating, Lu Ning said goodbye to Lu Cheng.

Her words were true. She turned into a high-end community before she could walk a single street.

Damn capitalist!

And Lu Cheng stood on the bustling street of the magic capital, thinking about the two elves.

"Let's go to the Armed Forces Department tomorrow." Lu Cheng sighed.

"For such a big event, I believe there will be some movement in the association."

That night Lu Cheng found a "trainer hostel".

Since trainers often need to go to various places to get badges, living and traveling has become a big expense.

Except for children from rich families, other trainers often choose to stay overnight at the "Trainer Hotel".

Similar institutions, there are "Elf House", "Trainer Camp" and so on.

They all feature low-cost rental housing to trainers.

"Trainer Hotel" is generally a short-term rental. Trainers from all over the world gather in a small hall to share interesting stories of training and battles.

Lu Cheng ran into a roommate from Yun Province, and his huge unicorn frightened Lu Cheng.

The unicorn is almost as tall as a human being, with pitch-black worm eyes, black and shiny body, and the huge unicorn shimmering with cold light.

Boys have absolutely no resistance to this kind of thing!

Although Lu Cheng was insensitive to the insect elves, this Heracross was obviously not included.

Slime even turned into the appearance of Heracross, which made the latter a heartbreaker.

These are all off-topic.

The next day, Lu Cheng packed up and rushed to the "Cat and the Maid" cafe.


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