My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 121: Wretched development, don't wave!

"The obsolete fruit mixer?"

Guo Zhang touched his chin and said, "Although I don't know why you want this stuff, there should be."

"That thing shouldn't be worth a lot, right?"

Lu Cheng nodded desperately.

"Forget it, I'll get one for you then." Guo Zhang waved his hand and said with some doubts:

"Are you sure this is your reward?"

Lu Cheng nodded frantically.

"Okay." Guo Zhang grinned and said, "Work hard, the organization won't treat you badly!"

Lu Cheng smiled tacitly, drank the coffee brought by Liu Shengnan, and grinned:

"Boss, when is my next mission?"

On this trip to the Oriental Pearl, Lu Cheng gained a lot of benefits.

Coupled with the ordered fruit mixer, it can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

Moreover, the battles on the deck and in the cabin also gave the six-tailed and forest lizards a lot of experience points.

The next thing to do is to return to Jiangcheng to train and consolidate the growth in the past few days.

Lu Cheng needs some time to develop properly.

"I don't have anything to do with you." Guo Zhang took out a switch from behind and turned on the power.

"Originally, the association did not recruit college students."

"However, this trip is urgent, so I called you here to serve as your newcomer's task."

"I guess I'll call you over when you finish your initial studies and start your gym tour."

Lu Cheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Guo Zhang pressed the handle and instructed, "Brother Liu will take care of you next."

"If you have any questions, just talk to her."

"Damn it, how did Louis overtake a car in a corner!"

Lu Cheng walked out of the conference room without a word.

Outside the house, Liu Shengnan was standing in front of the big screen, staring at the screen with a serious expression.

In the dark cloud, a fierce bite of the land shark almost flashed by.

And the man who bit the back of the land shark.

Seeing Lu Cheng, Liu Shengnan explained, "This is a picture taken by a passerby with a mobile phone."

"Because the sky was too dark and the picture was blurry, people from the scientific research department carried out technical processing on it."

Beside Liu Shengnan, a white coat wearing bottle cap glasses nodded to Lu Cheng.

The mosaic is gradually removed, and the picture is zoomed in. The man on the back of Lu Shark is wearing a hood, and he is pulling it with his hands to prevent the wind from blowing.

"What did you think of?"

"The Galaxy Group." Lu Cheng said solemnly.

At the West Lake Hall, a group of dangerous men wearing hoods left a deep impression on Lu Cheng.

Liu Shengnan nodded, rubbed his brows and said, "At the Criminal Investigation Department, the previous cadre refused to speak."

"It's that Ren Li, who will be recruited soon."

"Approaching the magic capital from the sea is just a pretense, the real action is initiated from the air."

"Looking like this, they should have succeeded."

"But what is their purpose?" Lu Cheng wondered.

"Why did it appear near the Eastern Battle Tower?"

Liu Shengnan sighed and said, "This is also where we are puzzled."

"If it's an attack, just because the trainer of the other side has the ability to bite land sharks, if we insist on attacking civilians, we can't stop it."

"But fortunately, that fire-breathing dragon stopped the fierce bite Lu shark in time." Liu Shengnan said with arms crossed.

"Looking at it this way, that fire-breathing dragon should be the elf of a certain heavenly king or gym owner."

While the two were talking, Xie Yuan pushed open the door and entered.

Beside him, there is an incomparably huge flower plate, the round hole in the center of the flower plate is like a huge mouth, and there are fine fangs on it.

The flower tray is surrounded by dense patterns, which makes people feel goosebumps all over.

At the base of the flower tray, a deformed creature covered in purple tilted its head, and viscous liquid dripped on the floor.

"Hey, let your overlord flower put away the drool!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this kid's hobbies from the stinky flower period haven't changed back!"

Although it is saliva, it is actually the nectar of the overlord flower, and there seems to be a fragrance in the air.

Although it is different in nature from Nepenthes, it seems that the overlord flower also has the habit of preying on elves such as silk spiders.

"What were you talking about just now?"

Taking back the Overlord Flower, Xie Yuan yawned and scratched his chicken coop-like hair.

"Just in time for you to come!" Liu Shengnan's eyes lit up, and he threw a large stack of documents into Xie Yuan's arms.

"I'll leave this matter to you to investigate!"

Xie Yuan was dumbfounded.

"If you're okay, you can go back to Jiangcheng."

Ignoring Xie Yuan, Liu Shengnan smiled at Lu Cheng and said:

"Don't worry, we will handle this matter!"


Sitting on the train returning to Jiangcheng, Lu Cheng has been thinking about the Eastern Battle Tower.

If the purpose of the Galaxy Group is to start with the Eastern Battle Tower.

So what exactly do they want?

The Eastern Battle Tower, the Battle to the Peak, the Sacred Sign of the Divine Beast...

In an instant, Lu Cheng's breathing suddenly became rapid.

What mythical beast is related to the Eastern Battle Tower?

The divine beast related to the tower?

Split empty seat?

No, not right.

Without that flightless elf and Kyogre, Rikraza wouldn't have appeared.

Jiangcheng, Qianjiang, Shuijun, the three holy beasts...

Phoenix King!

All these clues seem to be connected in series.

The "Incarnation of the North Wind", which had been silent for a long time in the task bar, seemed to remind Lu Cheng as well.

The top of the Eastern Battle Tower should be the remains of Ho-oh!

Looking at the task bar, Lu Cheng clenched his fists.

"The Incarnation of the North Wind"

Mission objective: Observing the true body of Suijun in the tide of Qianjiang River on the 18th day of the lunar calendar.

Mission reward: mysterious water droplets, 10 random attributes, 5W cash, skill learning machine "surfing".

It seems that it is necessary to take a trip...

Although the goal of the mission is very simple, it is only "observation".

But presumably at that time, when the big guys gather together, it will be difficult to get close.

The eighteenth day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar is around September 8th.

And Lu Cheng went to Jiangnan University to report on September 10th, and there was still one month left.

Although it is not clear, what kind of connection is there between Suijun, who appeared in Qianjiang this time, and Hoo-wang.

But Lu Cheng is very clear.

He needs to seize all the time to improve his strength, so that he has a chance to get close to Suicune!


"Six tails, use jet flames!"

This time, Lu Cheng rented a professional training venue.

Although money is wasting every minute and every second, Lu Cheng, who is pressed for time, can no longer take care of so much.

He had to let the six tails master more advanced fire energy as soon as possible.


The little guy shouted and raised his six fiery red tails majestically.

A red light appeared on his body, and a hot jet of flame swept toward the target.

The target was ten meters away, and the flames reached three-quarters of the way to exhaustion.

Although it is still less than ten meters, it has been greatly improved compared to the original five-meter range of the six tails!

Lu Cheng touched Liuwei's head, "Good job!"

Liuwei smiled and rubbed Lu Cheng's palm with his opened the system, and Lu Cheng observed the data of several elves.

In the skill list of the six tails, the jet flame has reached the level of "proficient".

Right now, the little guy has mastered the four moves of jetting fire, repaying gratitude, supernatural power, and defending.

Skilled Skills Include: Deception, Spooky Light

Skills to master include: shadow clone, ghost fire, cry...

And the forest lizard is proficient in five moves: see through, flash of lightning, high-speed movement, Iai slash, and leaf blade.

Skilled skills include: shadow clone, continuous cut

Mastery skills include: Super Absorb...

The ever-changing monster named "Slime" will still only "transform".

After transforming into a small fist stone, the slime can use the two moves "rounding" and "hardening".

The former is to increase the defense power of the armor, and the latter is to protrude sharp stone thorns.

It can be seen as two forms of transformation.

However, the Slime's autonomous combat capability is still very worrying.

After summarizing the information, Lu Cheng looked at Liuwei.

After pondering, Lu Cheng took out three fire gems from his bag.


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