My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 126: "throwing" discs

Fairy Pavilion!

The first thing that catches the eye is the huge specimen of the ice and snow dragon.

It seems that there is no air conditioner in this hall, or the specimen is directly used as a refrigeration device.

The surviving ice and snow dragon has the power to operate the low temperature of minus 150 degrees.

From the outside, the ice giant dragon looks like an ordinary herbivorous dinosaur.

Blue crusty skin without scales, with a slender neck and two translucent fins on the side of the neck.

Its body was covered with ice crystal-like growths, like small raised sarcoid, and like sapphire, which made Lu Cheng's heart flutter.

The commentator's voice sounded: "This is the latest success of the Antarctic scientific research team. It is reported that the ice and snow dragon was fighting with an unknown columnar elf at that time. After being frozen into an ice sculpture, it was brought back by the scientific research staff. specimen."

In the elves exhibition hall, most of them are some fossil resurrection technologies.

These elves, resurrected by modern technology, are placed in showcases for display.

The thorny ammonite beast, like the old ruler, made Lu Cheng shudder just by looking at it.

The thorny carapace is like a hermit crab. A pool of blue liquid slowly extended from the carapace.

The pool of liquid gradually condensed, revealing a pair of indescribable eyes.

The mouth is divided into four petals, the lips are densely packed with barbs, and inside the cavity, there is a chilling fine fluff squirming.

Feeling the prying eyes from outside the glass cabinet, the spiny ammonite stretched out its sticky tentacles, and suddenly lashed against the cabinet wall,

It arched up sharply, waving countless tentacles and whispering "hiss".

Lu Cheng quickly turned to the next showcase.

The Fossil Helmet showcase is much quieter.

A hard rock lay quietly in the sink.

Lu Cheng exhaled, the fossil helmet isn't so ghostly!

As a result, the fossil helmet suddenly trembled violently, revealing scarlet eyes.

The next moment, it actually stood up!

It stood up with its own barbed chest feet!

The lower limbs of the horseshoe crab are very penetrating, much thicker than the thoracic feet of spiders.

Lu Cheng got goosebumps and decided not to stay in the fossil area.

At the exit, is a huge fossilized pterosaur model.

Lu Cheng, who wanted to leave, was attracted by this fossilized pterosaur.

Dinosaur-shaped head, sharp fangs, and a pair of purple wings are domineering.

Just by looking at it, a feeling of oppression like a sky overlord came to his face.

Lu Cheng nodded slowly, this fossilized pterosaur is a handsome one.

In Lu Cheng's eyes, the already mighty elf became even more domineering.

"Below, the rare elf, the elf egg of the Flying Dragon, is on display for everyone!"

A elf egg with gray spots was displayed on a soft cushion.

There will be an auction later, but Lu Cheng is not very interested in it, so he left the hall with his senior sister.

I can't even buy it after seeing it!

As soon as I walked out of the clubhouse, the heat wave hit my face.

"Do you want to eat ice cream?" Looking at a Bingduoduo booth with its own air conditioner, Lu Cheng's eyes lit up.

Before senpai could agree, Maville jumped out of the Poke Ball herself.

With big eyes oozing blood and tears, he stared straight at Bingduoduo, and a drop of saliva dripped from the terrifying big mouth above his head.

"Bring Maville to buy it." Senior Sister smiled, "I want one too!"

Lu Cheng held Maville's little paw, carrying six tails on one shoulder and a slime on the other, and walked to the booth.

In front of the booth, Lu Cheng also released the forest lizards.

As a result, this kid thought that he was still training today, and he subconsciously chopped up and almost chopped Ice Duoduo into a smoothie.

Two people and five elves, holding ice cream, walked into the trade fair hall that Lu Cheng was talking about.

Different from other quiet exhibition halls, the trade fair hall is full of people, with the sounds of selling and bargaining one after another.

"The tree fruit is cheap! There are 400 cherries and spare ones! 800 grapefruits!"

"Four cards to defend? Is there a mistake? I just spent three cards to defend when I bought Yanhui from another stall!"

"Fresh moo milk! Freshly baked angry buns! Delicious soda, juice milk everything!"

"Boss, how do you sell sweets here?"

The guild hall was divided into booths. Looking around, Lu Cheng was dazzled by the dazzling array of props placed on the booths.

In the trade hall, in order to prevent disputes, trainers are not allowed to summon spirits.

In a fiery atmosphere, even if the air-conditioning is turned on to the maximum, it is useless.

Lu Cheng said with shame: "There are so many people!"

Senior Sister nodded and said with a smile, "Didn't you keep talking about coming here, what do you want to buy?"

"Let's turn around first!"

A booth specializing in skill CDs displays CDs of different colors.

Because there is an anti-theft code, if you don't unlock it, the CD will be useless at all, and the boss doesn't worry about being stolen.

He cheerfully said to Lu Cheng, "Little brother, look, what do you want?"

There are some common CDs on the store, such as help, provocation and other CDs that are roughly priced at 1.

2 On the disc that he held, Lu Cheng saw an electromagnetic wave, the force of nature with different effects depending on the venue.

There are also powerful moves, such as iron tail, digging holes, and these prices are all kept at 3.

It's a pity, I can't even buy it.

Lu Cheng still had more than 200,000 yuan left, so he could only buy 1 move to defend.

Seeing Lu Cheng going back and forth for inspections in the 1st holding area, the stall owner smiled and said, "Little brother, the good things have already been picked out by others!"

"I got an anger and a stand-in before, and I sold them all. You are late!"

Anger doesn't have much effect on Lu Cheng, but the stand-in can be reserved for other elves.

Hearing that the substitute was sold, Lu Cheng sighed.

Sure enough, the trainers are all rich!

"Which CD did you like?" Senior Sister said softly,

"I can make an advance for you first."

"No..." Just as Lu Cheng was about to decline, his eyes fell on a CD placed in the corner.

The plain gray disc, placed in the 1st holding area, obviously no one cares.


This skill disc can perfectly match the light-loading characteristics of forest lizards!

The point is, its price is affordable!

"Boss, how much is this CD?"

The boss glanced at "Throw" and said with a smile, "I've been putting this one for a long time, and no one wants it."

"I heard that throwing tree fruit will cost a lot of money. Those trainers are very distressed."

"If you want, keep it and take it!"

Lu Cheng didn't hold the CD, which made him a little embarrassed.

"Didn't keep it?" The boss widened his eyes, "That's not possible!"

"The paper money thing didn't keep its value, what if it fell!"

Lu Cheng scratched his head. At this moment, Lao Liang walked over from the Hey, Brother Du, you are not being authentic, so let people use money, anyway, no one wants your CD! "

Seeing Lao Liang, the stall owner was taken aback, looked at Lu Cheng and Lao Liang, and said with a smile:

"If Brother Liang opens his mouth, you don't need to hold and exchange this CD, just transfer the money to me!"

Due to the high price of skill CDs, shopkeepers are reluctant to use money as an equivalent.

One is that transactions require a lot of handling fees, and the other is inflation.

In the end, under the guarantee of Lao Liang, Lu Cheng bought "Throw" with a compromise of 16W.

"Thank you, Brother Liang!" Lu Cheng grinned.

"It doesn't matter!" Lao Liang waved his hand and said with a smile,

"There is someone looking after my booth, what else do you want to buy, tell me!"

"With my old Liang here, I'm sure you won't be fooled!"

Lao Liang is a warm-hearted man, which is why his business is so prosperous.

Also, to thank Lu Cheng for helping him last time.

Lu Cheng smiled and nodded. At this moment, a loud peeping came over.

"The King of the Glitter Carp, the King of the Golden Carp! It's a cheap sale!"


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