My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 140: Gongsun Rong's rescue

Before you know it, dark clouds hang over the highway.

The dark clouds like ink are about to come down, and the howling of the north wind can be heard from a distance.

Along with the strong wind and torrential rain, a flash of lightning flashed through the dark clouds and exploded above Lu Cheng's head.

Lu Cheng shivered, and the system sound came from his ear.

"Ding - Discovery Mission "Road Rescue"

Mission objective: Assist the association to complete the road blockade and rescue.

Mission reward: 10 potential points, 5W cash, attack enhancer”

In front of the highway, the captain in a raincoat shouted through a loudspeaker:

"Don't get close, everyone is back in the car, it's very dangerous here!"

As if to confirm the captain's words, a wave exploded on the dam behind him, and the huge wave was even several meters higher than the dam!

The captain threw himself to the ground, clenched his helmet tightly, and yelled at the same time:

"Everyone, retreat back!"

"The cars in the back have all hit, how can you back up!"

"That's right, why didn't you explain the danger in advance!"

The uncle and aunt's face became ashen, her body trembled uncontrollably, and she questioned the captain loudly.

"There's a car coming here from behind!"

The captain's face was pale, and at this moment, the figure of a young man rushed to the front from the crowd.

Lu Cheng took out the ID of the Armed Forces Department from his arms and stuffed it into the captain's hands, shouting:

"Are you from the association?"

The captain lowered his head in a daze, his eyes lit up when he saw the words of the Armed Forces Department.

But seeing Lu Cheng's green face, his excitement was replaced by a wry smile.

"Young man, hurry up to the car!"

"It's too dangerous here, don't go any further!"

Looking at this honest captain, Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and snatched the loudspeaker from his hand.

"Everyone, the situation is urgent, please get back to your car immediately."

"There is an elf riot in Qianjiang, which is very dangerous. Please keep calm, the association will do everything in its power to protect everyone!"

Fudge LV2!

This skill made Lu Cheng's voice seem to have a layer of magic.

The uncles and aunts who were panicked at first also became quiet when they heard Lu Cheng's words.

"That boy, is it Lu Cheng?"

"It seems so, oh yo, it's so dangerous to go so far ahead!"

Uncle Wang, who was wearing a Bobo hat, rushed to the bus and shouted, "Everyone, go back to the car, someone will take care of it!"

"Yes, yes, go back!"

The people surrounding the road were startled and scattered, and they rushed back to their cars.

Only the thunder continued to explode, and the heavy rain fell on Lu Cheng's face.

The captain looked at the young man beside him in amazement. He didn't expect this young man to have such courage.

He gritted his teeth and yelled at the people around him, "Everyone, pull up the cordon!"

"You, you, and you, go to the highway to see if there are any comatose people!"

Lu Cheng frowned and looked worriedly at the roaring tide.

The danger has not yet been resolved. Right now, including Lu Cheng, may be swallowed up by this monstrous wave!


"what sound!"

Lu Cheng's complexion turned pale, and he raised his head unconsciously. The boulders were rapidly falling from the steep slope!


"Nine tails, hold on!"

"Forest lizard, see through!"

Lu Cheng threw the two Poké Balls in one breath.

The forest lizard's eyes narrowed, and a sword split the gravel in half.

The nine tails pushed open the green barrier.

However, facing the boulders falling like an avalanche is still useless!

"damn it!"

The captain's face twisted, and he shouted, "Everyone, stop the stone with the elves!"

One after another red light scattered in the rain and fog.

Froggrass, Zhichong Xiong, Ba Dadie... all the elves neighed, holding back the falling rocks with their own bodies!

At this moment, an icicle struck from a distance and hit the top of the mountain!

The huge rock peak was broken by the middle, like a falling sword of Damocles, stabbing the vehicle from the air!

Lu Cheng's pupils dilated, at this moment, he no longer had any means to stop the boulder!

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, Arm Hammer!"

At this moment, a rough roar came.


A huge black shadow fell from the sky, and the whole road seemed to tremble. The super-iron tyrannosaurus covered in khaki armor roared towards the boulder!

Those arms with exploding muscles burst out with dazzling white light!

The super iron tyrannosaurus collided with the boulder, and with just one punch, the boulder was smashed into pieces!

The highway vibrated, and a man came standing on King Nido's body, folded his arms, and had a serious face.

Explosive muscles, iconic beard.

"Gongsun Rong!" Lu Cheng lost his voice.

The Super Iron Tyrannosaurus landed, blocking the flying rubble with its huge body.

And Gongsun Rong also came to the captain and Lu Cheng at this time.

"I received a notice that there are people in distress here." Gongsun Rong said solemnly to the captain.

Perhaps thinking that Lu Cheng was too young, he glanced at Lu Cheng and frowned.

"Mr. Gongsun, I'm Lu Cheng! I asked you for advice at the U20 opening ceremony!"

Gongsun Rong was stunned for a moment, and immediately fell into thought.

For a moment, his brows stretched out, he looked at Nine Tails and nodded slowly, showing a rare smile:

"Why are you here?"

Lu Cheng was also complaining at the moment.

To complete the mission!

Sui Jun was behind him at the moment, and he could even hear the roar of the divine beast.

However, the howling rainstorm and the monstrous waves prevented Lu Cheng from approaching, and he was at a loss right now!

"Now is not the time to reminisce." Gongsun Rong looked behind him worriedly and said:

"I came all the way just now, and the vehicles behind were already in a mess."

The captain shouted, "I'll send someone to evacuate at the back!"

"No need." Gongsun Rong frowned, "There is a faster way."

A huge roar came, Gongsun Rong's King Nido and the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus each lifted a retrograde car and placed them on the right track.

And Gongsun Rong sat on the back of King Nido, holding a loudspeaker and said:

"Everyone, stay in the car and don't move, otherwise no one can save you!"

Lu Cheng looked at this scene with shame.

This seems to be a more effective way?

For the fierce Gongsun Rong, people were silent, even if they saw their car being lifted, they didn't dare to speak at all.

They didn't dare to get back into the car tremblingly until the fierce **** nodded to them.

It seems that no one will be hanging out on the highway anymore.

"Ding - Mission 'Road Rescue' completed..."

Right now, Lu Cheng can completely choose to retreat.

However, after looking behind him, Lu Cheng's eyes flashed with ruthlessness.

Just withdraw like this, how can you be willing!

Anyway, I have to get the ten-point value of the quest reward!

Just take a look and retreat immediately!

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and re-buckled the slime's Poke Ball on his belt.

"Captain, I'll leave it to you here!" Lu Cheng shouted loudly.

"No problem!" The captain responded subconsciously, but was suddenly stunned.

Looking at Lu Cheng's back, the captain shouted:

"Little brother, what are you doing, come back quickly!"

However, a huge wave came from the side of the dam and instantly drowned out the captain's words.

In the hazy rain and fog, he saw Lu Cheng wave at him, and a fierce man ran towards the lower shore.

"Crazy, really crazy!"

The captain twitched his lips and called his boss.

"Hey, team leader, there's a boy running towards you!"

"That's right, he's the only one!"

Just as the captain was reporting, a huge shadow passed over his head.

Sharp spines all over his body, black scales, two missile-shaped horns...

Gongsun Rong's eyes narrowed, and he shouted, "Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, knock it down!"


The Super Iron Tyrannosaurus let out a roar, the rock-like muscles swelled up sharply, and a domineering energy gathered in its hands!

Rock Cannon!

This shot directly hit the Bite Lu Shark!


The bite land shark let out a scream, its eyes turned blood red, and two missile-shaped horns suddenly burst out with a powerful airflow!

Facing Gongsun Rong, Lie bites Lu Shark and spreads his sharp fangs. The spindle-shaped dragon tail makes a thunderbolt in the air and swoops down!

The captain stared blankly at this scene. This scene, like the arrival of a dragon god, gave him a deep shock!

However, Gongsun Rong didn't close or blink, wrapped his arms and snorted coldly:

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, hold on!"

The Bite Land Shark hit the green barrier, and its blood-red eyes could be seen up close.

Dragon's swooping, unexpectedly failed to break it!

Gongsun Rong showed a smile.

Gongsun Rong's signature tactic, defensive counterattack!

And this time Gongsun Rong also brought King Nido.

"King Nido, use the poison!"

King Nido, who was under the seat, suddenly spewed a purple mist from his mouth.

At such a close distance, it was unavoidable to bite the land shark, and its body was instantly dyed purple!


Lie Bite Lu Shark curled up into a ball in pain, turned around and swung a dragon claw!

However, this time it hit the substitute of King Nido!

Gongsun Rong had already leaped onto the Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, stroked his thick beard, and shouted:

"Super Iron Tyrannosaurus, Horn Drill!"

At the critical moment, the fierce bite land shark suddenly smashed King Nido away, and flew into the heavy rain at an astonishing speed.

Looking at the fierce bite Lu Shark fleeing into the clouds, Gongsun Rong frowned.

Forget it, as long as there are no casualties.

Gongsun Rong sighed, and suddenly, the roaring roar in his ears stopped!

Gongsun Rong was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked into the heavy rain.

In that wave, Sui Jun was nowhere to be seen!



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