My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 142: Captured Suicune (1/3)

A deafening moo!

Like a tiger descending the mountain, Kentaro, whose eyes were red, roared and charged towards Lucario!

Like a mountain shaking the ground, every step of it tramples on the ground, as if it were of great importance.

Give yourself up for a collision!

No one could have imagined that a Kentaro would have such speed and destructive power!

Even the blind old man couldn't react for a while.

In an instant, Kentaro was close at hand, and the broken horn slammed into Lucario!

The blind old man's expression changed slightly, and he said, "Lucario, see you!"

Lucario's werewolf-like face was full of ruthlessness and determination.

Facing Kentaro with red eyes, Lucario centered his fists and grabbed the pair of horns!

However, Lu Wanqian smiled and said, "It's your move that I'm waiting for!"

Kentaro's bull's eye, the size of a copper bell, was suddenly covered with bloodshots, and its momentum skyrocketed, literally overturning Lucario!

The bull's horn slammed into Lucario's chest, and with a clatter, the blood immediately stained Kentaro's face.

Its whole body has been covered by blood-colored light, and only anger and fury are left in its eyes.

Angry acupuncture point feature, after being hit at the key point, the physical attack increases by 6 levels!

"Kentaro, use the inverse scale!"

Lu Wanqian's voice, like a broken gong, penetrated thunderstorms and showers.

Kentaro shouted up to the sky, the sharp horns pierced Lucario's chest, and rammed Lucario against the dam made of high stone!

The dam that had resisted the raging tide for hundreds of years and never collapsed, was knocked into a huge crater by Kentaro!

The blind old man's chest hurt, and he said hoarsely, "Old man, the way you say hello has not changed."

Lu Wanqian glared at the blind old man and shouted:

"Why are you here to get involved in this muddy water!"

"I only do what I think is right."

The old man took a deep breath, and a dazzling blue light burst out from his hand!

The torrential rain and the roaring tide in front of us are not as great as the threat posed by this beam of light!

Lu Wanqian's expression changed, he knew exactly what this blue light meant.

The power of waveguide!

Everything has a waveguide, and the power of the waveguide is the energy that cites the world.

A combination of detection, destruction, and healing, God-given ability!

"Guo Zi, take down this old man quickly!" Lu Wanqian roared.

Guo Zhang also knew that the situation was critical at this time, but at this moment, a sharp pain came from his chest.

His vision blurred for a while, and he smiled bitterly: "Master, I seem to be hurt."

Saying that, Guo Zhang coughed up a large pool of blood.

Just now, Lucario's bone stick almost broke Guo Zhang's sternum!

That blue light fell into the dying Lucario's body.

With the fusion of light, the blood hole in Lucario's chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It suddenly opened its eyes!

With the earth-shattering roar, Lu Cheng's complexion changed.

This is Kentaro's cry!

"Brother Liu, I have to go there right away!"

Liu Shengnan's face turned pale, but he didn't have any strength to stop Lu Cheng.

Looking at Lu Cheng who was far away, she gritted her teeth and threw the Pokeball in her arms.

"Dolby, follow, and protect him if necessary!"

The heavy rain hit Lu Cheng's face, and the huge waves around him seemed to devour him at any time.

"Remaining time until the task abandonment confirmation: 19:27 seconds."

Hearing the system's prompt, Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but want to curse.

"In order to ensure the safety of the host's life, please confirm the host's abandonment of the mission as soon as possible!"

"Give up a ghost!"

Lu Cheng cursed loudly, looking at the gradually thinning rain and fog in front of him, his eyes searched anxiously.


Looking at the people coming in the rainstorm, Lu Wanqian was stunned for a moment, and then he shouted:

"Chengcheng, it's very dangerous here, step back!"

Lu Cheng's eyes quickly looked around on the battlefield.

Lucario and Kentaro who were fighting together, Guo Zhang and Kyuubi who were bruised...

The enemy should be the old man!

Looking at the old man without an elf beside him, Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and said:

"I'm sorry, I offended you!"

"Go, Nine-Tailed, Forest Lizard!"


The gorgeous golden light is so dazzling in this dark rainstorm.

However, the forest lizard did not make a sound.

It stared blankly at the old man, and the sword in his hand couldn't help shaking.

Lu Cheng also obviously noticed something was wrong with the forest lizard, and he suddenly looked at the old man.

"It is you."

It seemed that he felt a familiar wave, and a smile appeared on the corner of the old man's mouth.

"Long time no see, Mu Shougong."


The forest lizard's body couldn't help shaking, but the next second, he clenched the bone sword in his hand.

It is now Lu Cheng's elf!

Lu Cheng suddenly understood that this old man should be the old man who taught Mu Shougong swordsmanship.

I didn't expect to meet you in this situation!

Lu Cheng took out the Poke Ball and wanted to recall the forest lizard, but found that the forest lizard avoided the red light.

"Forest lizard!" Lu Cheng said in surprise.

"Oh, you want to challenge me?"

The old man smiled, as if recalling the days when he was free in Yulin.


The forest lizard's eyes were firm, and he slowly raised the bone sword.

In Yulin, it has always been taken care of by the elderly, whether it is state of mind or swordsmanship.

But no matter what, the forest lizard couldn't defeat the old man in front of him.

He is like a big mountain, giving the forest lizards endless reverence and a sense of powerlessness.

However, the forest lizards now have such a vague feeling.

It's getting stronger!

Now it has the ability to fight with the old man!

It has to prove itself. As Lu Cheng's elf, it has also been greatly improved.

"Yes, you have indeed become stronger." The old man smiled and nodded.

"Then, I agree to your challenge."

Saying that, the old man took the white blade from his waist.

With the scabbard in hand, the old man's aura suddenly changed.

If it was said that he was just a withered old man, but now, he is like an unsheathed sword, showing an icy cold glow!

"Come on, let me see your growth!"

The old man held the sword and assumed the posture of Iai.

This was the first and only trick that the old man taught Mu Shougong.

I cut it together!


The forest lizard's eyes narrowed, and it suddenly burst into an astonishing speed.

Lightning flashes!

At the same time, it raised the blade in its hand and swung at the old man with the same move!

The same posture, the same Iai Slash!

Lu Cheng gritted his teeth, but he did not choose to command the forest lizard.

He knew that this was the forest lizard's own choice.

This is the knot in its heart, and it can only be solved by itself!

The two long swords seemed to tear the night apart!

Between the electric light and flint, a dazzling fire burst out!

Then, the old man blocked the forest lizard with one sword!

Star blue sparks burst out, and the old man nodded in satisfaction.

"It's time to teach you the true meaning of Ihe Slash."

The forest lizard tightly grasped the hilt of the sword, daring not to be careless in the slightest.

"Remember what I told you, living together becomes one, seeing and cutting into two, what is three?"

The old man did not continue speaking, but the white blade in his hand suddenly drew a graceful arc.

There was a click, lightning flashed, and a thunderous explosion sounded.

The forest lizard stood dumbfounded.

That sword was so fast that it had no room to react at all.

With a "bang" sound, its tiger's mouth shook, and the bone sword in its hand fell to the ground.

Sword dance!

Lu Cheng stared at this move in astonishment.

What did he just see?

This old man, with the long sword in his hand, used the sword dance?

"Sword Dance: Raise the elf's physical attack by two levels."

Even if Lu Cheng sees it wrong, the systematic analysis will not go wrong!

Humans, using elf moves?

Coach, I want to learn this trick too!

Forest Lizard was stunned for a moment, then closed his eyes suddenly, recalling the old man's actions just now.

In the rainy night, its body suddenly moved involuntarily.

A graceful dance, a cold sword intent!

The forest lizard did not choose to pick up the bone but swung it at the old man with the blade in its hand!

At this moment, there was a piercing roar, like the cry of the sea.

The forest lizard's movements were stagnant.

Even the old man was stunned and looked towards the center of the tide.

"Time to confirm task abandonment: 14:11 seconds"

The fog finally dissipated.

Under dynamic vision, Lu Cheng captured the black elf.

A grinning man with horns all over his body, like Gengar, the **** of death, holding a high-grade yellow ball in his mouth, rushing straight towards Su Jun like a sharp arrow!

And that Suicune was already covered in scars, and even his roaring sound seemed to be whimpering!

Geng Gui flew into Sui Jun, and the high-level ball in his mouth suddenly included Sui Jun!


"Has the rain stopped?" Liu Shengnan, who was anxious and restless by the river, suddenly raised his head in surprise.

Taking off the hood, a ray of sunlight quietly leaked out from the dark clouds.

Liu Shengnan stared blankly at Qian Jiang, which suddenly cleared, but a chill appeared in his heart for no reason.

At this moment, the high-level ball in Geng Gui's mouth made a light "click" sound.


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