My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 145: The Evolution of Mornini Essay

After Qian Jiang's mission was over, Lu Cheng had nothing else to do, so he was driven home by Guo Zhang.

The interrogation of Pei Qi and the old man will be handed over to professional personnel.

Although Lu Cheng was very curious about the identity of the old man, both Guo Zhang and his grandfather had expressions of taboo.

In desperation, Lu Cheng had no choice but to go home first.

"Chengcheng, you're back!"

Hearing his mother's familiar call, Lu Cheng couldn't help showing a smile.

Sure enough, it still feels good at home!

"How is it, did Qian Jiang have a good time?" Dad Lu laughed while reading the newspaper.

"It's okay." Lu Cheng showed a strange look.

Returning to his room, Lu Cheng checked the harvest this time.

"Host: Lu Cheng

HP: 25

Physical Attack: 23

Defense: 20

Special Attack: 24

Special Defense: 21

Speed: 30

Potential points to be allocated: 0

Balance: 10W”

"The Incarnation of the North Wind" gave Lu Cheng a random value of ten points, raising the speed to the threshold of 30.

Going up, it takes ten potential points to increase the value by one point.

And if you exchange it with cash, it is one hundred thousand yuan for a little value.

This can't help but let Lu Cheng take a deep breath, and instantly gave up the idea of ​​exchanging money for attribute points.

In addition to the numerical value, this Lu Cheng also got a can of "attack enhancer", a mysterious water drop, and a "surfing" CD.

The mysterious water droplets lying quietly in the system space are flowing with beautiful waves.

From the appearance, it is a blue drop-shaped gemstone, which has the effect of enhancing the elf water-type moves.

However, like surfing, Lu Cheng doesn't have a suitable elves to use right now.

"Keep it for now." Lu Cheng murmured, "The evolution of the ferocity is still a long way off."

On this trip to Qianjiang, the main achievement of the cruelty was to slap Pei Qi hard.

Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any place to earn experience points.

Looking at the dull-eyed golden carp king in the sink, Lu Cheng couldn't help shaking his head.

"Attack enhancer", Lu Cheng didn't plan to take it by himself.

Last time, there was still half of the can of defense enhancer left. Besides, Lu Cheng didn't really plan to fight meleely.

Opening the can of "Attack Enhancer", a fragrant scent hits the nostrils.

Lu Cheng scooped a spoon into the water tank of the King Carp, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he flew towards the floc.

This time, the biggest improvement was the Nine Tails and the Forest Lizard.

Nine tails learned "hypnosis", while forest lizards learned "sword dance".

Although the forest lizard was a little down after the duel with the old man, it has now been adjusted.

Slime's Bibi bird form has also become more and more proficient, and has successfully mastered "Lightning Flash" and "Wind".

Looking at his elf, Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.


"Chengcheng, you're going to college tomorrow, are you sure you're going alone?"

Looking at Lu Cheng who was packing her luggage, Lu Ma said nervously.

"Is it alright? It's not a child anymore." Lu Cheng smiled.

"Besides, there will be a bus to pick you up!"

The two campuses of Jiangnan University are both located in Jiangcheng, and it is only two hours away from Lu Cheng's house.

For elves with a flying certificate, it is more convenient, half an hour is enough.

Mother Lu was still a little hesitant, but Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Alright, alright, go out, I'll do it myself!"

"Kyuubi, help me get the box!"


Under the influence of supernatural powers, Nine Tails' eyes glowed with purple light, and he easily took down the high box.

Mother Lu opened her mouth and was speechless for a while.

"Wife, come and serve the dishes!"

The practice banquet for Lu Cheng was jointly completed by Lu Dad and the duck-billed fire dragon.

For this dinner, Dad Lu also specially bought fresh dumb animal tails from the vegetable market and made them into braised stew.

The soft glutinous and delicious dumb animal tail was hooked with red juice, which was fresh and salty and delicious, Lu Cheng couldn't help but eat two more bowls of rice.

That night, Lu Cheng received a call from Su Xiangrou.

"The paper on the evolution of moves is almost finished." Su Xiangrou went straight to the topic and said,

"There is some data that needs your help."

"Wait, I don't know anything about this!"

"It's very simple. Just combine the sprites you mentioned last time with the data I sent you."

Lu Cheng had no choice but to sit down at the computer desk, holding the phone while watching the data sent by Su Xiangrou.

The format is perfect, and now, we just need to embed specific sprite examples.

Su Xiang Judo:

"The last time we cooperated with my uncle, it was a conjecture about the evolution of elves about moves."

"And this time, it's a solid argument!"

Looking at the data sent by Su Xiangrou, Lu Cheng said at a loss:

"Have you completed the Mornini analysis?"

"That's right, about the Manini you mentioned last time, it is indeed an evolution of moves."

Su Xiangrou was silent for a while and said:

"I would like to publish two papers at the same time, one on the vine monster and the one on Mornini."

"The one about the vine monster, belongs to me. The one about Monini, it's yours."

"Is this already looking for a shooter?" Lu Cheng said ashamed.

"So, you need to complete the discussion process yourself." Su Xiangrou said with a light smile,

"After all, you brought up the example of Mornini, and I just did a sample analysis for you."

"When the time comes, I and you will publish the paper at the same time, which will be quite interesting."

Lu Cheng hesitated for a while, after all, this was also a very precious opportunity for him.

"It's alright, just treat it as a gift for your evolution data." Su Xiangrou smiled, "Forgot to tell you, my polygonal beast has already evolved."

"That's fine." Lu Cheng was not polite, and said in deep thought, "I will write it down according to the format and send it to you?"

"No need, just write your own name and send it to Elf Science."

"If you don't mind, I'll revise it for you before publishing it."

"After all, there are some professional terms and English words that need to be paid attention to."

Regarding Su Xiangrou's kindness, Lu Cheng nodded and said:

"Thank you very much this time. If you have a chance, I will invite you to dinner!"

Su Xiangrou on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment, then smiled:

"If these two papers can be successfully published, we will see you at the scientific research conference in November."

"At that time, I might be invited to be a representative of young scientific research!"

"Okay, thank you this time!"

Hang up the Cheng let out a long sigh of relief.

Facing the dense data and blank word documents, Lu Cheng murmured:

"Everyone has helped with this. I can't tell if I don't work hard."

Although it is a professional paper, Su Xiangrou has already helped Lu Cheng to summarize the format.

All Lu Cheng has to do is to combine the data of Monini with the corresponding instances.

According to the memory of the previous life, Lu Cheng will also put forward a conjecture at the end of the article.

"In summary, after learning to imitate, Mornini has a chance to evolve into a magic wall puppet."

"As for the hatching of the magic wall puppet, the strange incense can increase the probability of hatching the magic nini to a certain extent."

Unconsciously, the sun was rising, looking at the dense documents, Lu Cheng couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

"Don't you also need data analysis about the hatching of the magic wall puppets?"

"Forget it, wait for the next paper to write about this topic."

There are still many unsolved mysteries in the field of scientific research in this world, but for Lu Cheng, these are not difficult problems.

Yawning, Lu Cheng packaged the documents and data into a file and sent it to Su Xiangrou.


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