My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 155: Can't break the defense! (Five/Five)

Although this eagle looks mighty and domineering, he has only mastered three skills!

Moreover, according to the analysis of the system, this eagle is a wild elf caught.

At this stage, he has only mastered three skills, which is completely useless.

The vice president of the Battle Club, wouldn't even have such a vision? Lu Cheng thought strangely.

However, hearing the cheers in his ears, Lu Cheng immediately understood Xu Hongyu's careful thoughts.

"As for it." Lu Cheng murmured, "It's enough to keep a Bobo honestly..."

"Classmate, release the elves." Xu Hongyu nodded, "Come on!"


After weighing it again and again, Lu Cheng still didn't decide to hit Xu Hongyu in the face.

Even for the purpose of "awakening power", Lu Cheng did not need to offend Xu Hongyu at this time.

Let him pretend.

Lu Cheng had a strange feeling in his heart, as if he had seen other people's dark little secrets.

"Go, little fist stone!"

The small fist stone with sesame eyes rolled around and appeared, making a crisp cry.

"M... Long!"

After struggling for a while, the slime changed his voice.

To say that Lu Cheng has a good hand against flying elves.

During the battle against Wang Er at the summer festival, Slime took the opportunity to master Bibi Bird's changing form.

I don't know if I can grasp the opportunity to transform into a statue this time.

"Little Fist Stone, I have this elf too!"

"Although the defense is good, it's not enough to look at against the eagles, right?"

"Just stick to ten rounds, I see a play!"

The discussion of the melon-eating crowd made Xu Hongyu's smile even brighter.

Just now, being kicked by Gao Chi continuously made Xu Hongyu very upset.

Now, given the rare opportunity to abuse vegetables, how could Xu Hongyu not be happy?

The so-called persistence for ten rounds is an excuse!

The real standard for recruiting new recruits is nothing more than looking at your mood!

Xu Hongyu's eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth raised, "Brother, be careful!"

"Bidiao, use your wings to attack!"

Like an eagle-like eagle, it whistled and descended from the sky, spreading its wings, and the feathers on its body rattled!

"Little fist stone, use it to harden!"

Following Lu Cheng's command, the slime's body was covered with a metallic sheen.

At the same time, sharp rock thorns protruded from its body, as if to put on a layer of anti-injury armor!

The eagle came whistling, its wings scraped fiercely on its stone, and the slime couldn't help closing his eyes.

After a long time, before the labor pains came, the slime opened his eyes, only to find that the eagle flew back into the air.

I saw it panting and flying in the air, flapping its wings and flying feathers.

"Hey, why doesn't that little fist stone see anything at all?"

"You know the shit, it's an internal injury, this is Xiao Quanshi's heart and soul!"

Lu Cheng was also stunned.

The attack of Bidiao just now didn't break the defense?

Slime's defensive power has reached this level unconsciously?

Is this slime hard, or is it softer than carving?

How could Xu Hongyu not be able to see the level of the round just now, a drop of cold sweat could not help oozing from his forehead.


This little fist stone seems to have a set of defenses!

"Bidiao, use a tornado!"

Since you can't break defenses, use special attack moves!

The special defense of Little Fist Stone is its weakness!

Let Bi Diao give up the physical attack move he is good at, and choose tornado, which is a special attack move, this is a manifestation of weakness.

However, many of the students onlookers were ordinary majors, and they all exclaimed at this moment:

"Dragon type, it's actually a dragon type move!"

"This eagle can even be used by tornadoes?"

"Hey, did I say you're serious?"

Dongzi, who is a professional trainer, also saw at this moment that there was something wrong with this Bidiao, and at this moment he couldn't help but feel ashamed,

"Don't you think that this is a bit more than carving vegetables?"

Back in the battle, Lu Cheng still chose the strategy of shrinking and defending as the tornado roared.

With the more than 20 points of special defense currently blessed by the system, plus the attributes of the slime itself, and the bonus of the blue title of the Armed Forces.

This tornado, with a power value of only 40, is like a tickling to a slime.

"There are still eight rounds." Lu Cheng murmured.

Every time he insisted on a round, it seemed like a torment to Lu Cheng!

These words fell into Xu Hongyu's ears, causing his complexion to change.

If I knew it earlier, I would use my own initial spirit!

However, how can that kind of noisy elves be comparable to the gorgeous sculptures!

The accidental capture of the eagle has always been regarded as a weapon by Xu Hongyu!

Gritting his teeth, Xu Hongyu made up his mind.

After a while, I will use my own water to explain the battle!

"Bidiao, use your wings to attack!"

"Little fist stone, harden!"

"Wing attack!"

"Be round!"


"A few more rounds, President." Lu Cheng couldn't help yawning.

In these few rounds of confrontation, Biziao has no chance of breaking the slime's defense!

Even the slime got sleepy in the end, huddled into a ball of rocks and dozed off.

But even the little fist stone under sleep, Bi Diao is still powerless!

In the end, Bi Diao chirped incompetently in the air, the feathers on his body fluttered, and even blood spilled out.

It was cut by sharp rock spikes!

This is really a joke. The defender is intact, but the attacker is injured first.

At this moment, even a student with bad eyes can see that this Bijiao is not right.

A dignified elf against the vice president of the Battle Club, he couldn't even break the defense of a freshman!

This damage to the reputation of the Zhan Club is even greater than the damage of Gao Chi's challenge of three people just now!

"It's the tenth round!" Someone in the crowd shouted.

"After another ten rounds, I guess this Beagle will bleed to death!"

Xu Hongyu took back the eagle with a sullen face and remained silent.

Lu Cheng yawned, and hurriedly took back the slime. He smiled and said, "Senior, do I count as passing the test?"

"You," Xu Hongyu said coldly, "the assessment failed!"

"I gave you so many chances for but you never attacked."

"Even if I deliberately left a loophole, you didn't notice it at all."

"Such a level is simply not enough to enter the battle club!"

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

Isn't this to give you face?

If I let the slime attack, your face will really be swollen!

Hearing Xu Hongyu's speech, the crowd suddenly burst into an uproar.

"Is that so?"

"No wonder I don't think Bidiao's state is right. It turned out to be a flaw in deliberately selling it!"

"Bah!" Dongzi in the crowd spat fiercely.

Xu Hongyu was very satisfied with everyone's reaction and said loudly, "Next contestant!"

If it is such a battle club, Lu Cheng has no plans to participate.

Shrugging, Lu Cheng, who was about to leave, was blocked by a large figure.

A roar interrupted Xu Hongyu's one-man show.


Yuan Hongliang stood up from the crowd and glared angrily at Xu Hongyu.



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