My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 157: The White Moonlight of the Breeding Club

Due to the fragrance of Sweet Dance Ni, the front of the tent of the breeding club was already crowded with people.

Headed by a tall and thin boy, he handed a piece of cake to the school girl in front of him and smiled, "Please take your time!"

Looking at this gentle handsome guy, the eyes of the school girls turned into love.

"God, so handsome, I'm dead!"

"The president of the breeding club can actually make sweets. This is too perfect!"

The president's voice was very magnetic. He smiled and said, "The juniors and juniors in the back don't worry. You can take the completed registration form and come to me to get a piece of cake."

Smelling this fragrant cake, Dongzi's saliva almost came out.

He wiped the corners of his mouth and said, "Brother Cheng, why don't we go and ask for a registration form?"

"What's the market price of a soufflé?" Lu Cheng asked with a strange face.

"How can I say it, it's more than ten yuan!" Dongzi said after a while.


In the blink of an eye, Lu Cheng had already squeezed into the long queue.

Looking at Lu Cheng, who was one step ahead, Dongzi patted his thigh and said, "Damn, Brother Cheng, you are absolutely amazing!"

Most of the people in the queue were girls, who were chatting and discussing while staring at the president.

"The more you look, the more handsome you are. Senior Wei Ran is really my white moonlight!"

"Come on, let's lose 60 kilograms first!"

The two moving girls in front took the cake from Wei Ran's hands almost tearfully.

But Wei Ran's face did not show the slightest impatience, and the corner of his mouth still had that warm smile.

"Hello, your macaron."

As the team approached, Lu Cheng looked at the tent of the breeding club curiously.

There was an oven on the table, and several girls were making dough.

And Wei Ran's sweet dancer tap danced on the flour ball, and the glittering crumbs shook off her body.

Although this substance can theoretically increase the sweetness of the cake, no matter how Lu Cheng looks at it, he always thinks it looks like dandruff.

The two green leaves on top of Sweet Dance Ni's head are like twin ponytails, swaying up and down with her dancing posture.

And the "dandruff" on it also shakes off more and more.

Lu Cheng's expression became strange.

"Hello, what cake do you want?"

When it was Lu Cheng's turn, Wei Ran smiled.

Lu Cheng's thought of wanting a cake has been completely dispelled, but a strong emotional fluctuation suddenly came from the Nine Tails in the Poke Ball.

"A berry cake, please!"

"It's alright." Wei Ran said with a smile, "Speaking of which, there are very few boys in the breeding club."

"I wonder if you are interested in joining the breeding club."

After speaking, Wei Ran smiled and said: "Of course this registration form doesn't matter, the most important thing is to see your own choice."

Lu Cheng said in surprise: "Then why do you want to exchange the registration form for cakes, senior?"

"Cast a wide net!" Wei Ran said with a smile, "Of course, I'm already very happy just because more people can taste the delicious food."

Could this man be an angel?

Looking at Wei Ran, who seemed to be radiating golden light all over, Lu Cheng was blinded by this shining aura.

Damn handsome guy!

"Your berry cake!" Wei Ran handed the packaged cake to Lu Cheng and said with a smile, "By the way, you can read this brochure for the details of the breeding club."

"In addition to food, the production of elf cubes is the biggest feature of our breeding club!"

Lu Cheng took the booklet curiously, and was rushed away from the team by the crazy school girls behind.

"Brother Cheng, how do you feel?" Dongzi approached Lu Cheng with a strange look.

"How do you say it..." Lu Cheng scratched his head and said, "It feels like he has been cured."

"I'm asking about cake!" Dongzi's eyes widened.

"Fuck, Brother Cheng, why are you blushing!"

Lu Cheng coughed awkwardly and said, "Refreshed!"

"But speaking of it, this president really has some standards." Dongzi looked at the booklet, touched his chin, and said:

"The main starting player of the school team has won four gym badges, and he is also a senior nutritionist and an intermediate coordinator."

"Damn it, is this a human!" Dongzi shouted, "How can this make other people live!"

Hearing the words of the senior nutritionist, Lu Cheng frowned instead.

Being able to obtain a senior nutritionist means that Wei Ran has been able to skillfully use the high-end speed of the fruit mixer.

However, Lu Cheng is now stuck at the top speed of the mid-range and has never been able to break through.

Perhaps, if you ask this senior for advice, you might get any chance.

After saying goodbye to Dongzi, Lu Cheng made an appointment with Gao Chi for dinner and shared his thoughts with him.

"Feeding Club?" Gao Chi Gujing Bubo's face showed a hint of surprise, "Aren't you going to join the Battle Club?"

"You have already joined the battle club, there can only be one best newcomer!" Lu Cheng sighed, "Besides, I think that vice president is very upset!"

Gao Chi recalled Xu Hongyu and said slowly, "His strength should be similar to ours."

"Although that one is weaker than the Eagle, but in the video I played against the Zhan Club last year, his initial elf was a Duduli, and his strength should not be underestimated."

"Then why didn't he use Duduli for the assessment?" Lu Cheng asked in surprise.

"It seems that I heard that he is not compatible with his own spirit..." Gao Chi said after a while of silence.

"It's just other people's gossip, I don't know the specifics."

Not compatible with your original spirit?

Such a trainer can actually become the vice president of the Battle Club!

Lu Cheng sighed, patted Gao Chi on the shoulder and said, "Come on, you will be the president of the Battle Club next year!"

"Then what about you, have you decided to join a breeding club?" Gao Chi said solemnly.

Lu Cheng frowned and said, "Actually, my main purpose is to join the school team."

"Besides the battle club, the one that helped me the most in improving my strength should be the breeding club."

"I want to try it to see if I can master the production of advanced blocks. It will be a long process."

Gao Chi nodded and focused on eliminating the pork chop rice in front of him.

Lu Cheng handed the cake he got from Wei Ran to Jiuwei.

Kyuubi first licked it carefully, and then his eyes lit up, and he began to chew.

"The way this cake is made seems to be quite good." Lu Cheng said ashamed.

"It is estimated that it can have the effect of increasing intimacy.

"That's right!" Gao Chi suddenly raised his head from the meal and said, "We will open a new class tomorrow, it seems that the head of the department is here."

"Department chair? What class did you take?"

"Wild survival class." Gao Chi whispered, "According to the seniors who have attended, the content of this class is very abnormal."

"Let us be mentally prepared!"

"Three classes in the training department together?"


Gao Chi nodded and said, UU Reading "It will last for three days, and the class will not end until Saturday!"


In the morning, the sun is shining.

Early in the morning, more than 60 students in the training department were awakened by the whistle and came to the playground to gather.

After two weeks of military training, the freshman had an almost instinctive response to the whistle.

Although Lu Cheng did not participate in military training, he gets up at this point every day for training.

After consciously completing the team, Zhuge Hui, the squad leader of Lu Cheng's class, stepped forward and reported:

"Director of the report, there are 64 people in the training department, 61 people are actually there, the report is over!"

Du Zhe smiled and said: "The military training is over, we won't do that stuff anymore."

The squad leader blushed, the team burst into laughter, and the distance between Du Zhe and Du Zhe suddenly became much closer.

Du Zhe looked around the energetic students with satisfaction, and suddenly his eyes lit up, saying:

"That boy, yes, it's you, get out of the queue!"



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