My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 160: wild sweet sweet

Gao Chi frowned.

This energetic girl asked him to fight as soon as she came up.

"I heard that you made a big splash in recruiting new recruits against the Zhan Club!" Xiong Lingyao smiled and said, "I don't think your strength is that much!"

In the clearing of the forest, two elves were fighting together.

Gao Chi's heroic power collided with Xiong Lingyao's bucket hat mushroom, and the scene was very anxious for a while.

"This is a survival class in the wild." Gao Chi said solemnly, "Any waste of physical energy is unnecessary."

"What are you talking about!" Xiong Lingyao showed her snow-white teeth, "Since it's a training major, then fight me like a man!"

"Douglas mushroom, Sonic Fist!"

Following Xiong Lingyao's command, the Dou Li Mushroom made a shrill cry and suddenly exerted force, and the elastic fists and claws suddenly burst out with astonishing speed!

Seeing that the fist was about to land on Haoli's body, but seeing that Haoli couldn't avoid it or flicker, the fist burst into a fiery flame.


Looking at Haoli's fist, Xiong Lingyao was suddenly stunned, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from her forehead.

"Flaming Fist." Gao Chi shouted in a low voice.

I saw Haoli grabbed the fist of the Dou Li Mushroom with one hand, his body was slightly curved, and a playful smile suddenly appeared on his tile-shaped face.


A fist that was burning with flames savagely hit the belly of the tussock mushroom, causing it to let out a groan.

But Haoli's fist still didn't loosen, and the dazzling red light came back!

After a while, several coke-like fist marks appeared on the abdomen of the dou-li mushroom, and fell to the ground in pain.

"You, you!" Xiong Lingyao pointed at Gao Chi and was speechless for a while.

Gao Chi had no intention of pity Xiangxiyu, and said calmly, "Let the director come to pick you up."

"No, I have 20 points, even if I lose this game—"

Just as Xiong Lingyao took back the bamboo hat mushroom, the announcement sounded suddenly.

"Xiong Lingyao, be eliminated!"

"How is that possible!" Xiong Lingyao was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said loudly.

"Even if I fail the challenge, I will only be deducted 10 points!"

"Why?" Gao Chi frowned.

Xiong Lingyao took a breath and said, "Just now, I defeated a guy with 20 points and only got 10 points."

"I suspect that at most, you can only get points that do not exceed your total points."

"So, even if I fail, I should still have a chance!"

"It turns out to be like this." Gao Chi nodded, showed his scorecard and said, "My score just now was 20."

Xiong Lingyao's face turned pale.

"According to what you said, I can get all your 20 points." Gao Chi thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and said:

"I'm sorry, you were eliminated."

Xiong Lingyao's body softened, mist suddenly appeared in her eyes, and she pressed the button angrily.

"Goodbye!" Xiong Lingyao said with a puffed face and gritted her teeth.

"40 points." Looking at the scorecard, Gao Chi murmured, "If you beat another guy with 40 points, you should be able to finish the test right away."


People in the squad led by Zhuge Hui gradually became a little anxious.

"So many people, when will they have to wait until they can complete the task!"

"How about we two run away?"

With the passage of time, the number of members of the team has gradually reduced to eight, and most of them are girls.

But Zhuge Hui was not anxious. After dealing with an Arbor snake that suddenly jumped out, he calmly said:

"Let the walking grass anesthetize the wound first, and I will bandage it!"

Arbor is non-venomous, but the deep wound is also very scary. The girl who was bitten turned pale and almost fainted.

"Come on." Zhuge Hui whispered, "I will try to get everyone to complete the test!"

"In view of Zhuge Hui's friendly performance, add 10 points!" A broadcast sounded in the forest.

Du Zhe looked at the image on the screen and nodded with satisfaction.

This Zhuge Hui has a rare leadership ability.

But in the wild, incompetent teammates can become a drag.

At that time, what will you choose?

Du Zhe smiled and moved his gaze to Lu Cheng, who was focusing on him.

Looking at the picture, Du Zhe's expression suddenly froze.


"Damn it, such a big beehive!"

Lu Cheng looked at the densely packed, infiltrating beehives on the ancient trees, and couldn't help but get goosebumps.

A few industrious three bees, flapping their wings, carry pollen back and forth.

And the worker bees with fierce eyes are guarding the hive, their three faces are squeezed on one body, like a corpse.

"This hive should be able to produce a lot of sweetness..."

Lu Cheng smacked his lips.

Wild sweet and sweet, the price is at least 2,000 yuan per catty, and it is often difficult to find.

And wild sweet, in addition to being rich in nutritional value, it can also improve the quality of the elves and enhance the intimacy of elves.

However, looking at the dense bee colony, Lu Cheng couldn't help shedding a cold sweat.

After hesitating again and again, Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and said:

"I just left, I'm not reconciled!"

"If it's a big deal, just call that fire-breathing dragon to help!"

Lu Cheng summoned all the elves in one breath. One person and four elves hid behind the big stone and discussed the battle plan.

"Forest lizard, you can lead that group of worker bees away first, the farther away the better!"

"Slime, you support the forest lizards. If the three bees go crazy, hurry up and inform me!"

"Nine-tailed, when the bee colony is gone, use your supernatural powers to take down the hive!"

The three elves nodded in unison.

"Roar?" The carp king was stunned.

What is this uncle doing?

Lu Cheng looked at the Carp King and suddenly showed a bright smile.

This smile was so warm that the carp king shivered in the scorching September sun.

"Forest Lizard, use Throw!"


This is an unpretentious day for the three bees.

Diligent and hardworking, just to make this big family more prosperous.

However, the ruthless outsider broke this tranquility.

A carp king that fell from the sky suddenly hit Sanbee's good friend seriously and even broke his wings.

With the IQ of the three bees, it is difficult to understand why the king carp appeared in the forest.

However, this golden carp king was twitching non-stop, as if mocking them!

How could the brave soldier bee endure this!

Swarms of bees burst out of their nests and rushed to the carp king bravely and fearlessly.

Scarlet compound eyes, high-frequency flapping wings, cracked cavity--

It is bound to make this salted fish pay the price!

The carp king burst into tears.

I didn't laugh at you, I just jumped in the water with fright!

Just at the critical moment, a dark figure grabbed the carp king and ran away.

Three Bees A: Did a **** mouse slip past just now?

Three Bees B: Never mind, chase!

The dense swarms of bees flew towards the fast-moving forest lizards.

At this moment, a purple light brought the undefended hive to the grinning Lu Cheng.

"Let me be healthy!"

When the aroma came, Lu Cheng was drooling, but was startled by a figure that suddenly jumped out.

The Queen Bee was also taken aback by Lu Cheng.

What about my worker bees?

Where do I have so many tool people?

Instead, Lu Cheng calmed down, hehe smiled and said, "Nine Use jet flames!"

The shivering Queen Bee, facing the fierce-looking Nine-Tails, is like a delicate flower, which cannot be cherished by the North Wind...

There was a squeal, and the queen bee was smeared by the hot flames and fell to the ground buzzing.

Looking at the extra "20" on the scorecard, Lu Cheng said strangely.

"Damn it, can this also add points?"

"My wild honey, shouldn't it be handed in?"

Lu Cheng visually inspected the honeycomb, and with this size, it was more than 20 kilograms to say the least.

This is still wild honeycomb honey, at least it costs more than 100,000 yuan!

Looking at this lustrous and dripping sweetness, Lu Cheng couldn't help swallowing.

Although he still had to leave it to professionals, Lu Cheng couldn't help but be overjoyed at the moment.

What kind of wilderness survival class, it's clearly a treasure hunt class in the wild!

Lu Cheng was ready to go, excitedly saying to himself:

"I remember that there should be a group of wild Pylas nearby."

"The mushrooms on Pylas's head are of the quality of wild matsutake mushrooms, right?"

"Sakura Chiyo, here I come!" (Note)


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