My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 162: 9 Tails VS Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus

With a "bang", the circle bear fell to the ground.

It has been hypnotized by Nine Tails, and is now lying under the giant tree, making a deafening snoring sound.

However, louder than the snoring was the shaky footsteps.

As the sound of footsteps approached, Lu Cheng couldn't help but muttered, "Is this the legendary one who beats a young man and then comes old again?"

Every step of this unknown elf made people tremble.

An inexplicable fear gradually poured into everyone's heart.

What kind of spirit is this?

Why is there such a deterrent!

A towering tree was suddenly destroyed by the dazzling white light, and sawdust flew.

At this moment, the huge black shadow revealed its true body.

The iron-clad tyrannosaurus, covered in steel-like armor and with bloodstains on its horns, made an earth-shattering roar!

"This, this is!" Zhuge Hui's hand couldn't help but tremble at this moment.

The girl with the ball head turned pale, and subconsciously wanted to press the button, but she was in vain.

Before she knew it, the point card had been released from her hand!

The girl bent down subconsciously, but a huge rock fell from the sky.

"Be careful!" Zhuge Hui shouted,

There was a violent vibration, and the rock crashed to the ground, only one meter away from her scalp!

Almost, the girl will be smashed to pieces by this boulder!

"No, this is not survival in the wild!"

The girl's legs and feet softened, her eyes suddenly filled with tears, and she shouted:


In a corner that no one could see, a green onion duck flapped its wings and flew back to the branch.

Zhuge Hui pulled the girl up, gritted his teeth and said, "Now, you can only run out on your own strength!"

"But, my legs are weak!" the girl with the ball head cried.

Looking at this oppressive Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, Lu Cheng's expression was also very serious.


Feature: Hard head

Matching moves: Crushing, Cornering, Rock Crash, Slamming, Sand Splashing, Stamping

Analysis: The most powerful wild elf living in Qiushi Mountain has the strength close to the elf of the Gym master. "

Looking at the information in the magnifying glass, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

Six master skills!

Even for wild elves, it's quite tricky.

And here is the wild, Lu Cheng must first ensure the safety of everyone!

Looking at the girl who fell softly to the ground, Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and made a decision.

When the red light appeared, Lu Cheng threw two Poke Balls in one breath.

"Nine-tailed, hold back the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus!"

"The forest lizard, use the sword dance on the tree!"

Kyuubi also realized that this was a rather difficult battle, and did not dare to be careless at all, deftly avoiding the fallen tree, and quickly approached the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus.

The golden body is like a vigorous stag in the forest, with nine tails showing purple awns, leaping high.


The dazzling supernatural power formed a purple energy group and blasted towards the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus.

This iron armored tyrannosaurus has a violent temperament, but its strength is extremely terrifying.

The supernatural power that Nine-Tails burst out only made his expression even more sinister,

The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus roared up to the sky, making a deafening cry.

Rock collapse!

Huge rocks fell from the sky, each with sharp thorns.

Once the Nine Tails are hit, the consequences will be unimaginable!

However, the nine tails nimbly shuttled back and forth between the falling rocks, defending the rocks with flashes of electric light and guarding alternately.

The enraged Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus roared towards the sky and ran towards the Nine Tails.

However, this powerful slam was evaded by Nine Tails gracefully with a jump!

The earth trembled, Zhuge Hui opened his mouth wide, and he was too surprised to speak at this battle.

What kind of strength is this?

This iron armored tyrannosaurus, and this nine-tailed, how strong are they!

Is this Lu Cheng really a freshman?

The forest lizard on the treetop suddenly opened its eyes.

Sharp eyes, like an unsheathed blade.

Under the blessing of Sword Dance, its entire momentum has reached an unparalleled level.


Just as the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus was trampling back and forth, making a furious roar, a dark shadow suddenly approached like lightning.

The crystal-clear grass-type energy covered the bone sword, giving it a gust of wind and grass-like sword intent.

The forest lizard's eyes narrowed, his hand raised, and his sword fell.

Leaf blade!

The armored Tyrannosaurus rex, which was four times weaker than grass, had a deep wound on its back covered with thorns.

The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus couldn't help staggering, his eyes were blood red, but he still turned around and bit the forest lizard!

This time, the forest lizard didn't dodge, pulled out the bone sword, and centered.

"Forest lizard, see through!"

The bone sword held the fangs of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, resisting its bite.

The forest lizard's eyes narrowed, and the left hand threw out three blades again, pinning them on the face of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus.

However, at this moment, a powerful hurricane struck!

The forest lizard couldn't dodge in time, and was knocked over ten meters away by the iron tail of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus!

The thin forest lizard kept hitting the branches, and finally fell on a huge ancient tree, leaving deep marks.

"Oops." Lu Cheng's expression changed, he quickly recalled the forest lizard, and shouted, "Nine tails, hypnotism!"

Aiming at the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, Nine Tails' red pupils lit up.

However, after a while, the Nine Tails let out a painful cry.

Hypnosis failed!

The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus rushed towards the Nine-Tails, slammed into the guard, and knocked the Nine-Tails away a few meters!

"Run, Lu Cheng!"

The situation took a turn for the worse, and Zhuge Hui couldn't help shouting to Lu Cheng.

The battle just now, with his strength, would undoubtedly become a drag on Lu Cheng.

However, when it comes to the starting road, his little fire horse can't lose anyone!

Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and was about to take back Jiuwei, but saw Jiuwei suddenly scream.


I saw Nine Tails slowly stretched out his body, and a hot ball of fire gathered in his mouth.

Lu Cheng immediately understood what Jiuwei meant.

They still have one trump card left!

Although the flames have little effect on the Iron Armored, as of now, it can only be a fight.

After all, even Lu Cheng doesn't know how terrifying the flames of the Nine-Tails' full strength are!

Taking out the fire gem from the system space, Lu Cheng placed it on top of Jiuwei's head, gritted his teeth and said:

"Nine tails, the big characters explode!"

The surrounding temperature rose instantly, as if in purgatory, and even the air distorted.

It is September, the dazzling sunshine, the scorching high temperature, is a veritable "big sunny day"!

Zhuge Hui has also cultivated fire-type elves, so he naturally knows what this surging fire-type energy really means.

His expression changed, and he yelled at the girls around him, "Let's all get behind my little fire horse!"

Even if the little fire horse's characteristic is to ignite fire, Zhuge Hui is still worried.

Can such a terrifying flame be absorbed by the little fire horse?

With the monstrous fire, the gem of fire on the top of Jiuwei's head suddenly burst, causing Jiuwei to let out a high-pitched cry.


The explosive energy gathered at the mouth of the nine tails, and the surging fire energy instantly illuminated the entire forest!

Big characters burst into flames!


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