My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 164: Daily life of the breeding company

The darkness shrouded, and in the dead forest, there was the roar of dark crows.

A rotten wood demon opened its scarlet one-eyed, and the wind passed through its cracked trunk, making a strange laughter of "Jie Jie".

Wang Yingjie was holding the dark ball with a serious expression.

This is the third day of his assessment in the Forest of the Dead.

Elites from all over the country will come to this Forest of the Dead for assessment, and the winner will be qualified as a cadre.

In the jungle, any action seems to be permitted.

Although hungry, Wang Yingjie has no plans to rest.

He took out the blue tangerine fruit from his arms, and the bitter and astringent taste spread in his mouth instantly.

Beside him, a dirty-haired Zoroja swallowed.

Wang Yingjie threw the half-bitten orange fruit to Zoroya and whispered:

"We have to get out of here quickly."

Zoroya wagged her tail happily, however, a random needle suddenly flew out of the woods!

Zoroja's hair stood upright, suddenly turning into the appearance of a Kamui turtle, retracting into the turtle shell to resist the flying needles.

And Wang Yingjie also quickly backed away, and at the same time summoned Kamui.

A man in a black tights squatted on a tree trunk and whistled, "Boy, you're not bad!"

Wang Yingjie didn't answer, and shouted in a low voice, "Kami turtle, water cannon!"

The man's expression changed, and the water cannon turned out to be aimed at him!

"Big Needle Bee, there's a flash of lightning!" the man shouted.

However, Zoroja who was at the side suddenly jumped up and bit the giant stinger's wings fiercely.

Surprising blow!

The man's face was directly hit by the water cannon, and he immediately let out a scream and fell from the tree.

Taking out the card on the man's body, Wang Yingjie murmured, "In this case, three more people will be qualified."

The night was getting dark, and an owl on the top of the tree saw all this.

Moments later, the moon was revealed, and it suddenly fluttered high, breaking the silence of the night.


The three-day survival course in the wild is over.

In the past three days, the freshmen were full of complaints, but they unconsciously liked the intense and exciting feeling of the survival class.

During the three-day course, Zhuge Hui, Gao Chi and Jiang Zhuo became the most frequently heard words on the radio.

And Lu Cheng caused a sensation in the entire training department by defeating Gao Chi and Jiang Zhuo with one enemy and two.

"One against two, how is that possible! Do I still not understand the strength of those two?"

"I heard that it seems that Gao Chi and Jiang Zhuo were both hurt, and Lu Cheng took advantage of them!"

"Nonsense! I clearly saw that the two ambush Lu Cheng, but I was taught a lesson!"

Gao Chi and Jiang Zhuo, who were passing by, couldn't help but turn dark.

The truth of the matter was the sound of Gao Chi and Jiang Zhuo's fight, which scared away Lu Cheng's heartfelt Pylas.

In anger, Lu Cheng challenged the two of them at the same time, and the result of the challenge...

Gao Chi coughed dryly and said, "You're dragging me down, the armored bird was shot by flames!"

Jiang Zhuo said angrily, "You never reminded me that the forest lizard can actually be faster than the armored bird!"

"Otherwise it entangled the armored bird, how could the jet of flames hit it!"

Gao Chi glanced at Jiang Zhuo and said indifferently, "1V1?"

"Come on, see you at the training ground!"

Looking at the two people who left angrily, Du Zhe happily picked up the thermos cup and blew a breath of heat:

"Ah, this is youth!"


Lu Cheng is sitting in the activity room of the breeding club at the moment, studying the small jar of sweetness in front of him.

Wearing a flawless white shirt, Wei Ran picked up the transparent bottle and said:

"Your jar of sweetness is of high quality, and it is considered the best among wild honey."

"However, if it is honeycomb honey, it still needs to be processed by professionals." Wei Ran put down sweetly and said,

"After processing, it can be put into the fruit mixer."

Lu Cheng has joined the breeding club.

To Lu Cheng's surprise, there were five or six fruit mixers worth hundreds of thousands in the activity room of the breeding club.

Even a large wasteland was opened up in the backyard of the activity room to breed various elves.

According to Wei Ran, the Lamb Ranch at the foot of Qiushi Mountain was also run by seniors who graduated from the breeding club.

Lu Cheng nodded and said, "I'm going to mail it to a nutritionist I know to handle it."

Lu Cheng absolutely trusted Zhao Dachun's character.

At this moment, Lu Cheng still has nearly 20 kilograms of honeycomb honey, and he also intends to give some to Zhao Dachun as a thank you for handling the honey.

Wei Ran smiled and said, "By the way, don't you want to learn how to make a sprite cube from me? Let's demonstrate it first."

Lu Cheng nodded, turned on the fruit mixer, and put the grapefruit in the basket.

There are many wild pomelo fruit trees on Qiushi Mountain. There are thousands of pomelo fruit outside, which are directly distributed to the breeding club through the school, which is not a lot of money.

The mid-range speed started to run, and Lu Cheng was quite handy.

Looking at Lu Cheng's technique, Wei Ran nodded unconsciously.

Whether it is timing or accuracy, the grasp is quite in place, and even the "perfect time" is more than some professional producers.

However, as the mid-range speed increased, Lu Cheng gradually struggled.

"Let's go here." Wei Ran smiled and said, "There is no problem with your technique. The problem is that you pursue 'perfection' too much."

"Sometimes, giving up some difficult pointers properly can improve the quality of the sprite square."

Hearing Wei Ran's words, Lu Cheng suddenly realized.

"In addition, adding other materials to the sprite block appropriately can also improve the quality."

Wei Ran smiled and released Sweet Dancer, and said, "It's like Aroma Essence, Sweet Dancer, and Cream Milk Immortal. These are all natural materials."

"And your sweetness, as long as you put it in at the right time, it can reduce the difficulty of the mixer."

"Let me show you an example!"

I saw that at the highest speed of the machine, Sweet Dancer danced the familiar dance again, the "scale powder" on her body shook off, and the speed of the pointer also slowed down.

Lu Cheng observed Wei Ran's movements and gradually gained new insights.

"Thank you, President." Lu Cheng said with emotion, "I probably understand why the production failed!"

"It's alright." Wei Ran smiled, "You can use the fruit mixer in the activity room as you like."

"If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me for advice, by the way."

I saw Wei Ran suddenly remembered something and said with a smile, "The cake should be ready, do you want to try it?"


The slime in the pokeball was the first to respond.

In the afternoon, there are not many people in the breeding There are only Wei Ran, Lu Cheng, a small girl, and a big sister with a gentle face.

"Yo, Brother Ran!" Big sister held up the black tea and smiled.

"No, don't make fun of me, president." Wei Ran smiled bitterly and introduced to Lu Cheng, "This is Senior Sister Tang Xia, a junior, and the former president of the breeding club."

"This is Lu Cheng, a freshman in the training department this year."

"Hello, senior."

"Hello, junior." Tang Xia nodded to Lu Cheng and said with a smile, "The quality of the boys in the breeding club is very high!"

At this moment, the little girl interjected, "There are only two boys here this year."

Tang Xia sighed and said, "It's not that Xiao Ran is too good, no boys are willing to come to the breeding club."

Lu Cheng looked at Wei Ran in surprise.

Just two boys?

Wei Ran explained embarrassingly, "Many of the freshmen in the breeding department this year have gone to other clubs."

"There are very few boys who signed up. After brushing it down, there are only two boys left."

"Student Xiaolu, you have to do your best!" Tang Xia said with a smile:

"By the way, do you have a girlfriend?



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