My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 166: It's you, Dumb King!

Under the dissuasion of everyone in the research institute, Liu Bosheng slowly sat down and wiped the lenses with trembling fingers.

"Well, what's going on here?" Lu Cheng said softly to Fang Weiyue beside him, cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

Didn't you say you were looking forward to meeting me?

This is how your research department says hello! ?

"It's hard to say a word." Fang Weiyue smiled awkwardly and explained:

"I thought the professor was complimenting you at that time, but I didn't expect..."

Under Fang Weiyue's explanation, Lu Cheng somehow understood what happened.

Things started two months ago.

At that time, the paper co-authored by Lu Cheng, Su Xiangrou, and her uncle caused great repercussions in the scientific research community.

Especially the point of view of "movement evolution".

Although many scholars have proposed that this is only one way of evolution, it does not affect the enthusiasm of scholars to study "movement evolution".

For a time, the scientific research community set off an upsurge of searching for evolutionary elves.

And the subject of Liu Bosheng's research happens to be related to the Magic Ni.

But when they reached the final stage, they unexpectedly found that Lu Cheng had published a corresponding paper.

And, in some ways, even more specific than they are...

"The hard work of these two in the research laboratory is in vain." Guojiatou sighed,

"That's why the professor is so sad."

"It's impossible to hit the subject." Fang Weiyue sighed, then smiled,

"Besides, the professor actually praised your paper."

"There are many novel ideas that we haven't thought of before, isn't it, Professor!"

Hearing Fang Weiyue's shout, Liu Bosheng glanced back and snorted angrily.

This arrogant attribute is too contradictory!

"Okay, everyone, go back to everyone!"

After calming down, Liu Bosheng coughed and clapped his hands.

"What are you looking at, go back to work!"

Originally, he was taking a break from his busy schedule. The white coats who were watching the excitement were shocked when they heard Liu Bosheng's words.

In the huge research room, there is only the beeping sound of the instrument's operation.

"I'll take you to the backyard for a walk!"

Seeing that Liu Bosheng had resumed his full attention at work, Fang Weiyue brought Lu Cheng to the backyard in order not to disturb them.

On the open grass, a few little radas were running happily.

On the branches of the artificial forest, there are several iron-clad pupas and iron-shelled pupas.

A walking grass walked by in front of Lu Cheng. When he saw Lu Cheng, he was startled and hurriedly planted his body into the soil.

And in the fence not far away, there are several magic nini dozing off, a deformed magic wall puppet, modelling Michael Jackson's classic movements.

"What is it doing?"

"It seems to be building a wall of light."

Seeing the two of them, the magic wall puppet walked against the light wall, and a very classic breakdance was born.

"Professor's research is this batch of Monini." Fang Weiyue smiled and said,

"Unexpectedly, you were the first year of the freshman year to get ahead of you!"

Lu Cheng scratched his head in shame.

It's no wonder that Liu Bosheng is so angry with him.

It's as if someone has applied for a patent first. Even if you know it's not plagiarism, you'll still be reluctant to respond!

"By the way, what topic is the professor studying now?"

Fang Weiyue thought for a while and said, "I originally wanted to continue the research on the evolution of moves."

"But in the past two months, there have been no less than ten papers on 'movement evolution' in the scientific research community."

"So, Professor Liu returned to his old job and continued to study the impact of ecology on the evolution of elves."

Hearing Fang Weiyue's words, Lu Cheng couldn't help but feel a little wrong.

Unexpectedly, what I said casually at the beginning would have such an impact on the academic world.

It seems that people in this world still have a great passion for scientific research towards elves.

"Is it the one about the evolution of the dumb beast?" Lu Cheng thought about it and asked,

"I remember that Mr. Du Wen's graduation thesis seems to be about the evolution of the dumb beast."

"That was a long time ago." Fang Weiyue said with a smile,

"Senior Sister Du is Professor Liu's favorite student. She and Professor Liu completed this project together."

"However, what Professor Liu is studying now is not a dumb hippopotamus and a dumb beast, but a brand new type of elves!"

Fang Weiyue's face was mysterious, and she sold her off.

A brand new sprite?

Lu Cheng was dumbfounded.

Shouldn't it be that one?

After waiting for a long time, Lu Cheng didn't see any questions, Fang Weiyue couldn't help but anxiously said:

"Don't you want to know what kind of elf it is?"

"It has something to do with the evolution of the dumb beast?" Lu Cheng asked rhetorically.

Fang Weiyue was taken aback for a moment, then nodded subconsciously.

"Different from the evolutionary form of the dumb hippo?"

Fang Weiyue opened her mouth wide, then nodded.

"Is it the kind that walks upright with a big tongue on its head?"

"How did you know!" Fang Weiyue widened her eyes and said in surprise.

"This is obviously the elf form that was discovered recently!"

Lu Cheng smiled coldly.

Isn't that the Dumb King?

Demo, you're cheating on me!

But the play that should be played still has to be played.

Lu Cheng scratched his head and laughed:

"When I came in just now, I saw the picture book data on the screen."

"So that's the case." Fang Weiyue nodded suddenly and explained:

"Speaking of which, this is an elves that have only recently been discovered near the Pacific Islands."

"There, a large number of wild beasts were found. What is even more shocking is that, according to professional analysis, this small island actually has a social system similar to that of humans."

"As the leader of the clan, it is this dumb beast that walks upright and has never seen it before."

"We suspect that this is a brand-new evolutionary form of the dumb beast different from the dumb beast!

Listening to Fang Weiyue's words, Lu Cheng looked strange.

Don't make such a fuss, I even know how it evolves.

"So, you are researching this recently?" Lu Cheng said with difficulty.

"A question about the evolution of the dumb beast?"

"Yes." Fang Weiyue nodded and said seriously:

"I believe that as long as this topic is broken, it will definitely cause a great sensation in the scientific research community!"

Lu Cheng had no choice but to nod his head.

"Speaking of which, are you going to see those dumb beasts?" Fang Weiyue said with a smile.

"It's strange to say that when I'm in a bad mood, when I see those dumb beasts, I don't consciously calm down."


By the artificial lake, a few dull-eyed beasts were fishing with their tails.

The breeze was coming, and the lake surface was sparkling. Several king carp jumped up, and you could even see the king goldfish like koi in the lake.

A full-sized tong crab glanced at the two of them, waved its tongs, and dived into the water instantly.

"How about it, the dumb beast is cute, right?" Fang Weiyue said with a smile.

Lu Cheng wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and glanced at the dumb beast.


By the lake, a dull beast spit out a fragrance in its eyes

Lu Cheng touched his chin, why does this look always feel so familiar?


With a burst of golden light, the carp king jumped out of the diving ball in a daze.

Who is calling me!


Dumb Beast looked at the carp king who suddenly popped out and scratched his head.


Who are you idiot, why do you dare to look at Uncle Ben like this!

The carp king slapped his tail angrily.

After a while, the dumb beast scratched its head, stretched out its tail, and handed it to the carp king.

The angry carp king suddenly splashed water, jumping more than one meter from the ground.

What is it like to be an uncle, the carp king never eats the food that comes from him!

However, at this moment, the dumb beast stuffed its tail into the mouth of the carp king, with a "comfortable" expression on his face.

Just when the carp king wanted to break free, he suddenly opened his eyes.

A row of hot tears flowed from the eyes of the carp king.

What is this, it's too fragrant!



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