My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 168: Please, come to the research department!

Excited, Professor Liu Bosheng hurried back to the research institute and began to analyze the king of dumbfounded.

Although he kept Lu Cheng back again and again, Lu Cheng had to rush back to school for routine training.

"Okay then." Liu Bosheng sighed and said, "I thought you were a student from the research department, but I didn't expect you to be from the training department."

"Oh, what a pity!"

"Of course, if you don't dislike it, you can still come to me as a researcher, and the subsidies will remain as usual!"

After inviting Lu Cheng again, Liu Bosheng returned to work and devoted himself to research.

Fang Weiyue took Lu Cheng to the door and said with a smile, "It's the first time that the professor values ​​a student so much."

"The status of a researcher is still very helpful to you, you should think about it!"

Lu Cheng nodded.

"By the way, wait for me for a while!"

With that said, Fang Weiyue returned to the research institute, took out a jar and said:

"This is my latest research supplement, which is very beneficial to the development of elves' bones."

"Your carp king hasn't learned to hit yet, right? With this, it can be easier."

Lu Cheng glanced at the jar through the system and said with a smile, "Thank you so much!"

"It's fine." Fang Weiyue smiled.


A week later, the Elf Daily published a headline.

"Shock! The advent of the new elves, the second evolutionary form of the dumb beast? 》

According to reports, this paper discusses the living habits of the dumb beast in detail, and uses detailed data to prove the process of the dumb beast passing through the evidence of the king and the evolution of the big tongue shell, and named it "the dumb king".

For a time, this paper caused an uproar in the academic world.

And Jiangcheng TV also seized the opportunity in a timely manner and invited Professor Liu Bosheng for an interview.

Although Professor Liu Bosheng was reluctant to appear on TV, in order to expand the influence of the school and the dissertation, Professor Liu had to appear on TV reluctantly.

"It's an honor to invite Professor Liu to participate in this exclusive interview!" Leo, who was supposed to be wearing thunderbolt glasses, now also changed to a pair of bookish wooden-frame glasses, and politely said, "Welcome to Professor Liu!"

Liu Bosheng, still with his afro hairstyle, nodded with a sullen face.

"We all know that your team recently discovered a new elf, can you reveal the process?" Leo laughed.

"It is inconvenient to disclose the confidential content," Liu Bosheng said indifferently.

Three questions in a row were blocked by Liu Bosheng, which made Leo a little embarrassed.

"Then there must be someone to thank, right? For example, your assistant, your team, etc."

Hearing this question, Liu Bosheng's eyes lit up and he said:

"On this issue, I would like to thank a freshman from Jiangda University. His name is..."


"Lu Cheng?"

Su Xiangrou's uncle frowned.

Regarding the scientific expedition project of the dumb beast, there are also people under his command.

And this kind of new elves discovered in the Pacific Ocean has always been the key point of each team's attack.

Unexpectedly, it was solved by Liu Bosheng, an old-fashioned person who has not achieved much in recent years.

"Why is this name so familiar?"

"Dr. Su, the move evolution you published earlier also has his name in it," the assistant reminded.

Su Tianshang suddenly realized that he couldn't help but smile.

"This kid, it's really interesting."

"I wonder if I can see him at this year's scientific research summit."

Master ball, move evolution, new sprites... This year's summit is worth seeing!

Su Tianshang smiled slightly and called his niece.

Su Xiangrou's voice came over the phone:

"I read that paper."

"Indeed, I didn't take into account the effects of the props on the dumb beast. I miscalculated."

"Don't be nervous." Su Tianshang smiled. "In scientific research, in addition to precise data, it is more important to have a rich imagination."

"Good niece, you are too rigid!"

Su Xiangrou was silent.

"By the way, how was your time at Qinghua University?"

When the busy tone came from the phone, Su Tianshang shrugged and picked up the paper again.

In Liu Bosheng's thesis, Lu Cheng's name appeared on the list of the first work.

Even, only after Liu Bosheng.


"Lu Cheng, when did you go to do scientific research!"

Early in the morning, Deng Jiawen hurried into the dormitory and said with a newspaper.

"What a fuss, what a fuss!" Dongzi, who was lying on the bed, complained.

Lu Cheng was studying the cube brought from Fang Weiyue, and was taken aback by Deng Jiawen.

"what are you talking about?"

"Look at this, the research department is going to be hilarious. As soon as this paper comes out, our school's research department's professional ranking has to rise again!"

Lu Cheng took a closer look, it was the paper about the dumb king.

"Well, what a fuss, isn't it a new elf?"

Lu Cheng scoffed.

There is so much more that you don't know!

"As the author of the paper, aren't you excited at all?" Deng Jiawen widened his eyes.

"This paper can even directly make you join the national scientific research summit!"

Lu Cheng took a look at the newspaper and found that on the list of authors of the paper, Lu Cheng's name was only ranked behind Liu Bosheng.

This old man is quite interesting!

Lu Cheng couldn't help grinning.

"I'm still smirking, the director of the research department has come to you just now, saying that it is to discuss the matter of changing majors, Director Du asked you to come over quickly!"

Lu Cheng was startled, and hurriedly jumped up from his chair.

Change majors?

No, why am I panicking?

I don't have the same major in any major, anyway, I can get into the school team.

Now, let's see what benefits Du Zhe's big flicker can do to him!

After making up his mind, Lu Cheng slowly walked out of the room and said hello:

"Thank you, Xiao Deng, come back and invite you to dinner!"

Deng Jiawen looked at Lu Cheng's back and suddenly felt a little dazed.

In high school, he was the one who won the gold medal in the provincial competition.

But now that he's in college, he hasn't gotten to know him yet. The roommate next door has already posted an SCI.

Moreover, this roommate is also the first place in the survival class, the first place in the physical examination, and I heard that he is also the champion of the Zhejiang U20 competition.

Is that human being?

Deng Jiawen couldn't help but burst into but saw a pillow flying over.

"Brother Jiawen, bring a meal for my younger brother, and I will bring you a copy at night!"

Dongzi, who was still lying on the bed, yawned.

Deng Jiawen was trembling with anger.

No, I have to study, I can't be a jerk!

"What meal do you want?"

"The yellow braised chicken should not be spicy, Aining!"


When Lu Cheng walked to the door of the office, he heard discussions coming from inside.

"Do you know what it means that the university publishes two papers in "Even Science"?" the head of the research department, Mao Wenhao, who was shining and worried, asked loudly: "The citation rate is still the first in the same period, twice! Change me Can't do it!"

"What's more, he is only a freshman. The research department will allow him to develop better, and the same is true for the school!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Mao!" Du Zhe laughed cheerfully, "Drink tea, drink tea."


Hearing the knock on the door, Du Zhe's eyes lit up and said with a smile:

"In this case, we still have to seek the meaning of the righteous master, don't you think?"


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