My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 172: Flare Charge and Big Character Explosion

The flaming monkey, covered with swirling scales, suddenly burst into dazzling fire in his eyes, and the flames on his head became more and more intense.

With his fists clasped together, the entire body of the flaming monkey was covered with flames, like a scorching fireball, even turning into white flames under the sunshine!


With a slightly hoarse cry, the flame distorted the air around it for a moment, and quickly slammed into the carbon alloy skill target, leaving a red afterimage.

There was a loud bang, and the third-level area seemed to shake.

The flaming monkey fell down gracefully and fell to the ground with one hand, the flames in those fiery eyes gradually receded.


The surrounding students exclaimed in surprise.

Usually when they are training, almost no one can reach a power value of more than 80.

And this flaming monkey has already reached this level of strength!

Looking at this flamboyant monkey, Lu Cheng touched his chin and muttered.

"180, which is comparable to Nine Tails' Big Character Explosive Flame."

"But with the sunny weather in the third-level area, Nine-Tails may not be worse than it."

Looking at the figure of the flaming monkey, Jiuwei's red pupils lit up and called Lu Cheng softly.

In those eyes, there is a strong will to win, and a flame that will not admit defeat.

"I see." Lu Cheng smiled.

"Let's try it too!"

Seeing Deng Ruyun's training, the students talked a lot.

"Hoo Fire Monkey! This is the first time I've seen the final form of this little fire monkey!"

"It seems that I heard that it takes a strong will to win to evolve, right? It's hard to do it anyway!"

"Look, what is that person doing?"

With the exclamation of a freshman, everyone looked sideways.

I saw Lu Cheng pushed open the door and walked into the corridor of the third-level area.

"He's crazy, don't you know that President Deng hates being disturbed the most?"

"What, the weather room wasn't opened by her family!"

"No, think about it, except for President Deng's elf, who can withstand a third-level sunny day!"

The sunny day in the third-level area is like the scorching sun in the desert.

If you don't have the corresponding strength, entering it rashly will cause damage to the elves, so there is only one flaming monkey in the third-level area.

And Deng Ruyun stood indifferently in the corridor behind the glass, directing its training.

Deng Ruyun, who was in a daze, suddenly saw someone pushing in the door, her brows furrowed indiscernibly.

She doesn't like someone interrupting her training.

There were also people who entered the third-level area in the name of training before, but without exception, they came to strike up a conversation.

After all, in this school, there are almost no elves of other students who can withstand the sunny weather of the third level.

"I bet fifty cents, this kid must have called President Deng again!"

"Look, that kid has spoken!"

"Hello." Lu Cheng smiled.

"Can you step back, you blocked the walkie-talkie."

Deng Ruyun, who frowned, was suddenly stunned, and subconsciously gave up his position.

"What's the situation, why did President Deng take a step back?"

"Wall dong?"

"God **** little white face, actually dare to bully President Deng, I'll fight with you!"

"Calm down, they seem to be here for training!"

In front of everyone's eyes, Lu Cheng came to the walkie-talkie, took out the Poke Ball from the small window, and said softly:

"Come on, Nine Tails!"

In the third-level area, a beautiful golden figure suddenly appeared.

There were also quite a few female students watching, and they all exclaimed at this moment:

"Nine Tails! Why is this Nine Tails so beautiful?"

"It turned out to be a fire elf, but can it withstand the third-level area?"

Looking at Jiuwei, Deng Ruyun's expressionless face moved slightly and said:

"I remind you that too much sunlight may hurt the elves."

"I suggest you go to the second-level area."

"After all, here..."

Before Deng Ruyun's voice had finished, Lu Cheng had already given instructions:

"Nine tails, it's sunny!"


The golden light enveloped Jiuwei's body. Under the scorching sun, a round of white light gradually rose from its tail and gradually condensed into a light group.

That light group is getting bigger and bigger, blooming a white light that makes people unable to look directly!

As the light group rose into the clouds, the sun became more intense, causing the Fire Monkey to reach out and cover his forehead unconsciously.

"Sure enough." Lu Cheng grinned, "It still needs a third-level area."

"What's the situation, this kid is actually training moves in the third-level area?"

"That nine-tailed strength doesn't seem to be ordinary!"

"No, the intensity of the sun's light has risen again, which will make the elves unbearable!"

Under the blessing of the Nine-Tails "Great Sunny Sky", there was a bright light, and under the wilderness in the daytime, only the shadows of two elves were left!

If it is a water-type elves, under this level of exposure, it is estimated that the skin will be chapped long ago, and even life-threatening.

But the two fire elves looked at each other, as if to prove who was stronger.

Deng Ruyun's eyes suddenly lit up.

The strength of this nine tails is very good!

She returned to the walkie-talkie and said softly, "Flame Charge."

The same move, this time, the Fire Monkey took a deep breath, clenched his teeth, and his eyes glowed with golden fire.

"Damn it, this flame is too scary!"

"This move might be stronger than the previous one!"

At this moment, another command was issued.

"Nine tails, the big characters are bursting with flames."

A steady stream of fire-type energy flowed into Nine Tails' body from the scorching sun.

Those ruby-like eyes seemed to be on fire, and even the charcoal on the golden chest seemed to be burning.

A figure with golden flames burning all over his body!

The big characters that look like fire lotus blooming burst into flames!

The two moves hit the high-level targets on both sides at the same time, making the entire weather chamber tremble!


All the students onlookers felt the obvious shaking.

The huge explosion sound is deafening, and the terrifying destructive power can be imagined through the hardened glass.

The smoke dissipated, and the target was already charred black.

The onlookers were silent.

After a long while, someone made a faint comment.

"Are these two people fighting?"

"This, this is too terrifying!"

A freshman swallowed and murmured:

"You said, which elf's moves are more powerful?"

Even the machine was sluggish for a while, and after a while, the numbers on both sides of the screen jumped out at the same time.


"Damn it, the power of 200 is on both sides!"

"Who is this person, and why can he be on an equal footing with President Deng?"

In the crowd, someone looked at Lu Cheng's figure and suddenly called out:

"This seems to be a freshman!"

"How is it possible, how is it possible for a freshman to have such strength!"

"Really, he's a freshman in the training department this year, and I'm in the same class as him!"


There was a sound of gasping for air on the sidelines.

In the corridor, Deng Ruyun also looked at Lu Cheng in surprise.

Who is this person?

There was no such person in the sophomore year, otherwise he would definitely be selected for the school team.

Is it a new teacher?

No, how can you be so young?

Facing the performance of Jiuwei, Lu Cheng was very satisfied.

Suddenly, he felt a burning gaze, and when he looked up, he found that the black-haired girl was staring at him firmly.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but say:

"What's up?"

Deng Ruyun walked away, suddenly stunned, and subconsciously said:

"Are you the new counselor this year?"

"No." Lu Cheng touched his nose and said,

"I'm a freshman this year!"



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