My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 179: Great melee! (one three)

With the forest lizard's performance, everyone present put away their contempt for Lu Cheng.

Apart from the nine-tailed one, Lu Cheng could not have imagined that Lu Cheng actually possessed such a powerful forest lizard.

Nine-tailed, who needs more than 800,000 evolution stones, and the Shining Carp King, who needs a few million or so, plus the three grass-type royal families...

Everyone present unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

This is undoubtedly an astronomical sum!

However, if someone really asked, Lu Cheng would answer honestly:

The six tails were given by someone else, and the Fire Stone was the prize of the competition.

Mu Shougong also picked it up for nothing, and it also came with Igai Slash.

As for the carp king, it was given to him by someone who posted a diving ball.

Lu Cheng sighed.

So, his life is actually quite unpretentious.

In the subsequent selection, Gao Chi also won without pressure.

It is worth mentioning that Gao Chi's opponent is actually Xiong Lingyao from the battle department.

Xiong Lingyao's Dou Li mushroom, although the fighting moves are quite good, but there is no way to break the flame fist.

In the end, he had no choice but to lose the game with hatred.

With the end of this game, the one-week varsity selection has come to an end.

About twenty people entered the interview session, and ten varsity teams will be selected in the end.

Lu Cheng received the interview notice without any surprise.

The next day, he and Deng Jiawen, who was also selected, rushed to the examination room together.


Gao Chi greeted Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng looked around the room and found that the twenty or so people who were interviewing had almost all arrived.

Among them are many people he knows, such as Shi Hong, who is a member of the breeding club, Zhuge Hui, the squad leader, and Jiang Zhuo, who is unsmiling.

Seeing Lu Cheng's arrival, Shi Hong's face was immediately tense, and he sat up straight and motionless.

The last time he disturbed Lu Cheng's block making, he still dared not speak to Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng smiled, greeted the two from the training department, and found an empty seat to sit down.

Looking around, Deng Jiawen whispered, "Brother Cheng, I saw a lot of people who were eliminated!"

Lu Cheng nodded and said softly:

"Although they were eliminated, maybe they are stronger than some lucky winners?"

Opposite Lu Cheng, Xiong Lingyao from the training department was sitting, staring at Gao Chi angrily at the moment.

And Lu Changgui, the licking trainer, and even Luo Yun, the coordinator that Lu Cheng defeated, entered the interview.

Seeing Lu Cheng, Luo Yun's complexion changed, and he quickly turned his head away.

Deng Jiawen said with a low smile, "I heard that he was the director of the Coordination Department, so Coach Dayong gave him a face."

"Otherwise, the Coordination Department doesn't have a single school team this year, so I won't be able to save face!"

Thinking of the gem starfish that only shakes its hands, Lu Cheng's expression couldn't help becoming a little weird.

He already knew that the national college league is divided into individual competitions and team competitions.

He couldn't help but imagine the forest lizards fighting **** battles, while the jewel starfish flashing lights and waving their hands behind him.

"Okay, let's all come."

At this moment, a square-faced man wearing a peaked cap walked in and said with a smile:

"Maybe you already know me, but let me introduce myself. I'm the coach of the Jiangda Spirit School Team. My name is Chen Dayong!"

Glancing at the crowd, Chen Dayong grinned and said:

"I am the top eight of the 17th National Competition and the champion of the Southern Provincial League."

"In terms of qualifications, Director Du of the elf department should call me senior."

Hearing Chen Dayong's self-introduction, everyone instantly became quiet.

Du Zhe was the runner-up of the 24th National Competition. Although he is very strong, he is not as good as Chen Dayong in terms of qualifications.

This forty or fifty-year-old coach, whose temples are beginning to gray, has a strength that no one can match!

Chen Dayong was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, nodded and said:

"Because the league is divided into individual competitions and team competitions, this interview is mainly about choosing the best of the best, and picking the top ten people to join the school team."

"In addition to your personal strength, you also need your good teamwork."

"The ten final places will not be announced on the spot, but will be determined based on your performance today." Chen Dayong clapped his hands and said:

"The following is the first link, the personal assessment!"

With Chen Dayong's applause, the lights dimmed instantly.

More than 20 freshmen looked above their heads in amazement, and with a mechanical sound, the lights came on again.

And the surrounding environment has completely changed!

In a small conference room, the desktop gradually descends and finally merges with the ground. The surrounding walls are slowly flattened and fitted together, revealing a vast battle platform on all sides.

Different from the selection, this time the battle field was wider, the size of an entire football field.

Everyone looked at Chen Dayong, but saw that he took out a loudspeaker out of nowhere, and said with a smile:

"This is the content of the assessment you are going to carry out, individual battles!"

"Twenty of you, you will release the elves at the same time, for a total of 20 minutes. In the end, the elves with fighting ability will be given priority."

"We will judge your grades based on your performance, come on!"

"What do you mean, more than 20 elves are fighting at the same time?" Deng Jiawen was taken aback.

"This is too ridiculous!" Xiong Lingyao shouted, "Then what about our trainers!"

Chen Dayong had already sneaked into the stands, and when he heard Xiong Lingyao's question, he laughed:

"Elves are not allowed to attack trainers, but you must first ensure your own safety."

"I will let Mr. Shen Sitian and senior Yuan Hongliang prepare for the rescue. There should be no psychological burden. With the current medical technology, even a broken leg can be connected!"

"Come on, just kidding!" a girl with a ball-shaped head shouted, "It will really kill people."

Chen Dayong smiled, unmoved.

Whether it's survival in the wild or the assessment of the school team, they are both consciously or unintentionally exercising the self-protection awareness of this group of freshmen.

After all, the trainer has to face the spirits with powerful destructive power. The first thing to consider before fighting is their own safety.

If you can't even do this, naturally you can't become a powerful trainer!

"If anyone wants to quit, let me know in advance." Chen Dayong glanced at the crowd.

However, no one raised their hands, everyone gritted their teeth and silently stretched out their hands to the Poké Ball.

Chen Dayong's eyes narrowed, and he said: "The assessment begins!"

The numbers on the big screen began to run.


"Go, Aberdeen!"

"It's up to you, bay leaf!"

There was a chaotic cry, and countless red lights appeared in the field.

With a loud chirping, Jiang Zhuo took the first to fly into the sky in the armored bird!

"Isn't this a violation?" a little fat man shouted, "Then he can't just wait in the sky for the time to end!"

However, a fiery jet of flame slid past the armored bird's feathers, causing the little fat man to quickly shut his mouth.

"Of course." Chen Dayong smiled slightly: "If you can survive, that's your ability!"


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