Ahem, thank you very much for reading this novel.

(I would be more grateful if it was genuine)

When I opened the book, it was also a temporary idea, just the idea of ​​hunting for Pokémon and coming to reality.

In addition, it is my first book, there are a lot of poisonous points and unreasonable points.

Thank you very much for your continued support (????????????)????

Back to the setting of this book.

Regarding the golden finger, the numerical setting is actually unreasonable. After all, it is the real world, and I have not written it well.

Maybe everyone has noticed that recently, I have been playing down the golden finger.

In the following chapters, maybe the numerical value will not appear again.

Goldfinger exists more in the form of protagonist skills such as "dynamic vision".



There will be three watch in the evening.

For the sake of my recent efforts to update, please give me a ticket and subscribe o(TヘTo)



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