My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 197: get the place back

Just as the explosive fist of the fast-swimming frog swung towards the flaming horse, a pair of giant blue hands just stopped it.

Wei Li smiled at the fast swimming frog.

Then, the two fists behind him burst out with dazzling white light.

Unexpectedly, Lord has two pairs of fists!

"Fantastic power, Explosive Fist!"

The strange force roared, and the powerful burst punches directly slammed into the abdomen of the fast swimming frog.

With just such a punch, the fast swimming frog flew upside down, collided with the hyperactive ape that was running wildly, and immediately rolled out five or six meters away.

"Hey, what's wrong with this newcomer, blocking the boss's burst punch?" The trainer of the Thunder Beast, the boy with hot yellow hair swallowed and said.

"Don't say that there are some that are gone, is your Thunder Beast fully charged?" the girl with heavy makeup scolded.

"It's in place." The yellow-haired man took a deep breath: "Thunder beast, target all enemies, use 100,000 volts!"

The Thunder Beast, which looks like a mix of a lion and a shepherd dog, after charging, there is a crackling electric spark all over its body.

The 100,000 volts after charging can cover most of the field, and the power is so great that even the Thunder Beast can't control it.

The fast-swimming frogs and hyperactive apes that were repelled were just out of the range of 100,000 volts.

This is the timing of the release of moves in team competitions!

The electric light rolled in, and the electric light with thick wrists was released from the body of the thunderbolt to the sky, and turned into scattered thunder pillars, swallowing the elves of Gao Chi and others in a blink of an eye!

Sister Milip was the first to be hit by 100,000 volts, and she twitched all of a sudden, her body was burnt black, and she lost her fighting power.

But the lightning is still going on!

Cold sweat dripped from the foreheads of Gao Chi and the others, and the elves screamed in pain in the 100,000 volts!

On the sidelines, Luo Yun, who witnessed this scene, swallowed and said:

"With this kind of strength, you can only rank in the top sixteen in the national competition?"

Lu Changgui raised his long hair, and after a long pause, he said solemnly, "Besides, this is not their strongest lineup."

Lu Cheng's expression was also quite serious.

Due to the formation, the assaulters did not play their due role.

Gao Chi and the others couldn't restrain each other at all, and gave the Thunderbolt almost two rounds of charging time.

This is simply being crushed from the beginning to the end!

The electric light dissipated, and only the strange force and the geranium were still struggling to support.

The two elves were back to back, facing the attack of the five elves.

With his outstanding personal strength, Wei Li used his explosive fist to directly knock the fast swimming frog to the ground.

And the geranium also dragged the great wolf dog to death with the parasitic seeds that were planted early.

But the two panting elves finally collapsed in front of the two-round charging Thunderbolt.

The freshman lost.

Everyone, including Gao Chi, looked depressed, but the sophomore's face was not much better.

When the two teams shook hands, the yellow-haired man smiled and said, "Well, that's how we were..."

Before he could finish speaking, He Yi shouted at the back of his head.

He Yi said coldly, "Shut up."

The yellow-haired man immediately shrank back angrily.

Immediately, He Yi glanced at Gao Chi and said seriously:

"You are very strong."

"You should be the strongest freshman this year, right?"

Gao Chi was taken aback and shook his head.

He Yi was also stunned and said:

"Although the performance of the flaming horse and geranium is also very good, it is worse than yours."

"Aren't you guys the starters of this session?"

Back then, in order to fight against the seniors of the sophomore year, He Yi specially formed a team of the five strongest people this year, but he was abused by the sophomore's substitute to the point of being scumbags.

He subconsciously thought that Gao Chi and others were the starters of the freshman year.

"You'll find out later."

He Yi looked at Gao Chi's back, and heard the voice of the girl with heavy makeup.

"I almost overturned the car." She gritted her teeth and said, "That lip-smacking girl secretly used Song of Doom, and just as soon as I stepped down, my king Yan fell."

The trainer of the hyperactive ape also came over and said ashamedly: "And that flame horse, that kind of flame can't be solved by scratching at all."

The boy who was pulling the parasitic seeds from the Great Wolf Dog with tweezers silently shed tears in his heart.

My great wolf dog was poisoned and bewitched again, what did I say?

He Yi exhaled and made a solemn judgment.

"This freshman year is very strong."

Everyone nodded.

Only the yellow-haired man scratched his head with a confused expression.

Is the opposite side strong?

I got the five kills all by myself!

Why are you all complimenting each other?

Come and praise me too!


Gao Chi and his party returned to the stands in silence, sighing in succession.

"It's fine." Lu Cheng patted Zhuge Hui on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Let's leave it to us."

Then, he looked at Lu Changgui and the others behind him, his eyes moved slightly:

"Do you understand what I said just now?"

Everyone nodded solemnly.

Only Jiang Zhuo frowned and said, "I don't guarantee that the armored bird can win the air dominance in this game."

"It's alright." Lu Cheng smiled, "I'll let Jiuwei cover you."

Just now, when Lu Cheng discussed tactics with his teammates, they discussed the command of the elves.

Since there were ten trainers present, a large number of command voices would interfere with the elves' judgment. Therefore, in addition to the tacit understanding between elves and trainers, short and precise commands were more important.

As the elected captain, Lu Cheng assigned everyone the task of Jiang Zhuo competing for air dominance, Lu Changgui's tongue licking as the team's meat shield, and Xiong Lingyao as the assaulter.

As for Luo Yun's gem starfish...

Lu Cheng sighed, comforting himself silently in his heart—

At any rate, she has attribute restraint on Sister Deng's flaming monkey.

Shouldn't that scene happen?

Looking at Lu Cheng, Gao Chi didn't say much, just said solemnly:

"come on."


"The game begins!" Chen Dayong blew his whistle.

Lu Cheng quickly glanced at the elf opposite him.

Huo Huo Monkey, Duduli, Iron Shell, Rogue Panda and Sun Ibrahimovic.

Seeing Ibrahimovic Sun, Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that he had seen this girl with a whip in the weather room.

However, I remember that the strength of this Sun Ibrahimovic is not very strong.

Lu Cheng thought strangely.

At this time, Jiang Zhuo whispered, "There is no flying elves on the opposite side."

As soon as Jiang Zhuo finished speaking, Xu Hongyu's Duduli jumped out of thin air to a height of more than three meters!

This scene shocked everyone present.

"What's the situation?" Zhao Qianwu said stunned, "How could Duduli still fly?"

Deng Jiawen said ashamedly: "I remember that Duduli seems to be able to learn the "flying" move. UU Reading

"But it is extremely difficult." Zhuge Hui pushed his glasses and said solemnly, "The strength of this Duduli cannot be underestimated!"

With the fall of the bounce, Duduli actually fluttered the short feathers on the tail and glide out of thin air.

At the same time, the three ferocious heads condensed three rays of fire, thunder and frost at the same time.

These three rays slammed into the armored bird one after another, causing it to squeak immediately.

Listening to everyone's discussion, Xu Hongyu couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

In the end, we still have to rely on strength to speak.

Thinking of the previous humiliation, his eyes gradually turned cold.

No matter how good your background is, no matter how hard your relationship is!

At this moment, the girl with pigtails beside Xu Hongyu suddenly slapped him heavily and shouted, "What are you doing in a daze!"

Xu Hongyu was stunned for a moment, then looked up, Duduli was precisely hit by a large character flame explosion, and was directly blasted off the field!

In the blink of an eye, this match became a four-on-five situation!

Lu Cheng smiled at Jiang Zhuo and said:

"Look, I said, I will cover you."


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