My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 202: leave the team temporarily

As soon as the slime with the soothing bell appeared, it left a pool of suspicious mucus on the ground.

Staring at the sesame-eyed slime, he looked around curiously, and when he saw Liu Shengnan, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he squirmed towards Liu Shengnan's thigh.

"Hey, stop, slime!" Lu Cheng's expression changed.

Unexpectedly, Liu Shengnan touched the slime's sticky body without hesitation, and smiled:

"This kid, I saw it when I was in the logistics department."

"It should be the one the boss gave you, right?"

Lu Cheng nodded ashamed.

At this moment, a white light suddenly lit up on the slime.

After the transformation, another white-skinned, beautiful and long-legged Liu Shengnan appeared in front of everyone.

Liu Shengnan, who turned into a slime, pulled back his hair and showed a gentle smile:


The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became a little awkward.

Fang Weiyue's face suddenly turned red, extending to the base of her neck and ears.

And Liu Bosheng also coughed dryly and said embarrassedly, "Young man, it's understandable."

Liu Shengnan was also stunned for a while, then his whole face turned blood red, and suddenly he punched the soft abdomen, knocking the slime back to its original shape.

"Mum!" The slime, who turned back into liquid, cried out in pain.

Lu Cheng's face couldn't help twitching.

Heaven and earth conscience, I have never done anything!

Unexpectedly, Liu Shengnan just gave him a fierce look and didn't say much. He coughed, "Let's get down to business."

However, Liu Shengnan's blushing face didn't seem to be serious at all.

Liu Bosheng looked back and forth at Lu Cheng and Liu Shengnan, and coughed clearly: "Okay, let's get down to business!"

Hey, you really embarrass me like this!

Slime curled up weakly behind Lu Cheng's legs, only to see Fang Weiyue handing it a piece of orange fruit, and said softly:

"It's okay, this little injury doesn't hurt, right?"

Tears flickered faintly in Slime's eyes, he let out a whimper, and in a blink of an eye he turned into Fang Weiyue's appearance again.

Fang Weiyue's recovered face was red again and was dripping with blood.

Lu Cheng slapped his forehead with a slap.

This time, even if you jump into the Yellow River, you won't be able to wash it!

"Being the other party is a way for the ever-changing monsters to express their goodwill." Liu Bosheng smiled and said to Lu Cheng, "Okay, let's talk about your thoughts just now."

"My first step is to let the ever-changing monster keep trying to get bigger." Lu Cheng touched his chin and said,

"Then, it is to provide it with enough energy so that it can use the enlarged body freely."

"Let's go to the backyard." Fang Weiyue said, "Just right, we can also use this to study the possibility of elves becoming huge."


In the backyard, a group of Ibrahimovic approached curiously, a snow-white fairy Ibrahimovic looked at Lu Cheng resentfully from a distance, but did not dare to take a half step closer.

The Variety Monster ran after a little Lada for a long time, and then turned into a carp king and jumped around on the ground, and it was not easy to have fun.

"Okay, let's get down to business!" Lu Cheng gently kicked the slime, and it suddenly changed to its original shape, shaking and nodding.

"Take off the appeasement bell first." Liu Bosheng said, "Start from its most basic form."

Lu Cheng, this ever-changing monster, is soft. In theory, he can stretch his body freely and grow several times larger.

"Keep it as it is now and make it as big as possible." Lu Cheng instructed Slime.

Slime nodded, the mucus on his body kept splashing, and it just expanded in a circle.

"No matter how big."

"It's bigger!"

"How big is it?"

Slime panted and looked at Lu Cheng under its feet, with a "pop", like a balloon burst, turned into a pool of mucus and fell to the ground with a "pop".

"It seems that the size just now is the limit of the ever-changing monster." Liu Shengnan said.

Liu Bosheng nodded and said, "It's about three or four meters in size, there's still a big gap compared to that braided sheep."

"Besides, it's just puffiness." Lu Cheng sighed, "There's not enough energy to support it."

"In the end, you still need a sufficient energy source." Liu Bosheng frowned.

"Perhaps we can use the power of divine beasts." Lu Cheng suddenly said.

Everyone was stunned and said in unison, "Divine beast?"

"That's right, only the energy of the divine beast can ensure that the slime can exert the ability corresponding to the size while getting bigger." Lu Cheng smiled bitterly.

"So you want to use the power of divine beasts to realize the gigantic size of elves?" Liu Bosheng was taken aback and said:

"Is it possible that the European side does the same?"

Lu Cheng silently praised Liu Bosheng in his heart.

"This is just a guess." Lu Cheng coughed.

This idea is really too imaginative, and even Liu Bosheng finds it a little incredible to use the energy of divine beasts to achieve scientific goals.

However, apart from divine beasts, what else could make elves go against the laws of physics and grow dozens of times larger out of thin air?

Liu Bosheng's expression gradually became serious, facing Liu Shengnan and said, "How much support can the association provide?"

"I need to report to my superiors." Liu Shengnan said with a condensed gaze, "If it is really necessary to mobilize the authority of the divine beast, then, first of all, we need to give a certain amount of research results."

Liu Bosheng took a deep breath, looked at Lu Cheng with a smile, and said, "It seems that your Variety Monster needs to stay with me for a while."

"Anyway, it's what you want to let your Variety Monster obtain the energy of a divine beast, right?"

Lu Cheng, who was immediately seen through by Liu Bosheng, scratched his head embarrassedly.

This plan, in fact, can take effect on any Variety Monster.

But the point is, if Liu Bosheng's team first put forward this point of view, and it was approved by the association, then the power of the divine beast will eventually fall on Lu Cheng's Variegated Monster.

Liu Bosheng saw this, and proposed to keep the Variety Monster for It seems that Slime needs to leave the team temporarily for a while.

Lu Cheng smiled and touched the top of Slime's head, and said, "I'll come back to pick you up when things are done."

The tearful slime hugged Lu Cheng's thigh reluctantly.

But Lu Cheng took the slime back into the Poké Ball.

As long as this plan is successful, the slime will become the first ever-changing monster in country C that can be extremely gigantic, and can even come into contact with the power of divine beasts!

Lu Cheng didn't want to regard slime as a simple tool person, even slime might become stronger.

And right now, it's a good opportunity!

Don't worry, I will come to see you often.

Lu Cheng looked at the Poké Ball, and communicated his feelings with the slime through "heart-to-heart", and the Poké Ball gradually calmed down.

Handing the Pokeball to Liu Bosheng, Lu Cheng smiled at Liu Shengnan and said, "Sister Liu, this is up to you!"

"Don't worry, the ever-changing monster is theoretically still an elves of the Armed Forces." Liu Shengnan smiled slightly.

"If the possibility you said is real, I believe the association will agree."



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