My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 218: 0 to change freely

The last course of the final exam is a move analysis class that is thoughtful and sweet.

Although her class is famous for its tricky questions, Lu Cheng was still a little stunned when he saw the question of the test paper.

"Try to analyze the effect of 'bluff' on the elves' mood and state..."

This is the most serious part of Lu Cheng's review. Naturally, he wrote like a fly and left the examination room ahead of schedule.

At this point, the final exams are all over.

Lu Cheng let out a long sigh of relief and rushed towards the research institute.

The winter vacation is at least a month, and he still wants to bring the slime home.

However, as soon as he walked into the backyard, he saw a scene that surprised him.

Fang Weiyue was directing Fairy Yibu to say, "Vivian, the voice of charm!"


This should be the name Fang Weiyue gave the fairy Ibrahimovic.

Looking at the healing ball on Fang Weiyue's slender waist, she should have recovered this fairy Ibrahimovic.


The soft singing came, but it carried a faint pink energy.

In front of Fairy Ibrahimovic, a purple variegated monster directly transformed into the same shape as Vivienne, resisting the sound of enchantment almost harmlessly.


Variety twisted his body triumphantly.


The Variety Monster returned to its original form, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a mighty and majestic statue, and a small whirlwind formed between its wings.

The wind is blowing!

Hanging up dead leaves and branches, Fairy Ibrahimovic was scratched and hurt, so she couldn't help crying.

And the Bidiao swooped down and turned into a small fist stone when it rushed towards the fairy Ibrahimovic.


Xiaoquanshi raised his fist in demonstration and slammed the fairy, Ibrahimovic, to the ground.


Fang Weiyue stopped the battle and smiled, "It's alright, Vivian."

"Your combat experience is not very rich, it is understandable."


Fairy Ibrahimovic cried out in frustration.


Suddenly, the Variety Monster turned into a pool of mucus when he saw Lu Cheng, and flew towards Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng dodged and smiled at Fang Weiyue: "Have you conquered it?"

Slime fell to the ground and turned to look at Lu Cheng resentfully.

Fang Weiyue nodded and smiled: "Yes, although Vivian is usually clingy, she is very interested in fighting."

Lu Cheng recalled the battle just now. Slime used three forms in a row without anyone commanding him.

Obviously, this is the result of the stabilization of life energy, allowing it to transform faster.

Lu Cheng touched the slime, handed it the energy cube, and said with a smile, "Okay, you're great too!"

Slime's tearful eyes suddenly widened, and he happily licked the energy cube.

At this moment, Liu Bosheng came over and said with a smile, "How about you check the results, you will be pleasantly surprised?"

Lu Cheng looked at the slime in astonishment, and saw that it had a smug look on its face.

After all, it is the energy of divine beasts, the branches of Xerneas, which almost made a qualitative leap in slime's transformation ability.

I saw that it instantly turned into the appearance of nine tails, spewing out a flame.

Although it can't compare with the power of the genuine jet flame, it is still decent!

Lu Cheng's eyes suddenly widened.

Then, the slime turned into a forest lizard again.

Just based on memory, it learned three points from the forest lizard's solitary temperament, holding the blade in its mouth, and threw out three blade blades indifferently.

Lu Cheng was stunned.

In such a short time, slime learned "leaf blade" and "spray flame"?

Liu Bosheng said with a smile: "Life energy can make the transformation of the Variety Monster more stable, and it is also reflected in the use of moves."

"Generally speaking, as long as it is watched a few times, it can learn this move on the spot."

In the past, slimes had to try again and again after transforming before they could learn a move, such as the rounding and hardening of the small fist stone.

Now, slimes can switch between different forms to use different moves.

In addition to having more tactical options, there has also been a qualitative leap in attacking!

This is simply a transformation in disguise!

Even, Lu Cheng could use it as Zoroja's hallucinatory feature, and use it in the battle against others!

As expected of the energy of Xerneas, it really has a face!

According to Liu Bosheng, the research on gigantic transformation has come to an end, and we are waiting for the production of the energy source.

After the transformation ability has been improved, the slime also has the ability to fight independently.

For Lu Cheng, this was a surprise.

After recalling the slime to the Poké Ball, Lu Cheng took the four Elves on the bus home.


In his own bed, Lu Cheng rarely slept late.

Wake up refreshed.

Going downstairs, there is a scent.

Dad Lu was reading the newspaper on the sofa, and the duck-billed fire dragon came out with a plate of poached eggs. Seeing Lu Cheng, he narrowed his eyes.

Lu Cheng greeted it and hurried out after breakfast.

Jiangcheng's training venues all cost money, but Lu Cheng could use them for free, only those venues.

Yixin Taoist Hall.

Hearing the knock on the door, Gao Lu responded and opened the door.

"Yo, long time no see!" Lu Cheng smiled.

Long time no see, Gao Lu's hair has reached his shoulders, tied into a ponytail, wearing a white turtleneck cashmere sweater.

Seeing Lu Cheng, her small mouth opened, and a crimson flew up on her wheat-colored face, which seemed a bit cute.

"You, why are you here?" Gao Lu stammered.

"I'm on winter vacation." Lu Cheng smiled, "Where's Uncle?"

Gao Lu was slightly startled, let out a breath, and said softly:

"He is conducting the assessment of the gym owner."

Lu Cheng remembered that Gao Minglang had mentioned to him before that he was going to re-assess the gymnasium.

Among the gyms in country C, the competition is quite fierce, and the association will regularly assess the gym owners.

If the strength of the gym owner is not enough, the gym will be downgraded to the "to be determined" list, and it will not be possible to conduct gym battles and issue badges.

The previous Yixin Gym was "to be determined".

Due to the pain of losing his wife, Gao Minglang had no intention of training, and was kicked out of the gym by Lin Yuan's father, and the Yixin gym was on the verge of closing.

But not long ago, Yixin Gym regained its vitality.

Gao Minglang also found his spirit and vitality as a gym owner.

"Is the assessment a 1v1 battle?" Lu Cheng was also a little nervous, said,

"There shouldn't be just one elf in the battle, right?"

Gao Lu nodded with a sullen face and said, "For this battle, Daddy called back all the previous elves."

"It took half a year of training before I applied to the association for an assessment."

At this moment, a deafening roar came from the gym Lu Cheng and Gao Lu hurriedly walked in.

On the large opposing battlefield, a King Nido fell to the ground.

In front of Gao Minglang, a scarred Charem gasped continuously, but his eyes were still very firm.

Looking at the elf who loves his wife, Gao Ming's eyes revealed a trace of sadness and nostalgia.

"Mr. Gao." The examiner in black frowned and said, "You only have one elf left, are you sure you want to continue fighting?"

"The assessment later on may cause a lot of damage to your elves."


At this time, Charem responded with a standard fighting stance.

Just like the arrogant and unreasonable wife.

Gao Minglang gradually revealed a smile and said, "Mr. He, let's get started!"

The assessment officer named He Shen nodded slightly and threw a super ball.

The dust was flying, and the entire venue was almost occupied by this elf.

With a body length of ten meters, a huge steel snake covered in steel, showing its blood-red eyes.



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