My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 223: Evolve, Lizard King! (four four)

Incredibly dazzling light!

Lu Cheng's body couldn't help but start to tremble.

This is the light of evolution!

Xing Feng and Lin Yuan looked at each other and showed shock.

What kind of elf is this?

Why do you still maintain such a strong desire to win after a defeat!

In the white light, the slender body of the forest lizard began to grow again.

The first is the blade at the wrist.

The outstretched turquoise arm formed three bone-like protrusions, which became more rigid, and were named "leaf blade" in the illustrated book.

The lush tails, like palm trees in the tropical rain forest, swayed and made a rustling sound.

Covered with crusty body, strong muscles, behind its back, six cupping-like yellow spheres extend to its neck.

The angular lizard head sticks out a scarlet tongue and makes a sharp cry.


"It actually evolved into the Lizard King after the battle."

Lin Yuan let out a long breath and smiled, "Congratulations, Lu Cheng."

Lu Cheng also took a deep breath, bowed deeply to Xing Feng and Lin Yuan, and said:

"Many thanks!"

Xing Feng looked at the Lizard King curiously. After evolution, it was nearly 1.7 meters tall, which was the height of an adult.

"You, the Lizard King, are more powerful than ordinary ones." Xing Feng laughed.

Lu Cheng couldn't get used to the new form of the Lizard King for a while. The key was that the six yellow spheres were stuck to its back like a cup, which made Lu Cheng want to laugh.

This is somewhat in conflict with the cold personality of the forest lizards.

Instead, it developed in the direction of sand sculptures.

"I'll get used to it." Lu Cheng coughed lightly and comforted himself.

No matter what, he was full of joy at the moment.

He came to Jitian Taoist originally to let forest lizards evolve. At this moment, his purpose has been achieved.

"Then do you want to stay and study?"

Lin Yuan got up and looked at Lu Cheng with a smile.

"You have passed the test of your own disciple."

"The one just now, could it be..." Lu Cheng looked at Xing Feng in surprise.

"That's right." Xing Feng said strangely,

"The battle with you just now was actually the assessment of the direct disciple."

"Generally speaking, you only need to stick to ten moves." Lin Yuan explained with a smile,

"I didn't expect you to force Xing Feng's trump card out."

Xing Feng suddenly coughed.

Mainly because the aura of this elf is too scary.

If the move just now was made by the Lizard King, Xing Feng is really not sure that he can take this move without injury.

After the evolution of the Lizard King, it needs constant training to become familiar with the new form.

Anyway, there is still a period of time away from school, so it is also a good choice to stay at the Jitian Gym for training.

Lu Cheng made up his mind, smiled sweetly at Lin Yuan and said:

"Hello teacher!"



The vigorous figure of the Lizard King kept leaping on the plum blossom pile.

Avoiding the light of the knife slashing across the sky by Commander Split, and twisting sideways over the giant sickle of the flying mantis, the Lizard King jumped, leaving two deep marks on the stake.

This is a dragon-type move that the Lizard King mastered after he evolved.

Two in a row!

After evolution, the face of the Lizard King was more developed towards the legendary dragon.

Rather, it is like the winged amphibious dragon in the movie "The Lord of the Rings" that Lu Cheng had seen.

Although the Lizard King does not have the dragon attribute yet, after the mega evolution, he will also acquire the dragon attribute, and it is understandable to have the dragon bloodline.

"Okay." Lin Yuan nodded.

In training, Lin Yuan is an extremely strict teacher.

It can be seen from the pincer attack of the two elves on the Lizard King that she not only asked the Lizard King to attack, but also required to make the best use of her high mobility.

If possible, it requires a one-shot victory.

This is the secret of the swordsmanship of the Jitian Taoist Academy!

Looking at the sweaty Lizard King, Lu Cheng handed it the sand scale fruit cube in his hand.

A burst of coolness entered his throat, and the Lizard King let out a long breath and smiled at Lu Cheng.

Looking at this scene, the Flying Mantis swallowed unconsciously.

Since Lu Cheng brought energy cubes from time to time, Lin Yuan's powerful crocodile and commander of Chopping and Slashing have gotten a lot closer to him.

Although Lin Yuan usually eats high-end energy cubes, she can't stand Lu Cheng's wild sweetness!

I can't help but Lu Cheng added a lot of love to the energy cube!

As a result, during the rest time, the crocodile rubbed Lu Cheng intimately, Commander Slash was training the Lizard King, and the Flying Mantis could only peep from the side.

For Lu Cheng, the good impression of the crocodile is a sweet burden.

In the first place, this is the elf of the mother-in-law.

Second, this is really a prehistoric giant crocodile taller than a human!

Lu Cheng was afraid that one day the energy cube would not suit his taste, so the crocodile directly ate Lu Cheng.

"Okay, let's move on to the next training program." Lin Yuan clapped her hands and said solemnly.

After evolving into the Lizard King, in addition to the double split, there are also leaf-blade darts that were often used in the forest lizard period.

Since the yellow sphere behind it gave the Lizard King enough energy, it can now directly use grass-type energy to condense a large number of leaf darts.

Also known as the "Leaf Blade Storm"!

Of course, the Lizard King is not very proficient in this trick.

The training in the Jitian Taoist hall is also mainly based on the double chop and the Ihe cut, and the Lizard King has not carried out targeted training for the time being.

Unconsciously, a month passed quietly.

During the course of this month, Mu Wen came to visit Guo Lucheng many times.

But every time she was kicked out by Lin Yuan, she said she was not allowed to hinder the training of the students.

Lu Cheng couldn't help laughing at Lin Yuan's act like a hen protecting a chick.

Can you protect the gymnasium, can you protect it when you get to the school?


The winter vacation is coming to an end, and it is time for Lu Cheng to return to school.

On the last day of training at the Jitian Taoist Hall, the content was the actual combat assessment.

The Lizard King thought that he would be able to compete with Xingfeng's Shield Sword Monster again, and he was full of excitement.

However, Xing Feng had already left the gym and started touring the gym with his sixth badge.

Lu Cheng met his titular senior brother, Cheng Yao.

Since Lu Cheng came Lin Yuan hardly had a smile on Cheng Yao's face.

Although he will still guide his training, more time is spent on Lu Cheng.

How could Cheng Yao not feel jealous!

Cheng Yao's elf was a red lobster with iron claw all over. Although the pair of pincers looked quite intimidating, Lu Cheng couldn't help swallowing.

Such a big lobster tastes so good!

The Lizard King, who was full of resentment, did not confront the sword monster with a strong shield, and directly used the leaf blade to take away the iron claw lobster.

One hit to defeat the enemy.

All the students were stunned, even Cheng Yao, who was full of confidence, looked like he had eaten a fly.

Obviously, what I used was the scissors guillotine, right?

Although the characteristics of the Jitian Taoist hall are indeed one-shot, that's right.

But you are learning too fast, right?

It's not even a month!

Saying goodbye to Lin Yuan, Lu Cheng got on the bus back to Jiangnan University.

Soon after the school starts, it will be the national elf college league.

Unconsciously, Lu Cheng was full of anticipation for this match.



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