My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 230: Against the Firebird, Purgatory

Time goes back to ten minutes ago.

The flow of people passed around Lu Cheng, Xie Yuan was not far from Lu Cheng, pretending to take pictures of the passengers casually.

On the street on the right, Liu Shengnan, wearing sunglasses, pressed the walkie-talkie next to his ear.

"The focus is on remote alleys. If there is any suspicious situation, report it immediately."

"I'll go to the corner in front of the left, Lu Cheng, you..." Xie Yuan hesitated.

He originally wanted Lu Cheng to act with him, but in the blink of an eye, Lu Cheng's strength was no longer under him, and he couldn't help being dumbfounded.

The association has always paid attention to Lu Cheng's growth, especially after the evolution of forest lizards, Lu Cheng's strength is no less than that of Xie Yuan who was on the Oriental Pearl.

Xie Yuan still remembers that at that time he swore that he would cover Lu Cheng in the association.

Unexpectedly, this young man who is under 20 years old now has the same officer status as him and is qualified to act alone.

"Lu Cheng acted alone." Liu Shengnan took the conversation and frowned, "But once the situation is discovered, wait for the personnel to converge before taking action!"

Lu Cheng responded.

For him, it was unforgivable for the Galaxy Group to attack civilians alone.

When he was in Qianjiang, his strength was still low, and he could only save the carload of old people as much as possible, but now, both he and his elves have grown up.

With great power comes great responsibility.

He has never been a refined egoist. If possible, he would rather save more people's lives.

"Okay, let's act!"

At this moment, there was a commotion from the back of the road.

When Lu Cheng turned around, he saw a big-mouthed bat opened its **** mouth and rushed towards the torchbearer.


There was a scream of screams, and the crowd began to panic, desperately running towards the surroundings.

Lu Cheng's pupils shrank suddenly.

Right in front of him, a man took off his mask, slowly took out the Poke Ball, and showed a weird smile.

"Come on, double gas!"

The red light flashed, the whole body was covered with tumors, and the double-bomb gas that was emitting poison gas all the time appeared above the crowd.


Before the man finished speaking, he suddenly jumped forward and fell to the ground.

Lu Cheng directly kicked the man down, and then slammed his elbow on the back of the man's neck, and the handcuffs from Guo Zhang also came in handy.

"You use a ghost!" Lu Cheng shouted loudly.

Before the double-bomb gas flying in mid-air could react, he was directly knocked down by a vigorous King Yan.

"Little brother, leave it to us here!"

A member of the Armed Forces who had seen him in the van gave Lu Cheng a thumbs up.

Lu Cheng nodded gratefully.

At this moment, he felt the air around him suddenly rise.

Looking up, an orange-red flaming bird flapped its wings made of flames, and made a harsh chirping in the air.

This is the flaming bird that Lu Cheng saw above the competition center!

The flames converged on its wings, and the surrounding air seemed to twist,

Lu Cheng had seen divine beasts before, and he knew what terrifying power it was!

Once this flaming bird uses a vortex of flame against the crowd, the consequences will be unimaginable!

The collector standing above the tall building put down the telescope and showed a sinister smile.

Emperor Yan, Emperor Yan, you have already reached this point, are you still not taking action?

Are you willing to watch innocent people die in flames like this?

I know you're nearby, so hurry up!

The flame bird chanted loudly, the orange flame crown rose sharply, and the flames on both wings roared out like a vortex!

In front of this kind of flame, even the hardest steel will be melted, and even if it encounters a spark, it will immediately be burned to coke.

There is absolutely no possibility of resistance!

Two flame vortices with a diameter of two meters merged directly in the air, presenting a huge tornado-like flame.

Let alone an ordinary person, even an elite-level trainer would be helpless in the face of such a powerful flame!

A golden light.

No one saw where the Nine-Tails came from, but only saw it jumped onto the roof of the car like a flaming spirit and jumped again.

Without hesitation, he rushed towards the turbulent flame vortex!

The vortex with a diameter of five meters directly swallowed the nine tails!

Sparks scattered, and the members of the Armed Forces Department, who were dormant in the crowd, threw out the elf ball of the Hudi or the magic wall puppet early, and built an indestructible wall of light to resist the sparks that bloomed like fireworks.

But even they were shocked.

Whose spirit is that?

Why do you have such courage to challenge the authority of the divine beast!

Liu Shengnan was also deeply shocked by this scene.

On her sunglasses, there was only a golden figure rushing into the vortex like a red lotus blooming!

Liu Shengnan swallowed subconsciously, but she had other things to do.

"who is it!?"

At this moment, a figure passed between the alleys beside her. She looked back at the nine tails that were still in the flames, gritted her teeth, and followed up alone.

"Xie Yuan, I'm at the entrance of Alley B37, come over immediately!"

Xie Yuan had just finished investigating an alley, and also witnessed the shocking scene, his jaw almost dropped to the ground in shock.

If he read it right, the elf—

It's Lu Cheng's nine tails! ?

Liu Shengnan's call came. Hearing the words in his ear, Xie Yuan couldn't help but quickly ran to the entrance of the B37 alley.

Hold on, Lu Cheng!

Xie Yuan cried out in his heart.

His eyes returned to the whistling flame vortex.

Lu Cheng gritted his teeth.

Even he is not confident, can the nine tails resist such a powerful flame!

Although the nine-tailed characteristic is to ignite fire, the strength of the flame bird is too powerful——

That is the legendary beast!

However, just when Lu Cheng hesitated, Nine Tails jumped out of the Poke Ball.

It has a close relationship with Lu Cheng, and can naturally feel the master's heart.

But even if the opponent was a flame bird, it also rushed forward without a hitch.

It believes in its own strength, and even more in Lu Cheng's command!

Up to now, it has to be like this!

Lu Cheng clenched his fists and shouted: "Nine tails, use the flame vortex on yourself!"

Using the flames of the nine tails may be able to offset some of the damage!


The flame vortex with a diameter of more than five meters directly swallowed the nine tails!


Flaming Bird's eyes burned with red light, and he shouted loudly unscrupulously, as if laughing at Nine-Tails' overreaching.

It's a beast!

It is a symbol of fire!

How can someone be allowed to use flames to provoke it in front of it!

However, in the vortex of flames that gradually condensed into a ball, there was still a golden figure struggling to support it.

Using the flame vortex, the nine tails offset the incomparably domineering flame, and the remaining flame made its body glow, as if it was coated with a more dazzling golden layer.

Start the fire!


The nine tails suddenly screamed, and the nine tails burst into a dazzling golden light, as if it was more dazzling than the sun!

Under this dazzling light, Lu Cheng's eyes burst into tears unconsciously, but his voice was incomparably calm.

"Nine tails—"

A red light flew out!

The remaining two flame gems were directly thrown by Lu Cheng to the nine tails in the flames, and the violent energy seemed to be detonated at this moment.

Scorching air waves!

Even the sturdy wall of light seemed to have cracks at this moment.



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