My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 232: 2 brothers, help me destroy this group of people

"Don't run, stop!"

In the dark alley, Liu Shengnan's voice kept echoing.

A young man was dragging his lame legs and running desperately, and the puddles splashed around, reflecting his pale cheeks.

"If you run again, I'll shoot!"

The new cadre of the Galaxy Group, Watanabe did not answer, and rushed directly to the corner of the alley.


Liu Shengnan pulled the pistol equipped with the silencer, and the bullet shot at the stairs at the corner, sparking everywhere.

Watanabe also took the opportunity to hide his figure.

"Damn it!" Liu Shengnan cursed and threw the Poke Ball directly.

"Dolby, protect me with a wall of light!"

The artificial egg cells wrapped in mucus let out a cry, and two giant hands created a hard wall of light out of thin air, blocking Liu Shengnan's sides.

But at this moment, a thread of silk shot out quickly!


The sticky and resilient silk thread deftly bypassed Dolby's wall of light and wrapped around Liu Shengnan's limbs.


The spider silk tightened violently!

A cold light flashed in Liu Shengnan's eyes, a raised leg, and the rivet boots directly cut off the spider silk wrapped around his feet.

But the spider silk tied to her wrist was getting tighter.

With a "click", the pistol fell to the ground!

Liu Shengnan suddenly felt a "hissing" sound coming from above his head, and when he looked up, he saw a scene that made her horrified.

Alidos, the size of an adult man, was lying on the dark and towering wall, rubbing the penetrating mouthparts, and a pair of black eyes were staring at her faintly.

The spider silk just now was launched from it!

Eight yellow-purple claws were embedded in the wall, making a crunching sound, leaving a green mucus in Alidos' cavity, and the terrifying spider face suddenly ripped apart like a crack. Sew!

A thick purple mist spewed out!

Liu Shengnan just sneered.

When the poison was sprayed on Liu Shengnan, her figure had already appeared in the position of the original artificial egg cell.

Swap venues!

And the artificial egg cell used those giant hands to directly tore the flexible spider silk, the baby in the mucus smiled strangely, and the eyes suddenly lit up with purple light.


Alidos curled up in pain. Although the effect was not good, the direct mental shock made it extremely painful in an instant.

The virulent poison fell on the body of the artificial egg cell, but it was directly integrated into its liquid-like body.

It can be clearly seen that the poison is violently occupying the surrounding area, but it is swallowed by the nucleus in a blink of an eye.

Fire Fist!

The artificial egg directly threw out a flaming fist and knocked Alidos down from the wall.

"Ma'am, your strength is quite outstanding."

Watching Liu Shengnan's gun fall to the ground, Watanabe walked out from behind the stairs.

His lungs have been damaged by toxins for many years. At this moment, he couldn't help coughing up blood and said, "It's a pity, you still have to die here."

"Are you sure?" Liu Shengnan narrowed his beautiful eyes.

An Elledo appeared behind Liu Shengnan!

Like the most loyal guard, Elu Reido bowed respectfully, raised the blue shield directly, and jumped up suddenly.

Using the walls on both sides, Eluledo kept climbing, avoiding Alidos' spider silk, and suddenly fell from the sky like a sharp sword!

Yan returned!

"The Centipede King, the defense roll!"

Another centipede climbed down from the wall, a large centipede more than five meters long, making Liu Shengnan feel chills all over.

But even the Centipede King didn't dare to attack Liu Shengnan directly, so Dolby used two big hands to wrap Liu Shengnan directly.

The scarlet centipede curled up into a ball, resisting Elu Leiduo's Swallow Return, but Elu Leiduo's eyes flashed with blue light, and he had already appeared beside trainer Watanabe, holding it up with a shield. his neck.


"General." Liu Shengnan said coldly.

Watanabe shrugged and slowly raised his hands.

However, at this moment, a mutation protruded!

An incomparably fast black shadow appeared out of nowhere, jumping rapidly in the narrow alley, and at the same time, there was an incomparably infiltrating miserable laughter.

"Jie Jie—"

Before Liu Shengnan could even see its figure clearly, there were already numerous wounds on Eluledo and Dolby!

As a last resort, Elleido let go of Watanabe and raised his shield, but the shadow actually appeared directly behind Elleido.

It seems like a shadow claw that can tear space apart!

At this moment, a soft energy wave shook directly from Elleido's surroundings, knocking the shadow to the ground.

This is the future prediction that Liu Shengnan ordered Eludor to use while everyone was not paying attention!

The shadow revealed its true body, and a layer of rags fell off the elf's body like a painted skin.

Like a broken Pikachu doll, with a penetrating smile, as if shaking his body with excitement.

Mimic Q!

"Ah, eldest sister is really not gentle enough."

Behind Liu Shengnan, a silver bell-like laughter came.

Sophia was wearing a dress with her hands behind her back, and smiled sweetly: "Big sister, you won't be able to marry like this."

For a while, Liu Shengnan was caught in a pinch!

"Brother Liu can't marry anymore."

Sophia's complexion changed, and she leaned directly against the wall, her terrifying chest and feet waving empty against her braid.

Pylast stared blankly at Sophia with wide-open eyes.

"Sure enough, I still can't be ruthless." Xie Yuan sighed.

"He's not married or not, come and save me!" Liu Shengnan yelled loudly.

"Okay, okay." Xie Yuan pointed the pistol at Sophia while smiling bitterly.

"Little girl, at such a close distance, no matter how bad my marksmanship is, it will still hurt."

"Shut up."

Sophia pouted quietly.

"Let your mimetic Q stop, otherwise—"

At this moment, Xie Yuan's eyes widened.

The walkie-talkie is back?

"Hello." Xie Yuan tried to call, "Lu Cheng?"

"Alley B37!" Liu Shengnan shouted, "Bring more people here!"


A gunshot!

Not Xie Yuan's pistol.

Liu Shengnan widened his eyes in horror.

Xie Yuan's arm was directly pierced by the bullet!

The pistol fell weakly to the ground, making a cold sound.

Xie Yuan's face was pale, and he covered his arm, where the blood was gushing out like a spring, sweating like rain and said:

"Bawanghua, stop him!"

Sophia suddenly turned around and kicked Xie Yuan on the waist, kicked him directly to the ground, and smiled sweetly at the person who came:

"Brother, you're here!"

"How to deal with it?" Watanabe asked weakly.

Looking at Liu Shengnan, who was full of anger, and Xie Yuan, who was unbelievable, Wang Yingjie couldn't help but feel a little tired.

Back then, he was so powerless on the Oriental Pearl.

Now, it's their turn.

"All killed." Wang Yingjie said coldly.

"Okay!" Sophia's eyes were full of murderous intent, and she said softly, "Mischief Q, Shadow Claw!"

Mimic Q with a ghostly figure charged directly at Elluedo, tearing a hideous wound on its back!

Pylast was directly entangled in his chest and feet by the spider silk of Alidos.

In this narrow terrain, the silk spinning of insect elves is simply the best weapon!


The centipede king climbed up the damp wall and stared at Liu Shengnan quietly.

When her artificial egg cells are exhausted, it will kill them with one blow!

"Water Arrow Turtle, Frozen Fist."

Facing Xie Yuan, Wang Yingjie no longer had the feeling of powerlessness he once had.

Even this overlord is no longer a match for the water arrow turtle.


The frozen fist exuding cold air exploded directly at the flower plate of the Overlord Flower, making it almost fall to the ground.

The crystal pieces of ice were scattered on the beautiful petals of the Overlord Flower, braving the slightest chill, and even had a slightly coquettish beauty.

This is Wang Yingjie's style.

Violent and cruel, every move is fatal.

At this moment, even Liu Shengnan, who has always been arrogant, couldn't help but feel a little despair.

Is it really going to end?

In this remote alley, there are no other members of the Armed Forces.

And Lu Cheng is going to twitch his hands, it's impossible to do so quickly—

"Lizard King, there is a flash of lightning."

The sun is falling from the narrow alley, and the figure of the future person is drawn very long.

He was in the backlight and couldn't even see his face.

But that familiar voice was already cold:

"Second Senior Brother, help me destroy this group of people."

"After going back, the golden energy cube, double it."


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