My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 236: Holy Fire (2/4)

The Lizard King Evolution Stone and Keystone are temporarily left in the Armed Forces.

According to Guo Zhang's words, first take it out and look at Lu Cheng, so that maybe he can pay more attention to the league.

In addition, the members of the Armed Forces of this operation are all given cash rewards.

But in fact, the cash inflation is quite serious, and the cash they got was spent on the elves. In the end, they were still working men, but everyone still enjoyed it.

The clerk should have a reward of 300,000 yuan, but Lu Cheng and Guo Zhang discussed it and exchanged them for three fire gems.

Lu Cheng returned to the hotel while playing with the slightly hot ruby ​​that was lost and found.

Kyuubi, who had slept for two days and two nights, finally woke up leisurely.

If it hadn't been for the feeling that Nine Tails was dreaming beautifully through the "heart connection", Lu Cheng was afraid that something might go wrong.

After waking up, Nine Tails, the first thing to do is to look around to find the owner.

But seeing Lu Cheng standing in front of it, it couldn't help but lower its tail and let out a shy cry.

The energy cubes made with golden cranberries and golden pineapples were running out, and most of them were taken by Lu Cheng to honor the three elves.

But when Nine Tails woke up, he still enjoyed the freshly baked golden energy cube.

It is worth mentioning that after bathing in the flame vortex of the flame bird, the nine tails are full of abundant fire energy.

The intuitive expression is that at any time, Jiuwei's body seems to be plated with a layer of gold powder, shiny and particularly moving.

This made the beauty-loving nine tails very satisfied.

And the gift from Emperor Yan made Lu Cheng extremely shocked.

In the list of nine-tailed moves, there is a gray move called "Holy Fire".

Lu Cheng swallowed.

He suddenly understood what the golden flame that Emperor Yan gave to the Nine Tails at that time was.

Holy Fire—

This is a fire-type move that only Entei and Ho-oh can learn!

As the flames of divine beasts, the sacred flames are no less than the blue flames of Leshiram and the V-hot flames of Risakuza.

And now, Nine Tails also has the opportunity to master this flame!

Lu Cheng suppressed the ecstasy in his heart.

Calm, calm, compared to Tu Ming's three big boss elves, Nine Tails still has a long way to go!

Lu Cheng let Jiuwei try the use of sacred fire outdoors, and he also rented three water elves with extreme caution.

But at the moment, the strength of the nine tails is not enough to use this move.

From the appearance, the current sacred fire is only golden, but Lu Cheng knows that this kind of flame can even reach the level of white flame eventually, and even never go out.

At present, the sacred fire that Nine Tails can use is only a cluster of flames, no larger than the size of a thumb.

But even this cluster of flames took the three water-type elves to put out the water guns for a whole minute before they were extinguished.

This kind of terrifying persistence, once contaminated with the elf, will make it burn into a state of burns throughout the battle, and even medicine cannot remove it.

This cluster of flames alone consumed all of Nine-Tails' physical strength, causing it to lie on the ground wearily.


Lu Cheng stepped forward and stroked the soft golden hair of Nine Tails, making it purr softly.

Right now, it's not the time to train Sacred Fire.

After the strength of the nine tails is stronger, this holy fire will become the trump card of the nine tails!

In addition, the purgatory that Nine Tails used at that time also surprised Lu Cheng.

Right now, the nine tails have officially passed the training phase of the big character explosion and began to train in purgatory.

Although Purgatory is inferior to Big Character Explosion in terms of intuitive destructive power, Purgatory, as a large version of the flame vortex, will restrict the movement of the opponent's elves and cause a lot of area damage.

In team competition, Purgatory can play a better effect than Big Character Explosion.

In general, Lu Cheng has gained a lot from this trip.

But more importantly, his mental growth.

The short vacation was coming to an end, Lu Cheng and his party got on the bus and rushed back to school.

And Lu Cheng also received a reply from Dr. Gao Cong of the Association's Scientific Research Department.

"Dear Mr. Lu, preliminary progress has been made in the amber gene you handed over to me. We have successfully extracted the gene fragments from the amber, but Spirit He has yet to be confirmed, but please rest assured, at least three months, we will be able to succeed. The elf was successfully resurrected."

Lu Cheng originally wanted Liu Bosheng to help resurrect the fossilized pterosaur, but Liu Bosheng's major was not right. It happened that Gao Cong was a doctoral student majoring in archaeology, so Lu Cheng handed the secret amber to Dr. Gao Cong.

With Lu Cheng's status in the Armed Forces Department at the moment, there is no need to worry that Gao Cong will embezzle the fossilized pterosaur. Besides, Lu Cheng also has an academic identity, so Gao Cong doesn't need to take the risk of losing his reputation to capture the elves.

In three months, can the fossilized pterosaur be resurrected?

Lu Cheng pondered and closed his eyes.

It happened to be the summer vacation at that time, and it was also the closing time of the National Spirit League.

I believe that at that time, my strength will definitely reach a new level!

Just as Lu Cheng pondered, the scenery outside the window became familiar.

Jiangnan University.

To everyone's surprise, they were greeted by a smiling Du Zhe.

Du Zhe first greeted everyone with a smile, and then asked Lu Cheng to come to his office to discuss the scholarship for last semester.

Jiangnan University's exam results for last semester have come out, and Lu Cheng has no doubt achieved the first grade in his grade.

Especially in Mr. Hou Yu's energy cube making training, Lu Cheng achieved the only full score in the training coefficient over the years.

The crowd dispersed without suspicion of him.

"Brother Cheng, I'll go back to the bedroom first!" Deng Jiawen waved to Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng nodded and followed Du Zhe to the teaching office.

Although Du Zhe's face was full of spring breeze, it still made Lu Cheng feel the pressure.

"Sit down." Du Zhe happily lifted the thermos cup.

Lu Cheng coughed dryly and sat down.

"Okay, you kid." Du Zhe looked at Lu Cheng with a deep meaning, "Can you actually fight the beast head-on?"

Obviously, with Du Zhe's authority, he already knew what happened at the torch ceremony at that time.

Lu Cheng smiled bitterly: "Teacher, stop making fun of me, I almost died."

"I know."

This time, there was no smile on Du Zhe's face.

He said very seriously: "Lu promise me that you won't be involved in these things again until you become stronger."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

"This is the second time, isn't it?" Du Zhe sighed, "I know your identity in the association, but there are some things that you can stay out of, try not to intervene. The most important thing is to protect yourself."

"After all, your current strength is still too small."

Lu Cheng nodded silently.

As he grew, he became more and more aware of the strength of the trainers above the pyramid.

Not to mention the king-level Tu Ming, even the gym owners, it would be easy to defeat the current Lu Cheng.

In fact, between trainers and trainers, there are gaps one after another.

And what Lu Cheng had to do was to fill it up continuously until he stood on the top of the highest mountain.

Looking at Lu Cheng's eyes, Du Zhe vaguely felt that the child seemed to have changed.

But what exactly changed, he couldn't say.

He had to laugh dumbly: "Okay, let's cheer for the league."

"Let's go to the league." Lu Cheng murmured and repeated.



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