My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 239: Deng Ruyun's love training class

In the afternoon, Deng Ruyun still came to the training room.

The empty hall was so quiet that even the sound of breathing could be clearly heard.

Shen Sitian was dozing on the round platform, and the sunlight illuminated her profile.

Deng Ruyun wanted to speak, but moved his lips, but did not make a sound.

Because she saw that the No. 3 training hall that Lu Cheng often went to was showing the "idle" state at the moment.

Lu Cheng didn't come.

At this time, it was supposed to be the time for the two of them to have a daily battle.

Although Lu Cheng always wins less and loses more, every time he loses, the smile on his face always makes Deng Ruyun's heart move for no reason.

Also in the weather room and the team race...

Deng Ruyun shook his head and walked into the No. 3 training hall.

She had already told Lu Cheng that she would not come in the afternoon, so it was normal for no one.

So, did he come to the training room just to find me for training...

Deng Ruyun was stunned for a moment, her face was slightly hot.

No, he already has a girlfriend.

She was also a very good girl, at least she was quite good-looking.

Deng Ruyun completely put aside the thoughts in his mind and concentrated on training.

"Hoo Fire Monkey, Flash Charge!"

A scorching heat wave.

For some reason, the power of the Fire Monkey today seems to be a bit stronger than before.

Shen Sitian was leaning against the door frame at the moment, watching Deng Ruyun's training, yawning.

It wasn't until Deng Ruyun finished training and wiped the sweat on his forehead that he realized Shen Sitian.

"I'm sorry teacher, I woke you up." Deng Ruyun said apologetically.

"It's all right!" Shen Sitian waved her hand and smiled, "It's you, why do you look like you have something on your mind?"


A trace of surprise flashed across Deng Ruyun's icy face, and she pointed at herself.

"Yes." Shen Sitian blinked and smiled, "Don't look at me like this, my intuition is very accurate!"

Shen Sitian pulled Deng Ruyun to the sofa by the window. The April sun shone in, and a cotton shuttlecock was dozing off in a flowerpot by the window.

This is the lounge of the training room. It can be used to read books and drink tea, and to kill time for elves to check or treat.

Shen Sitian pressed Deng Ruyun onto the sofa, brewed a pot of black tea with her own hands, took out the little biscuits she treasured, and pushed them onto the table.

With her arms propped on the table and her cheeks supported by both hands, she said expectantly, "Come on, let's talk!"

"What?" Deng Ruyun was slightly surprised.

"Tell me what's on your mind!" Shen Si smiled sweetly, "This is a girl's little secret, don't worry, I will never tell anyone!"

Deng Ruyun lowered her head and pondered.

"If you keep your thoughts hidden, even the elves will be affected."

Shen Sitian chewed on the small biscuits "crackle" and said vaguely: "The teacher is also a professional psychological counselor, and there is a certificate."

Suddenly, Shen Sitian was stunned, and looked at the half-empty biscuits on the plate in astonishment.

No, why did I eat it first?

Deng Ruyun rolled up the soft black hair beside her ears, nodded, took a deep breath and said:

"I have a friend……"

"And then." Shen Sitian's face stiffened, and then she smiled naturally.

Fortunately, I am a professional, otherwise I would have laughed out loud.

Shen Sitian said happily.

The friend you are talking about is yourself!

Deng Ruyun said softly, "She has a very good male classmate, but that boy already has a girlfriend."

Shen Sitian's eyes widened.

Damn it, what kind of gossip is this!

The president of the Battle Club, the flower of the training department, the Bai Yueguang in the hearts of all boys, there is someone you like!

That man actually doesn't look down on her?

Shen Sitian raised a cup of black tea with trembling fingers, took a sip, and said with a dry smile, "Then what?"

"Then she was very distressed." Deng Ruyun said blankly, "Should I kill... Should I let go or continue."

You just said the word "kill", right!

Just for a moment, I felt the killing intent!

Shen Sitian was sweating profusely for a while, then smiled reluctantly: "This is normal!"

"Very normal?" A trace of confusion appeared on Deng Ruyun's cold face.

"That's right!" Shen Sitian pretended to be confident and said aloud, "It's true that good people are attracted to each other, so it's understandable that you like that man!"

"Is that so..." Deng Ruyun murmured, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Then what should I do?"

You just said it was your friend, but it really is you!

Silent was sweating profusely.

How do I know what to do? I've never been in a relationship. People who focus on their studies and exams have no time to fall in love!

The old lady is just hilarious!

Silent took a deep breath.

No, you have to stabilize this girl first, or else you will really get killed.

"It's very simple, I'll just send you one sentence."

Shen Sitian crossed her fingers under the bridge of her nose and put her arms on the table, in a classic movement, and said deeply:



Shen Sitian took a sip and said loudly, "It's not cowardice, it's to let your friend follow his heart!"

"Follow your heart?" Deng Ruyun murmured and repeated.

Immediately, Deng Ruyun looked up at Shen Sitian, although she still had that blunt expression, her eyes seemed to be shining.

"Mr. Shen, are you very experienced?"

What experience?

This question is out of line!

Shen Sitian's face was slightly red, and he coughed: "Of course, you are very experienced in every aspect!"

Deng Ruyun nodded and said softly, "Is there any specific method?"

"Of course there is!" Shen Sitian relied on her 20 years of single experience: "As the saying goes, if you want to grab a man's heart, you have to grab his stomach first!"

In the next half hour, Shen Sitian taught Deng Ruyun what she had learned all her life...

Until it was getting late, Deng Ruyun suddenly clapped the table and said with bright eyes, "I understand!"

Shen Sitian was taken aback and laughed dryly: "It's good to understand, it's good to understand..."

"Thank you, Teacher Shen." There was a beautiful smile on Deng Ruyun's face, making Shen Sitian a little dazed.

"I know what to do!"

Looking at Deng Ruyun's slender back, she thought thoughtfully with shame.

It's all played like this in TV dramas, shouldn't it be wrong?

I don't know which boy is so lucky, but Deng Ruyun has taken a fancy to him.

She actually has a girlfriend.


Just when Shen Sitian was angry, Lu Cheng walked in.

"Yo, Mr. where are you drinking tea?" Lu Cheng said with a smile.

Shen Sitian glanced at Lu Cheng, raised her eyebrows and said, "Why didn't you come this afternoon?"


Lu Cheng looked up at the sky. In the afternoon, he was doing a blood routine in the hospital.

It was because Mu Wen's bento was not fully cooked, and the raw egg almost infected Lu Cheng with bacteria.

But anyway, President Deng has something to do in the afternoon, so this is not a missed appointment.

Looking at Shen Sitian's disappointed look, Lu Cheng decided not to disturb her.

"Lu Cheng, stop!"

Shen Sitian suddenly remembered that Lu Cheng and Deng Ruyun both belonged to the school team, so he might have some clues.

Lu Cheng was at a loss, only to hear Shen Sitian come over and gossip: "Do you know who Deng Ruyun has been with recently?"

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became strange.

"Hahaha, I forgot to take something."

Shen Sitian stared blankly at Lu Cheng and left almost at the speed of running, her expression gradually changed from confusion to anger.

"Scumbag!" Shen Sitian patted the table and said.

"Oh, my black tea spilled..."


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