My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 245: Carp King Evolution!

A total of 32 teams stayed in the hotel arranged by the competition, the Shy Bao Hotel.

As a national chain of five-star hotels, the daily cost is more than a few thousand yuan, so the event party is not without deep pockets.

The Mimosa Hotel is close to the 30th floor, similar to a resort hotel.

There is a courtyard outside the hotel, with a small fountain, which is convenient for cars to turn around. There are also a few ornamental elves on the large lawn.

The first to tenth floors are equipped with various functional facilities, such as gyms, movie halls, and bowling rooms. The fifth floor provides buffet and ordering services. Even at midnight, the service staff can deliver food to the room. .

Of course, you have to pay a lot of service fees.

The hotel is also equipped with senior nutritionists and various medical staff to ensure that the players and elves are always in the best condition.

At this moment, Lu Cheng was playing with the free energy cubes in the hotel.

Judging from the blue flocs, it should be the most basic orange fruit cube, and it is only of mid-range quality.

But even so, the cost of a can is more than 1,000 yuan.

It is quite a luxury to be able to supply this energy cube in unlimited quantities here.

"Are you going to eat, are you going to eat?"

Like a cat stick, Lu Cheng held the energy cube to tease the carp king lying on the floor.

The Carp King gave Lu Cheng a fake glance, and suddenly water splashed on the ground, and he took the energy cube from Lu Cheng's hand.

With a body of more than 30 kilograms, it is really hard for him to jump so high.


At this moment, a loud noise came from the courtyard outside the hotel.

"What's the movement?"

Lu Cheng walked out of the room and found that many students from other colleges and universities in the corridor were also looking around, looking confused.

"What was that sound just now?"

"I don't know. Could it be that someone is fighting in the courtyard now?"

"You're crazy, the game will start tomorrow, isn't it good to save some strength?"


Lu Cheng's eyes lit up.

If there is a competition, Lu Cheng really wants to watch it.

First, let's check the strength of the other players, and secondly, if there is a chance, let the Nine-Tails and the Lizard King go to the event.

Taking the elevator down, Lu Cheng happened to meet Zhuge Hui in the lobby.

I saw Zhuge Hui pondering, with a strange expression on his face.

"Squad leader, what's going on outside?" Lu Cheng asked curiously, "There is a battle, can we add another group?"

"It's not a battle." Zhuge Hui shook his head and said, "It's a kapi."

"Kapibeast?" Lu Cheng was taken aback.

"You'll know when you go out and take a look."

When I walked into the courtyard, I found that many students were gathered around, and there were even more and more people, making an amazed sound.

No matter where you go, it is human nature to like to watch the fun.

Lu Cheng took a closer look, and in the center of the crowd, an incomparably huge kabbit was lying on the lawn, snoring like thunder.

Next to the Kirby beast, there is also a huge wooden barrel, and the staff is constantly pouring energy cubes into it.

After a while, the Kirby beast woke up and saw the bucket full of energy cubes. He was overjoyed and buried his head in it and chewed it.

"It's true that this emperor is really big. He actually picked up the wool of the tournament team." Beside Lu Cheng, a boy sighed with emotion.

"It was originally meant to be free, so of course the Kirby must be fed!"

A girl's eyes widened and she answered, "Besides, this carbine is so cute, what's wrong with eating more!"


Looking at this giant beast, Lu Cheng couldn't help swallowing.

The bristles on the belly were curled together, the fat was piled up in several stacks, and the chin was deeply wrinkled, and the neck of this elf could not be seen at all.

Lu Cheng doubted whether the kabbi could stand up on its own.

In front of the crowd, the manager was sweating profusely discussing with a simple and honest boy.

"Classmate, how long will it take for you, a kabibi, to be full!"

"I don't know either." The boy smiled shyly, "Since it evolved, it seems that it has never had enough to eat."

The manager's face suddenly turned pale.

"This is He Rong from Imperial University."

In the crowd, a boy with glasses was doing popular science: "He is a striker of Imperial University. He appeared once last year, but at that time his kapimon hadn't evolved yet."

"After accumulating strength for a whole year, his strength will definitely be quite terrifying!" The boy said cautiously.

In a blink of an eye, the energy cubes in the bucket were exhausted, and the Kirby was obviously not full, squinting and belly beating irritably.

Fortunately, this is not a belly drumming move, otherwise the entire hotel will suffer.

At this moment, another transport vehicle came, and the barrels of energy cubes were dumped into the special large wooden barrel, which immediately made the Kirby laugh.

"Let's go, wait until it's full, it's dawn!"

"However, this meal cost hundreds of thousands of yuan."

"It's worth it to earn hundreds of thousands before the game, it's really worth it!"

Lu Cheng also sighed indifferently.

It's not a battle, it doesn't make any sense at all!

Thankfully, I specially brought out the Poke Ball.

No, what about the Poké Ball?

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, looked down, and saw a diving ball with the cover open, lying quietly on the ground.

"What happened to this king carp, how did it jump into the wooden barrel!"

"Fuck, Golden Carp King, this is the Shining Spirit!"

Lu Cheng was stunned, the carp king had already jumped onto the pile of energy cubes that formed a hill, and a fierce man plunged into it.

When it came out again, its eyes were blurred, and it burped involuntarily.

The carp king could not help but burst into tears.

No, I can't eat it anymore!

Is there anything more painful in this world than this?

It's obvious that delicious food is near Chichi, but I can't eat it!

Even Kirby was stunned, staring blankly at the carp king, forgetting that it was here to grab his plate of food.


A Poké Ball flew towards the Carp King and banged on the Carp King's head with a thud.

"Roar?" The carp king was stunned.

Why did you hit me with the Poke Ball?

The Poke Ball rolled to the ground, and even the trainer who threw the ball was stunned.

Even if you don't conquer it, you still want to score goals!

"You stupid, this carp king must have an owner!"

However, such intellectuals are still in the minority.

Watching someone lose the The others were not far behind, and they took out the Poke Ball from their arms.

In an instant, the sky was filled with all kinds of Poké Balls.

Not to mention the red and white **** that cost 10,000 yuan, there are countless diving **** and nesting balls. Lu Cheng even saw a luxurious ball that cost hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Lu Cheng was stunned.

Is this the world of the rich?

What's flying in the air isn't a Poké Ball, it's a lot of money!

He Rong's expression changed.

It's over, this will make the Kirby beast mistakenly think that it is attacking it!

"Kapimon, calm down!" He Rong yelled.

The blood-red Kirby beast struggled to get up from the ground, like a high wall, blocking most of the Poké Balls.

However, quite a few Poké Balls still flew on the head of the Carp King.


It's not over yet!

The carp king was also furious, suddenly jumped out of thin air, and slapped the luxurious ball into a trainer's face with one tail.


At the same time, a dazzling white light burst out from the body!



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