My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 256: Rule loopholes

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Before the live broadcast, Dongzi shouted excitedly:

"Come and see, Brother Cheng is going to play next game!"

The classmates from the next dormitory also gathered in front of Dongzi's computer.

However, everyone's expressions became strange when they saw the players from the Magic Capital University.

"Dongzi." A boy said sternly, "Brother Cheng may be in trouble this time."

At the same time, the barrage on the live broadcast also exploded.

"Fuck, why is Shao Hai still able to participate!"

"Isn't he a junior player? Why does he continue to appear this year!"

"Violation! This person has appeared twice!"

Even in the competition venue, many spectators recognized Shao Hai's share, and there was a lot of discussion.

But more audiences are still in a state of confusion.

"What's the matter?"

"Coach, this..."

Zhuge Hui did not shed a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and could not help but look at Chen Dayong.

Of course, Zhuge Hui knew Shao Hai.

He has watched the legendary battle of the Shanghai Jiaotong University many times, and Shao Hai even played a crucial role in the team.

As early as two years ago, Shao Hai already had a giant swamp monster that could fight against the Emperor's Bangira without falling behind.

It is enough to imagine how terrifying Shao Hai's strength will be now!

"Why can he play?" Deng Ruyun frowned.

"If I'm not mistaken," Chen Dayong pondered, "It was Shao Hai's request to the school for repeating his class."

Everyone was stunned.

"Shao Hai, a freshman at the time, was criticized a lot during the competition." Chen Dayong frowned.

"And in the sophomore year, the Demon Capital Jiaotong University he led was almost swept away by the Emperor University."

"Standing here now is also to prove my strength."

With that said, Chen Dayong turned his attention to Lu Cheng on the field and sighed involuntarily:

"Now, I can only hope that Lu Cheng can spend more energy on the giant marsh monster!"


"Everyone, don't be impatient!"

In the face of the noisy scene, Ding Lei said loudly: "According to the regulations of the competition party, Shao Hai meets the conditions of the league!"

"Did you make a mistake? You can still participate in the competition when you are a junior!?"

A cute girl in a nine-tailed T-shirt couldn't help standing up and scolded: "Let a freshman beat a junior, do you still want your face?"

"That's it!"

At Imperial Capital University, Zhai Wenyao couldn't help but whispered: "As expected of the daughter of An Sect Leader."

It is not unheard of in the history of the competition to choose to repeat the class in order to compete for the ranking.

But it was the first time in history that he was relegated after the defending champion.

And An Ran actually withstood multiple pressures and enabled Shao Hai.

This is quite a bold decision for a budding coach!

"Isn't it in line with the rules?"

At the same time, the supporters of Modu Jiaotong University are also arguing in the barrage and comments.

"Ncaa still has a lot of people repeating the championship every year!"

Indeed, Modu Jiaotong University's work is in full compliance with the regulations of the competition.

But at this moment, for Jiangnan University, this is undoubtedly a worse thing.

And now, Lu Cheng, who is just a freshman, is about to face Shao Hai, whose strength is unfathomable.

This is more than **** difficulty, it is simply impossible!

Lu Cheng walked slowly to the battlefield.

Countless noises echoed in the venue, and an extremely tense atmosphere seemed to hover over the hall.

Lu Cheng seemed a little stunned.

What are these people shouting about?

Since the commentary can interfere with the judgment of the players, the light wall in the venue automatically filters out a lot of noise.

But this light wall is not a panacea, after all, Laplace's singing affected the audience in the front row at that time.

At this time, Shao Hai nodded and said, "I have admired the name for a long time."

"Long time." Lu Cheng also responded with a smile.

By the way, who is this person?

At the same time, the barrage drifted wildly.

"What are these two doing? Trash talk?"

"It should be a lesson to the newcomers, after all, they are all seniors of the junior year."

"It's over, Lushen is going to give it for nothing, my green is over!"

"No matter how big the carp dragon is, it can't stand the giant marsh monster at the league championship level!"

At this time, He Dun from Modu University was explaining to the team members:

"It can be said that the genus of water and land is the most comprehensive compound genus, and almost no elves can restrain..."

However, looking at the elf who appeared, He Dun suddenly closed his mouth.

"Coach, I remember, it seems that the grass type's damage to the giant marsh monster is quadrupled, right?" Lu Ning smiled slyly.

"Oh my God!" Bao Xing exclaimed, "The one Lu Cheng sent was not the red carp dragon, but the Lizard King!"

Ding Lei smiled and said: "If there are old viewers who have followed the Zhejiang U20 competition, they should have expected this scene long ago, right?"

"Although the grass element is the only genus that restrains the giant marsh king." Bao Xing frowned, "However, this is still a very disparate duel!"

"I'm very optimistic about Lu Cheng." Ding Lei pondered: "This is a player who can create miracles!"

Bao Xing was stunned.

"This is not poison." Ding Lei laughed, "This is my truth!"

"Play!" the referee whistled.

Lu Cheng didn't associate this giant marsh monster with the one that won the championship.

It was mainly the wet giant blue toad that gave him goosebumps when he looked at it.

Speaking of which, why are toads all blue in the Pokémon world, but hippos all grow in the desert?


The Lizard King played with gorgeous sword flowers and looked at the giant marsh monster with pride.

The giant marsh monster just kept silent, staring at the Lizard King with its yellow eyes like tadpole eggs.

"Come on." Shao Hai said coldly: "Giant marsh monster, use Frozen Fist!"

Lu Cheng had a lot of experience with this frozen fist, after all, Wang Yingjie's water arrow turtle was very good at it.

However, Lu Cheng's pupils suddenly dilated.

I saw the giant marsh monster jumped up from the ground like a cannonball, a wave of air spread, and the giant marsh monster's thick arms gathered a layer of hard and sharp ice edges!

"Dodge with a flash of lightning!"

The Lizard King was also taken aback by the speed of this giant marsh monster, and had to roll backwards in embarrassment.


The Frozen Fist failed, but hit the ground.

The gravel splashed, and the cracks continued to expand, becoming denser and denser like a cobweb, and finally the entire ground collapsed!


A drop of cold sweat dripped on Lu Cheng's forehead.

The nearly two-meter-wide giant pit is surrounded by dense cracks. The giant marsh monster is located in the center of the collapse and let out a low roar.

If it weren't for the Lizard King hiding Maybe this punch would have really explained it!

"The giant swamp monster is an elf known for its great strength." Ding Lei explained with a solemn expression, "It can easily drag a ton of rock, and even ordinary monsters can't reach this kind of strength."

"The power of this punch is really amazing." Bao Xing also swallowed and said, "This is the first time such a large-scale field damage has occurred in the competition so far!"

However, at this moment, a breaking wind sounded!


The giant marsh king subconsciously folded his hands and caught the bone sword that was flying towards him, and a black shadow was already running towards it.

"Use the blade on the abdomen!"

In the blink of an eye, the Lizard King's arms have drawn two graceful arcs!

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