My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 258: Who says splashing water doesn't hurt


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"Zhou Gu, was it solved by one move?"

Bao Xing was dumbfounded and looked at Ding Lei next to him involuntarily.

Ding Lei was also stunned.

What's the matter?

Hackron was beaten by a trick?

The Lizard King's physical strength is obviously like a candle in the wind!

Ding Lei smiled awkwardly: "Let's congratulate Lu Cheng player!"

And with Lu Cheng's victory, all the colleges and universities exploded at the same time.

"What's going on with this Zhou Gu? Isn't it the core of Shanghai Jiaotong University!"

"The Lizard King is injured like that, should it be given for free or for nothing!"

"I'm on, it's a trick and a second, what's there to say?"

Zhou Gu's face turned pale, and he opened his mouth, but didn't make a sound.

Until now, he couldn't believe what just happened!

When the referee's whistle sounded, he looked at Hackeron who fell to the ground as if he had just woken up from a dream.

Actually, lost?

Lost so utterly!

Zhou Gu's son swayed and almost lost his footing.

And Lu Cheng has already stepped off the battlefield.

"Brother Cheng, Niu Bī)!"

Luo Yun stepped forward, a pounce wanted to hug Lu Cheng, but Lu Cheng avoided him.

"That giant marsh monster is really strong." Lu Cheng said with lingering fears, "Sure enough, you can't underestimate any opponent!"

The faces of everyone became strange.

However, Chen Dayong coughed heavily and said solemnly:

"It's really inappropriate to get injured like this in the first game!"

"That's right." Lu Cheng nodded and sighed: "If you seize the opportunity, the giant marsh monster can also be saved in seconds, so it won't suffer such serious injuries."

"It's a pity..." Lu Cheng shook his head.

Everyone swallowed.

The core of Shanghai Jiaotong University is not enough, you still want to defend the championship in seconds?

No, Lu Cheng doesn't seem to know Shao Hai at all!


Everyone looked at Deng Ruyun in unison.

However, he saw that Deng Ruyun still had a faceless appearance.

Stop pretending, it's clearly you're laughing!

"Okay, cheers for the next team competition." Chen Dayong coughed heavily, "Fight for victory!"


"No one would have imagined that a freshman would be able to defeat Shao Hai's giant marsh monster!"

Bao Xing said with emotion, "As Mr. Ding said, Lu Cheng is a player who creates miracles!"

"And the Lizard King, who was seriously injured, actually killed Ha Kelong in one second." Ding Lei also laughed, "It seems that Zhou Gu is still a little underestimated."

There was already a dead silence in the Demon Capital University's camp.

On the other hand, the supporters of Jiangnan University shouted slogans uniformly under the leadership.

"Jiang Da, come on!"

"The next game is the team competition." Bao Xing pondered, "Although Jiangnan University has a huge advantage, if you are not careful, it is very likely that Modu Jiaotong University will seize the opportunity!"

"That's right, next, we have to see the performance of the two teams in the team competition!"

This is, with a burst of fierce applause, the lights also focused on the participating teams.

"We can see that both teams have played!"

"At the same time, the venue has also changed!" Ding Lei shouted, "Different from the individual competition, the team competition has a brand new terrain!"


In the shocked eyes of all the audience, the battlefield slowly sinks, the machine opens and closes, and a huge artificial lake gradually rises.

On both sides of the artificial lake, there are only narrow coral reefs, while the center of the lake is a much higher island than the surrounding area.

This also means that the battle for the island will become crucial!

"There has not been much change in personnel on the side of Shanghai Jiaotong University."

"But we can see that there are many new faces at Jiangnan University."

Luo Yun smiled and waved to the camera.

The field of water is really suitable for his gem starfish.

Jiang Zhuo, Deng Jiawen, and Xiong Lingyao appeared in turn.

The last one to appear is Lu Cheng.

When Lu Cheng came out, there was a burst of cheers.

In the game just now, Lu Cheng's amazing performance has left a deep impression on everyone!

"The field of water is also a big test for conductors."

Bao Xing said loudly, "The two sides are ready to take their places!"

"I believe that all the audience have the same expectations as me." Ding Lei said with bright eyes, "Since it is a water venue, will Lu Cheng's elf appear?"


Once the giant carp dragon appeared, its roar drowned out all the noise.

The red tail fins slapped on the water surface, causing monstrous waves, and the tyrannical carp dragon stood up in the water, and a huge vortex appeared around it!

"Red tyrannical carp dragon, Lu Cheng's tyrannical carp dragon is here!"

When they saw the field of water, the shadow of the elf appeared in everyone's heart.

And right now, what could be more exciting than a wish!

The red tyrannical carp dragon, which caused a huge storm on the Internet, appeared in front of everyone's eyes like a demon descended at this moment!

"This, this is too big, bigger than it looks in the video!"

"God, the red tyrannosaur is too domineering!"

The huge waves splashed by the tyrannical carp dragon converged into a tsunami-like formation and rushed towards the formation of the Demon Capital University.

In the blink of an eye, the elves of the Magic Capital University suddenly became scumbags!

There was a burst of laughter in the audience.

Cao Cong's face was almost blacked out by this downright dismounting, but Shao Hai sneered: "To come and not to go is indecent!"


With a long cry, a giant-finned flying fish more than six meters long jumped up from the water in the formation of the Magic Capital University!

Wing-shaped fins, giant-finned flying fish gliding in the air, a roar like a torrential rain, the huge waves set off, also surging towards Jiangnan University!


However, the tyrannical carp dragon smashed the waves away with one tail!

The diverted waves hit the body of the tyrannical carp dragon, but it remained motionless, showing a hideous smile.

This shocking visual effect made all the audience stunned.

Holy crap, this is too domineering!

To Lu Cheng's tyrannical carp dragon, the huge waves several meters high seemed to be no different from drizzle.

The huge advantage in size made the tyrannical carp dragon let out a contemptuous low roar.

A bunch of stinky brothers!

Lu Cheng smiled.

The huge size makes it quite easy for the tyrannosaurus to grasp the tail of the water stream.

After training in this game, the strength of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon will have a qualitative leap!

"It seems that this game has been full of gunpowder from the very beginning!"

"That's right." Ding Lei said loudly, "Right now, let's see if Jiangnan University can take the lead in scoring three points and end the game!"

"Game start!"

The steel-like armored bird is like a sharp blade in the air.

However, the lead dragon of the Magic Capital University attracted everyone's attention.

It was like a bloated herbivorous dinosaur with a tumor-like banana on its neck. As soon as the dragon flapped its wings, a sweet aroma wafted from the presence of the dragon.

The battle for air dominance was the first to ignite the fire of this game!

Above the sparkling water, the two elves collided, but Jiang Zhuo's armored bird had the upper hand. UU reading www.

Jiang Zhuo said with a sneer, "If I can't win because of restraint, I don't have to play the game!"

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

I always feel like you little **** is implying something!

"Let's focus on this lead dragon first." Lu Cheng commanded, "The tyrannical carp dragon, the water splashes!"

Hearing Lu Cheng's command, everyone present was stunned.

Water splash?

Did you make a mistake?

Where does water splash damage come from?

Then, with an earth-shattering roar, the red tyrannical carp dragon jumped directly out of the water and drew a beautiful U-shape!

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