My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 266: Who doesn't have a plug-in yet?

"Have you watched the match between Jiangnan University and Jinling Normal University?"

"Damn it, that nine-tailed one is too strong, one shot of purgatory took away three elves!"

"This is a fight with Shanaido of the Demon University. It's a full-screen move."

"Shh, be quiet, I heard that you can't discuss that player at will, bad luck will come!"

The night is already deep.

Ning Qianer has been hearing news about Jiangnan University these days, and she feels a little tired.

Throwing the wind chimes on the ceiling casually, Ning Qian'er fell asleep.

Until midnight came, the hour hand just landed at twelve, and a gust of wind blew away the white veil.

"Are you confident in tomorrow's game?"

The old woman gently stroked Ning Qian'er's hair with withered and withered hands, her voice full of doting.

Ning Qian'er rubbed her sleepy eyes and smiled sweetly: "Grandma!"

At this moment, a **** grimace emerged from under the bed and appeared in front of Ning Qian'er.

The eyeballs that pop out of the orbit, the scarlet tongue, and the trickle of black blood...

Ning Qian'er immediately hugged Geng Gui, giggling happily.

Geng Gui's face turned red, he scratched his cheek embarrassedly, and finally hid in the shadow as if he had melted.

The old woman stroked Ning Qian'er's head and said softly, "I heard that your opponents tomorrow are not easy to deal with..."

"No way!" Ning Qian'er puffed her cheeks and said, "Qian'er can win!"

"Of course grandma believes in you, but it's a sad thing to lose."

The old woman scratched Ning Qian'er's nose and said cheerfully, "Grandma doesn't want to see Qian'er sad, so she brought a gift to Qian'er."

"What is it?" Ning Qian'er asked curiously.

In a box padded with red velvet, is a milky white gem.

In the darkness, the lustrous gems shone with luminous light, as if it had a mysterious power, attracting people's attention.

"This is Shanaido's evolution stone." The old woman smiled and said, "Grandma has taught you how to evolve."

"If you think you might lose, put on this necklace."

On that necklace, there is a crystal keystone inlaid, which complements the evolution stone of Shanaido.

Ning Qian'er hugged the old woman and said coquettishly, "Qian'er won't lose, Qian'er doesn't need this!"

The old woman didn't make a sound, and gently stroked Ning Qian'er's head.

The night wind was blowing, and the evolution stone seemed to have a heartbeat, and the light was on and off.


"Lizard King, Flying Leaf Storm!"

Back in the mountains, Lu Cheng is doing a routine training.

The flying leaves in the sky pierced into the lake like swords, and immediately splashed several meters of waves.

With a burst of white foam, wild savage perch floated up in the lake one after another, and their maws floated white on the water.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the foreheads of the Lizard King and Lu Cheng at the same time.

"Do you eat?"

After hesitating for a while, Lu Cheng spoke to the Lizard King.

The Lizard King frantically shook his head.

"That's a pity." Lu Cheng touched his chin and said, "The taste of savage sea bass is quite delicious."

"Slime, pack these savage bass and bring them back for dinner at night!"

Slime wriggled, and instantly turned into the shape of an ancient moon bird. He flapped his wings happily and went to catch fish in the lake.

At this moment, Lu Cheng's cell phone rang.

"Arrived?" Lu Cheng said stunned, "So soon!"


In the underground parking lot of the Xiybao Hotel, a dark car was parked in a remote place.

The car window was lowered, Liu Shengnan tied his ponytail very handsomely, grabbed the steering wheel with one hand, and handed the box to Lu Cheng with the other.

Lowering the sunglasses to the bridge of his nose, Liu Shengnan said in a low voice, "Don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Although this thing is nominally yours, if you dare to use mega evolution at the conference, you will be finished!"

Lu Cheng scratched his head, haha ​​said, "I don't want to get used to it in advance."

Liu Shengnan rolled his eyes at Lu Cheng.

I believe in you!

This kid had a good talk with Guo Zhang, and even made an appointment for three chapters, and then Guo Zhang agreed to send him the mega stone.

Even the night air transport to the imperial capital coincided with Liu Shengnan's activities in the imperial capital, and he worked as a free courier once.

As for why Guo Zhang agreed with Lu Cheng to get the mega stone in advance?

This is what Guo Zhang said.

"Just this kid, you still want to master mega evolution in half a year?"

"Let him get acquainted with it in advance, just to frustrate his spirit!"

Although Liu Shengnan felt that Lu Cheng might have come up with something else.

But Lu Chengzhen mastered mega evolution during the conference, she didn't believe it.

Among the 33 gyms in the country, only one-third of the gym owners have mastered mega evolution, which shows the difficulty of mega evolution.

It is said that the evolution of mega requires not only a strong bond with the elves, but also a heart-to-heart connection with the elves.

How could it be so easy to grasp the opportunity for mega evolution in three or five years!

Liu Shengnan handed the box to Lu Cheng with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Come on, it took less than a month for Boss Guo to master mega evolution at that time."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

"Less than a month?"

Is this Scarface a talented trainer?

Of course, Liu Shengnan lied to him.

In fact, it took Guo Zhang two full years to make his Heluga reach the threshold of mega evolution.

And it always fails to evolve, which is why Guo Zhang doesn't often use mega evolution.

"Yes." Liu Shengnan put one hand on the car window and teased, "For Lu Cheng, how come half a month is enough?"

"I try my best."

Lu Cheng took the box while smiling dryly.

On the soft cushion in the box, there is a Lizard King Evolution Stone that shines like an emerald.

Next to the evolution stone, there is a small rainbow-colored keystone.

Lu Cheng has never been a person who makes bad checks.

After thinking about it, the only way to improve the strength in a short time is that the mega evolution of the Lizard The reason why Guo Zhang did not let Lu Cheng contact the mega evolution in advance is because the competition will take the best individual as the mega evolution propagandist.

But what could be more propaganda than the best individuals themselves using mega evolution?

There is always someone who wants to use mega evolution first, why can't it be me, Lu Cheng?

Of course, Lu Cheng might not be able to master mega evolution in such a short time.

But it's never wrong to plan ahead.

Looking at Lu Cheng who was playing with the emerald-colored evolution stone, Liu Shengnan smiled and said, "We all pay attention to your performance in the competition."

"Perhaps Boss Guo also took a fancy to your wonderful performance and agreed to give you this set of equipment in advance."

Lu Cheng sneered: "Let him prepare the best individual award for me in advance!"

Liu Shengnan was stunned for a moment, only then did he realize that Lu Cheng was joking, and scolded with a smile, "You are floating!"

Lu Cheng looked at Mega Stone and said with a smile, "I am not only floating, but I also want to pick five."

"One versus five?" Liu Shengnan asked in surprise, "Which university are you playing tomorrow?"

"Magic University!"



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