My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 305: Primal force

With the improvement of Lu Cheng's authority in Jiangnan University, all he can use is the most advanced training room.

Advanced skill targets, holographic environmental projections, and various training equipment that may be used.

During his freshman year, Lu Cheng could only enjoy such a venue during school team training.

And if you rent it, it will cost you tens of thousands of hours. "The mega evolution of the tyrannical carp dragon is not in a hurry for the time being." Lu Cheng murmured,

"Let's focus on the training of Fossil Pterosaurs and Darkrai first."

In three months, the wings of the fossilized pterosaur have been fully developed, but other new moves have not yet been learned. As for Darkrai, even Lu Cheng didn't know what it inherited from the old monster, so he just took this opportunity to find out.

The holographic projection was adjusted to the cliff, and a huge blower immediately dropped from the ceiling.

The wings spun, and the strong wind whistled, causing Lu Cheng to retreat several meters involuntarily.

Fortunately, the golden armor provided by Slime gave Lu Cheng a firm foothold.

Taking out the super ball, Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed and he said, "Come on, Fossil Pterosaur!"

"Jie O!"

Despite the aggressiveness, the fossilized pterosaur was blown into the cushion on the wall by the wind as soon as the ball was released, and a deep pit was smashed.

"Fossil pterosaur!" Lu Cheng yelled, "Fly by your own strength!"

Although the fossilized pterosaur is sometimes not obedient, it is extremely arrogant and can even be described as paranoid.

Even in the spiritual world, it dares to show its fangs to a ghost that is several times stronger than itself, let alone this blower?

"Jie O!"

The fossilized pterosaur roared, and the purple wings lit up with dazzling white light.

Attacking with its wings, the fossilized pterosaur barely maintained its shape and flew out of the cushion.

But the next moment, the wind swept through it, and it was blown away again, and it couldn't help but let out a scream.

Perhaps for other elves, this training method is too harsh.

But fossil pterosaurs are elves with a rebellious nature. Only the cliffs and the sky can inspire their wildness deep in their blood.

Just like when training to bite, even if the head is smashed, the fossilized pterosaur will definitely complete its goal.

This is no longer stubborn to describe.

This is a kind of pride engraved in the bones, its dignity as the overlord of the sky!

The wind howled, Lu Cheng stood on the side of the cliff and shouted: "Fossil pterosaur, feel the change of wind speed!"

"Don't resist it, try to ride, ride the wind!"

It sounds easy, but how difficult is it!

This huge blower, like the pocket of the wind **** in Greek mythology, is raging in the wind, making a huge roar as if mocking.

The fossilized pterosaur was lifted off again.

But this time, its eyes suddenly lit up with blood!

Its body was gradually covered with a layer of steep rock, and the rock spread over the head of the fossil pterosaur.

By the end, the fossilized pterosaur seemed to have donned an armor of black rock.

Like a warrior soaring in the sky, the bone spurs on the fossilized pterosaur pierced the airflow, and the sound of hunting sounded!

"Mega form?" Lu Cheng couldn't help but lose his voice.

"No, that's not right, it should be because the original power covered the body of the fossilized pterosaur."

This fossilized pterosaur resurrected from amber was able to hunt and kill wild fire-breathing dragons in the Cretaceous period.

This also means that the aptitude and bloodline of this fossil pterosaur are unique!

Lu Cheng was also worried about why the Fossil Pterosaur had not realized the power of primordial for a long time.

It seems that only this kind of wind and cliff can stimulate its true potential!

"Fossil pterosaur!" Lu Cheng shouted, "Use the power of primitive to control the wind!"

"Jie Ou!!"

The fossilized pterosaur roared, the bone spurs on its body rattling.

Around its body, a layer of khaki energy suddenly gathered.

Under the shelter of the rock, the fossilized pterosaur walks against the wind, and swoops down on the cliff of virtual projection!

boom! !

The rock fell to the ground, and the fossilized pterosaur suddenly turned back, like a sharp arrow rushing straight into the sky!

Lu Cheng suddenly smiled.

It seems that next time I will take the fossil pterosaur to the real cliff and try it.

With this holographic scene, it is still not challenging enough for the fossil pterosaurs!

"Jie O!"

Fossil pterosaurs fly freely in the wind, sometimes gliding down, sometimes staying in the air, and staring at the earth.

This arrogant and contemptuous attitude is exactly the reason why Lu Cheng loves elves like fossilized pterosaurs!

Of course, this kid can't boast, it's easy to float when he praises.

Lu Cheng put away his smile, turned off the blower, and said solemnly, "Come back, Fossil Pterosaur."

The fossilized pterosaur flew beside Lu Cheng, and his expression suddenly changed.

Master, you don't seem to be satisfied?

"Such a simple thing, you have to repeat it three times to complete it!"

Lu Cheng said with a stern face, "And these moves, you should have been able to understand them early!"

"Jie Ao..."

The fossilized pterosaur converged its wings and stopped angrily on the ground, waiting for Lu Cheng's lesson.

Although it is wild and difficult to tame, it still maintains an incomparable respect in front of trainers.

"Of course..." Lu Cheng changed his words and smiled.

"Finally you did a good dive training."

"In the evening, I will buy a piece of raw beef to treat you."

"Jie O!"

The fossilized pterosaur flapped its wings excitedly, bared its fangs, and flew up and down the training room.

And Lu Cheng also smiled and used the super ball to retrieve the fossilized pterosaur.

Looking down at his shadow, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Next!"

The dark shadow suddenly began to twist.

Darkrai's head emerged from the shadow and said angrily, "Can you train again next time..."

"Of course." Lu Cheng smiled.

Just when Darkrai breathed a sigh of relief, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "It's just the energy cube tonight, you don't have a share."


The black air surged Darkrai revealed a hideous grimace.

"What to train, how to train, who doesn't let me train me and who's in a hurry!"

Lu Cheng laughed dumbly and shook his head.

"I'm not embarrassing you, just show what you know first."

To be honest, Lu Cheng really didn't know what an elves like Darkrai could do.

In Lu Cheng's memory, Darkrai will only have a trick like the Shadow Cave.

As Darkrai's exclusive skill, the bug-like hypnosis probability makes it worthy of the name of the Nightmare God.

However, with the exception of the shadow hole training, Lu Cheng had no idea what to do.

"My move?"

Darkrai scratched his head and said, "I was born from nothingness, and many things are instinct."

"If you do something wrong, don't scold me later..."

Darkrai sneaked into the shadow again, showing half of his head innocently looking at Lu Cheng.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and practice!"

Darkrai took a deep breath and suddenly slipped into the shadows.

Next time, it emerged from the shadow of the skill target, and its sharp ghost claws slid across the target.


Looking at the numbers on the target, Lu Cheng's forehead quietly dripped a drop of cold sweat.

"What trick is this?"

"I don't know either." Darkrai scratched his head shyly, "I usually don't use it because I'm afraid of hurting others."

Lu Cheng took a deep breath and forced a smile: "Come on, let me tell you what this move is called."

Pointing to the shameful "60" power value on the target, Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and said:

"This move is called a flash of lightning!" Darkrai looked at the skill target, and his eyes suddenly flashed with excitement.

"I know just by hearing the name... This move must be very strong!"

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