My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 307: This is a stand-in attack!

Lu Cheng ruthlessly lowered his straw hat to Guan Xiaopeng's eyes, ignoring his yelling.

"This kid also lives in your house?"

Gao Minglang said helplessly, "I was begged by him to be helpless, so I hired him as a helper in the gym."

"This kid said that if he lives with me, he can save a fortune on food for the family."

Guan Xiaopeng smiled and said, "Master, I have improved a lot recently!"

"Wait... do you want to come and learn from each other?"

Guan Xiaopeng rubbed his hands together, his eyes glowing with light.


Lu Cheng smiled and threw out the fairway:

"Lizard King, you and him gesturing!"

"Come on!" Guan Xiaopeng said excitedly, "It's up to you, Lightning and Stinger, free and noble warriors, Big Needle Bee!"

"What is that?" Lu Cheng asked curiously.

"It seems to be something like a poem number."

Gao Minglang shrugged and said, "You know, children of this age love to do this."

Lu Cheng nodded and pondered: "To be honest, I think he's quite handsome..."


Gao Minglang's eyes lit up and said, "I think so too!"

"The sword stuns the ghosts and gods, the wind and thunder, and the sword freezes the nineteen states!"

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed and he said, "Come on, Lizard King!"

"Cha O!!"

The Lizard King waved his bone sword excitedly, and the leaves all over his body stretched out excitedly.

I like this name!

Hearing the Lizard King's poem number, Guan Xiaopeng's face suddenly turned pale.

It's over, just in terms of momentum, you've lost completely!

"Enough, you guys..."

Hearing the movement, Gao Chi, who came downstairs, sighed helplessly, "The cleaning that should be cleaned, the training that should be trained!"

Guan Xiaopeng immediately put on the appearance of an expert outside the world, and said:

"Unfortunately, fellow Daoist, it's not appropriate to see blood today, why don't you and I fight another day?"

Lu Cheng sighed, "I only know that your energy cube is gone."

Guan Xiaopeng's expression changed.

"Master, I was wrong Master!"

Lu Cheng kicked Guan Xiaopeng, who was hugging his thigh tightly, walked into the training room and said:

"Don't disturb the teacher!"

"When the master comes out of retreat, I will reward you with two Qi Gathering Powders!"

Guan Xiaopeng said with great joy, "Thank you, Master!"

"Gathering and dispersing?"

Gao Minglang said stunnedly, "What is gathering Qi and dispersing?"

Gao Chi held his forehead, gritted his teeth and said, "It's that golden energy cube!"

Lu Cheng walked into the training room.

"Come out, Darkrai!"

Darkrai viciously emerged from Lu Cheng's shadow, exuding black energy, and said with a wicked smile:

"Jie Jie Jie, this son must not be kept!"

Lu Cheng kicked Darkrai away with one kick, and scolded with a smile, "What strange TV show did you watch again!"

It seems that in order to prepare for the transformation of the dream, Darkrai will hide in Lu Cheng's shadow and watch TV whenever he is free these days.

Like the Nine-Tails who love flashlights and the Lizard King who loves comic books, Darkrai has found his hobby.


Darkrai took an exaggerated breath and exclaimed:

"Fighting into a horse, so terrifying!"

Looking at Lu Cheng's increasingly dark face, Darkrai smiled flatteringly:

"Isn't this according to your order, to accumulate materials for the transformation of dreams?"

Lu Cheng really didn't want Darkrai to draw materials from such a place.

If you say that the material is "Douzhili 3 dan", it doesn't matter. If the material is "Journey to the West", wouldn't it be a sinner through the ages.

Lu Cheng sighed and said solemnly, "Adaptation is not random!"

Darkrai nodded quickly and gave a knowing look.

Lu Cheng shook his head and threw the nine-tailed Pokeball.

Although the Nine-Tails can only use shadow clones, but with its savvy, he also mastered the clone moves early.

As one of the most versatile moves in the Pokémon world, the utility and application of a stand-in is actually quite extensive.

As for the clone mastered by nine tails, it is actually similar to the use of a double stake.

Use one of your own tails as a stand-in, so as to confuse opponents and avoid attacks.

But for Darkrai, Lu Cheng has higher requirements.

After all, it is an elves living in the shadows, and it will be more analogous to this kind of mirror and shadow-like moves.

Mastering the avatars and shadow avatars will make Darkrai's offense and defense more efficient.

Lu Cheng has checked the relevant information.

Generally speaking, training avatars use items related to elves.

For example, nine tail hair, Laplace's carapace and so on.

There is even a trainer who collects the cat hair that falls from his tail to make cat-shaped dolls, which can also be used as stand-in props.

After mastering the moves, the use of stand-in props can be replaced by energy.

For an elves like Darkrai born from the void, it would be better to use the Dark Stone as a stand-in.

"let's start."

Lu Cheng placed a dark stone on the far side and said to Darkrai, "You try to change positions with this dark stone."

"Remember, in addition to this, you have to turn this dark stone into your shape!"

Darkrai nodded.

A piece of black mist gushed out from it, and gradually enveloped the dark stone.

Under the black fog, the dark stone shone with a deep light.

However, Darkrai's grimace turned red, but it still didn't work.

In the end, Darkrai embarrassedly floated to the Dark Stone, picked it up quietly, and swapped the Dark Stone and its own position.

Lu Cheng: ...

"It doesn't matter if you can't do it." Lu Cheng sighed, "Let Jiuwei demonstrate it to you first."

Nine tails nodded, and her red pupils suddenly lit up.

The next moment, beside it, a similarly beautiful but slightly paler figure suddenly appeared.

And the nine tails also took the opportunity to change positions with the stand-in.

Darkrai raised his claws involuntarily.

"Why are you standing still, you are also training!"

Darkrai nodded hurriedly.

However, even if Darkrai trained extremely seriously, he couldn't find any tricks to get started with a stand-in.

For two full hours, Jiuwei and Lu Cheng were tired, but Darkrai still couldn't get to the point.


Another dark stone was scrapped.

Every time you fail to use a substitute, a precious dark stone suffers.

Lu Cheng covered his chest and comforted himself.

Don't be afraid, I still have inventory, this investment is all necessary!

However, when the seventh dark stone was scrapped again, Lu Cheng broke out.

"I've learned it after watching it for so long!" Lu Cheng shouted loudly.

Darkrai widened his eyes and spread his hands.

You can do it!

Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "You, come behind me!"

Darkrai obediently floated behind Lu and asked curiously, "And then?"

"Wrap me with energy, and then..."

Lu Cheng exuded black energy all over his body, suddenly reached out his hand to make a fist, and his eyes narrowed.

"Darkrai!" (Darkrai!)

Darkrai appeared in front of Lu Cheng in response, and exchanged positions with Lu Cheng.

"This, what's the situation!" Darkrai said in shock.

Lu Cheng smiled coldly.

It seems that he guessed right.

Because Darkrai can only enter the shadow, not the body.

When Lu Cheng changed the position of the light, the shadow naturally appeared elsewhere, and Darkrai moved with it.

This also means that as long as Darkrai moves the opponent's position, he will naturally be able to create a substitute in the opponent's shadow!

This is why, for the still dark stone, the stand-in will fail.

Looking at Darkrai who was still excited and didn't know what was going on, Lu Cheng sneered:

"This is... a stand-in attack!"



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