My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 223: Conquer the Ice Pillar

This whole body of crystal clear ice **** pillar stood quietly above the main hall.

The dome of the ice sculpture was about to come down, and an indescribably powerful aura enveloped Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but shivered and threw out all the Poke Balls in one breath, guarding him.

But what made him strange was that the ice **** pillar didn't move at all.

Even the seven yellow beads like eyes didn't feel a trace of anger.


Lu Cheng was taken aback for a moment, and then he took another step towards the throne.

The penetrating chill spread to Lu Cheng along the huge ice block, but Regais still did not move.

Just quietly guarding there...

Like, fell into a deep sleep?

"Let's just leave quietly like this, okay?"

Looking at the Poké Ball that Lu Cheng took out, Darkrai's expression changed.

"Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle!"

Lu Cheng decided.

What Lu Cheng took out was a high-level ball that was exchanged in the spiritual world.

The yellow-black texture and the high-tech core can greatly improve its capture rate.

With a flash of red light, Lu Cheng threw an advanced ball at Regais.

Shaking once, twice...

Lu Cheng and Darkrai swallowed at the same time.

However, just when the senior ball was about to stop shaking, the entire palace suddenly began to vibrate violently.

The ice wall collapsed suddenly, and above the shattered ice sculpture throne, a cold icicle slab slowly rose.

And the advanced ball also burst, Regais turned into a red light and jumped out!

The icicle slate flew towards Regais, embedded in the back of its immortal body.

And that row of yellow dots suddenly burst into a dangerous red light.


Regais turned his body and shook off the crystal ice crystals. The smooth cross-section reflected Lu Cheng's embarrassed look.

"If you don't die, you won't die, why don't you understand!"

Darkrai let out a mournful cry, pulling Lu Cheng to avoid the freezing beam of light from Regais.

The azure blue icicle swept along Lu Cheng's position just now, sealing everything it touched with a thick layer of ice.

And just as Lu Cheng stood firm, another icy freezing beam lasing came!

"Nine tails, shoot flames!"

At the critical moment, Lu Cheng threw the Poke Ball.

The Nine Tails appeared in response, and when they opened their mouths, a scorching pillar of fire collided with the polar freezing beam.

The mist filled the air, Lu Cheng rolled sideways to avoid the explosion, but there was another Poké Ball in his hand.

"The Lizard King, flank it!"

Darkrai looked at Lu Cheng blankly and shouted, "Isn't it supposed to be a 1v1 duel?"

Lu Cheng said with contempt: "We've already fought wild monsters, so why are there so many restrictions?"

"Lizard King, use Iai Slash!"


An afterimage passed by, the speed of the Lizard King skyrocketed, and the bone sword in his hand slammed into Regais.

But a burst of force shook back, making the Lizard King's mouth hurt, and he almost lost his grip on the hilt of the sword.

The Lizard King's Ihe Slash has no effect on this ice pillar!

Lu Cheng's expression became serious.

After all, it is a divine beast known as the Eternal Spirit.

With Lu Cheng's current strength, even if he sends the two strongest elves, the damage to Regais is extremely limited.

But if you just give up like this, I'm really unwilling!

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed and he shouted, "Nine Tails, holy fire!"

Regais just stood there, like a turret with fierce fire, shooting blue beams from its prismatic ice.

Nine Tails flexed and stretched all four limbs, while avoiding the freezing beam, while leveraging on the pillar, the distance between them and Regais was instantly shortened.

At the same time, in its mouth, a cluster of white sacred flames ignited!

Regais slowly raised her head, her eyes locked on the Nine Tails, and crackling electric light burst out from her body.

The red light in his eyes lit up, and Regais' electromagnetic cannon ripped apart the space and swept away the turbulent airflow!


Kyuubi was directly hit by this electromagnetic cannon, rolled around in the air several times, and fell heavily on the ice.

And Regais, also wrapped in the white flames of Yan Yan, made a burning sound.

Even so, the ice cubes on Regais showed no signs of melting.

At this moment, a cold wave poured out from Regais' body!

The palace instantly turned into a world of ice crystals. The air-conditioning was 200 degrees below zero, which instantly made Lu Cheng experience the suffocation of death.

Fortunately, Darkrai wrapped Lu Cheng with his body, while the Variety Monster turned into a flaming horse and stood in front of Lu Cheng.

"I can't hold on for long." Darkrai shouted, "The battle must be ended quickly!"

"Nine tails, continue to use the sacred fire!" Lu Cheng shouted.

Right now, only the sacred fire of the Nine-Tails is the only means that can hurt Regais.

Nine tails nodded, the red pupil suddenly lit up, and the left eye was covered with super power purple.

The supernatural power turned into a barrier to guard Lu Cheng's body.

The white flame turned into a pillar of fire, surging out!


Regais's hollow and distant cry seemed to come from the ancient Ice Age.

When it faced the sacred fire, it couldn't help but feel an extraordinarily familiar feeling.

Its body suddenly stiffened, and the cold wave was interrupted in an instant.

"It's now!" Lu Cheng shouted loudly, "Lizard King, remove the slate behind it!"


Resisting the burning pain all over his body, the Lizard King jumped sharply, and the bone sword in his hand flew towards Regais.

The electric light skyrocketed, and the bone sword was hit by Regais' electromagnetic cannon. In the violent electric current, the Caracalla bone sword trembled violently.


Unable to withstand such a high-voltage current, dense fine lines appeared on the sword.

With a click, the bone sword actually broke several and landed on the ground.


The bone sword fell to the ground, causing the Lizard King's eyes to suddenly become bloody.


Under the roar, the speed of the Lizard King increased again, he avoided the freezing beam sideways, landed behind Regais, and broke the icicle slab with one claw!

Regais froze all over, and even the freezing beam was much weaker.

And when the red light in its eyes dimmed, Lu Cheng's command sounded: "Nine Tails, Darkrai, hypnotism!"

Under the double hypnotism, Regais seemed to have lost his battery, and his movements slowly slowed down.

In the end, Regais stopped moving completely and restored the scene that Lu Cheng had just seen when he came in.

With a click, Lu Cheng pressed the reduced advanced ball, and the ball suddenly became a normal size.

With the attitude of a bowler, Lu Cheng threw a high-level ball and hit the stationary Regais accurately.

With the flash of red light, the advanced ball captured Regais inside.

The senior ball began to shake.

one two Three……



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