My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 325: She is greedy for my body, she is scumbag!

The soft fragrance murmured in his ears, and Lu Cheng couldn't help shivering.

All of this suddenly became boring...

Lu Cheng's eyes became incomparably clear, and he met Han Qing's water-like eyes.

"King Han, I'll stress it again, I'm a serious person."

Han Qing raised his eyebrows and smiled, "I know more about domain moves than Liao Han."

"This is not a matter of domain moves..."

"It's okay, as long as you have long hair, my sister doesn't dislike you at all."

"You know that too." Han Qing suddenly sighed and said,

"Even if you become the king of heaven, the family's evaluation of women is nothing more than whether they are married or not."

"Originally, I planned to stay single forever, but..."

Han Qing looked at Lu Cheng and said with a chuckle, "It seems not bad if I take you back to deal with it."

Raising his jet-black hair, Han Qing glanced up and down at Lu Cheng with aggressive eyes.

Lu Cheng couldn't help choking.

I have to admit that this charming woman in front of me has a fatal attraction.

The key is that Han Tianwang usually shows people in the image of a glamorous iceberg beauty!

This face that was so close at hand, and the fragrance that came in bursts, was an ambiguous scene that Lu Cheng could never have imagined.


Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed and he said decisively, "I refuse!"


"I can't do anything about selling my body in exchange for training methods!"

Han Qing was stunned for a moment, as if he had reacted, and shook his head helplessly.

"Actually... there's nothing else to do with letting you go home."

"It's just for you to pretend to be my boyfriend and deal with it at home."

"Compared to those stinky men, your appearance is more in line with my aesthetic."

Lu Cheng: Σ(°△°|||)︴

Yuan, was it because I was self-indulgent?

Han Qing rolled up the hair beside his ears and said condescendingly:

"Of course, if you want, it's not impossible for us to discuss the matter of selling your body."

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

Looking at Lu Cheng's cramped expression, Han Qing laughed and said, "Just kidding."

"Just treat your sister as a favor, and she will teach you domain moves, okay?"

With this doting tone, Lu Cheng couldn't help nodding his head.

But he always felt that this was strange.

Co-author with me pretending to be my son-in-law, just to change the field of action?

No, no, no, this will be spread out in the future, so how to fix it!

Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed.

Gotta change it!

"Han Tianwang."

Lu Cheng pondered, and took out a crystal clear ice blue evolution stone from his arms.

"This is the Mega Stone of the Ice Ghost Guardian, which I got in the ice cave."

"Can I use this to exchange the training method of domain moves?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Han Qing's beautiful eyes.

She has seen this kind of treasure in the Ice Breath Museum, and it is indeed the evolutionary prop she has long hoped for.

In terms of value, this Mega Stone is definitely worthy of the training method for domain moves.


"Why, are you going to exchange it for it?"

Han Qing showed a noncommittal look, smiled and said, "It's just that the value is not equal, right?"

"Ice Ghost Protector is just my second echelon of elves, Mega Stone is irrelevant to me, but you, the domain move is imminent."

In fact, the Ice Ghost Guardian Mega Shi Hanqing has been looking for for a long time.

The words at this moment are just to make fun of Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng shook his head, "No, I'm willing to help you."


"I want to prove that I wasn't forced to come to the door."

Lu Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "On the basis of his own strength, he won this opportunity!"

Han Qing couldn't help but froze for a moment, and a look of astonishment appeared on his delicate face.

Could it be... this is the legendary soft rice and hard eating?

The result of the final negotiation made Lu Cheng very satisfied.

With the Mega Stone of Ice Ghost Guardian, Lu Cheng exchanged the training method of domain moves.

But on the contrary, Lu Cheng also needs to go to Han's house and pretend to be his son-in-law.

When things are done, Han Qing will give Lu Cheng's card a seven-digit number as a reward for this favor.


Although you did get what you wanted, why do you always feel that something is weird?

Lu Cheng touched his chin, looking puzzled.

When he said goodbye, Lu Cheng suddenly realized that he saw Han Qing's inscrutable smile.

With a pat on his thigh, Lu Cheng said with a heartache:

"She's just greedy for my body, she's sleazy!"


According to Han Qing, the Han family, located in the imperial capital, holds a grand family banquet every January.

He is as strong as a heavenly king, but he cannot escape from the world.

She really couldn't do anything, just happened to have Lu Cheng beside her who looked pleasing to the eye, so she pulled over to help.

When he thought of the seven-digit reward that Han Qing had promised, Lu Cheng's expression became strange.

He originally didn't want to agree.

But she is too big... No, she gave too much!

The reward at that time will be used to create the new weapon of the Lizard King.

Lu Cheng didn't believe it anymore. After investing millions of dollars, he still couldn't forge a weapon that could resist electromagnetic cannons!

Han Qing went home first, and when it was time for the family dinner, she came back to pick up Lu Cheng in person.

Before that, Lu Cheng decided to visit Liu Bosheng to see if he could find an opportunity to wake Regais.

Back at Jiangnan University, and walking on the campus, Lu Cheng was sighing.

Since winning the championship, Jiangnan University's reputation has become more and more popular, and the number of applicants has also hit a record high.

But in their sophomore year, the training department more or less left the school and started their own training.

Walking in the campus, most of them are new faces, looking full of vigor.

And the two young and beautiful girls in uniform are now excitedly discussing the legend of Jiangnan University.

"Did you know that this year's college Jiangda University is the most promising school!"

"Come on. Last year, I won the championship because of the God of the Road. I think it's very high this year."

"Ah... I don't know when Lushen will return to school. I still want to ask him for an autograph."

"Yes, I heard that he has already started a gym tour. Maybe next year, Jiang University will have a national championship."

Because he had to prepare for the national competition, Lu Cheng didn't plan to participate in this year's college league.

And Deng Jiawen, who played on behalf of the sophomore, has grown into a new captain, and has become more and more skilled in grass and joint defense.

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng couldn't help but feel a sense of sigh that time flies.

Shaking his head, Lu Cheng lowered his hat and walked towards the research institute.

The two girls who passed by looked back at Lu Cheng's back in surprise.

"When did we have such a beautiful young lady?"

"Don't you think she... looks a lot like Senior Lu Cheng?"

"Could it be!"

The two looked at each other and said in unison:

"Sister of Lushen!"



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