My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 337: This is my last waveguide

The soft blue light bloomed again, and this time, Li Yixing's voice carried a bit of vicissitudes.

"I also know about the power of the waveguide, right?"

Lu Cheng pondered: "A magical power, even a healing effect."

Li Yixing slowly smiled.

"Not only that, it can even make the trainer and the elves communicate with each other, and do more with less in command."

"Because of this, countless trainers flock to the power of the waveguide..."

Li Yixing shook his head and said hoarsely, "This is my luck and my misfortune."

"Over the years, I have volunteered to participate in no less than dozens of research projects."

As if caught in a memory, Li Yixing shook his head in pain but relieved, and smiled helplessly:

"But how would they know that the waveguide exists in all things?"

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

Indeed, there is a waveguide setting in the world view of the elves.

Everything has a waveguide, and elves are often more acutely aware of it than humans, so they can release waveguide-like moves such as "Waves of Water".

And some talented people can also perceive the waveguide, thus producing the magical power of "waveguide power".

Li Yixing fell into memory and murmured, "I have been particularly interested in elves since I was a child. When I was seven years old, I went deep into the forest to try to capture my first elves..."

"Can you imagine that kind of scene, in the inaccessible forest, there is the breath of elves, or fluctuations... There is no human noise, no noisy industry, only elves."

"That was the first time I felt the power of the waveguide." Li Yixing said with a smile, "The root cause may be the love for elves."

For the... love of elves?

Because of the same mind with the elves, I felt the emotions and even the emotions of the elves, which caused fluctuations in life.

Lu Cheng felt that he had grasped something faintly, but it was not even close enough.

Li Yixing said a little tiredly, "Humans have limits, and the power of waveguide is not as magical as the world thinks."

"In fact, everyone can master the power of the waveguide, but they just need to have the potential to become a waveguide messenger."

"And you..." Li Yixing said hesitantly, "Perhaps you also have corresponding potential."


But why are you so reluctant?

Li Yixing explained a little embarrassedly: "When I first saw you, the waveguide on your body was quite weak."

"But the second time, it has caught my attention; and now, it has the lowest potential to become a waveguide messenger."

Lu Cheng frowned.

"What exactly does this waveguide messenger mean?"

Li Yixing raised his head and murmured in confusion, "That's what I've been looking for..."

"Guard, what you cherish."

Li Yixing lowered his head and said solemnly, "Of course, everyone strives for different goals."

"I don't want this power to disappear from this world, maybe you..."

Lu Cheng was somewhat conflicted.

If he accepted Li Yixing's kindness, he might get into some unnecessary trouble.

But to be honest, he was also a little moved by the power of this waveguide.

As if seeing through Lu Cheng's thoughts, Li Yixing smiled and said, "I understand your thoughts."

"But I won't give you the power of the waveguide directly, but teach you how to exercise."

"Method?" Lu Cheng asked in surprise.

"That's right."

Li Yixing nodded and said with a smile, "The way to exercise the power of the waveguide."

"Theoretically, everyone can master the power of the waveguide. This is not a superpower, but a power that is inherently hidden in the human body."

Li Yixing turned to the Lizard King, who was practicing swordsmanship, but those white-shaded eyes seemed to see through everything.

"This can be regarded as...I'll give you the last help."

Lu Cheng opened his mouth and finally nodded silently.

He could see that the old man had a sincere love for elves.

As for the waveguide messenger, it is better to say that he has mastered the friendship of the elves rather than the ability to master the waveguide.

Perhaps it was in the Lizard King that Li Yixing saw his trust in the trainer.

This time, Li Yixing stood up tremblingly with his own strength.

His expression became extremely solemn, and even his voice was solemn.

"Lu Cheng, remember, the power of the waveguide is not a kind of power, it is not even as good as the water fluctuation of the elves."

"But it represents a spirit, a spirit that recognizes, loves, and protects elves."

"And the power of the waveguide in your body will continue to grow under the guidance of this spirit, and even become the greatest trainer!"

In Li Yixing's hands, an incomparably bright blue light bloomed.

This blue light is extremely warm, containing the warmth of water, the vitality of grass, and the enthusiasm of fire...

Under the guidance of the blue light, little blue crystals scattered around Lu Cheng's body.

The crystal blue light gradually merged into Lu Cheng's body, and Lu Cheng felt that his eyes and ears were a little clearer.

He could even feel the walking grass complaining about the bad weather today.

And his own Lizard King is still carefully pondering the difference between the cross scissors and the Iai cut.

A smile appeared on Lu Cheng's mouth.

It seems that he already knows what Li Yixing's so-called "waveguide" means.

His love for elves drives him to become the most powerful trainer, so as to protect the most cherished things.

This is the true meaning of the waveguide messenger!

Li Yixing also seemed to have aged a few years, and his forehead was covered with withered wrinkles.

His smile was so warm, and the cold sword intent all over his body quietly dissipated, like the kindest grandfather.

"This is my... the last waveguide."

Li Yixing said, "You can accept it."


The method that Li Yixing taught to Lu Cheng is to comprehend the waveguide that exists in all things through meditation.

In addition to allowing Lu Cheng to feel the emotions of the elves, this guide can also make the bond between Lu Cheng and the elves closer.

In Li Yixing's words, mastering the three Mega evolutions at the same time is not difficult for the waveguide messenger.

This gift is quite precious, and even made Lu Cheng feel a heavy sense of responsibility on his shoulders.

Looking at the quiet courtyard behind him, Lu Cheng murmured, "If you have a chance, let's visit again."

The Lizard King successfully mastered the domain-level Iai Slash, and Lu Cheng also learned how to train the power of the waveguide.

This also made Lu Cheng a little concerned about the Leo Lu's elf egg from the Armed Forces.

A waveguide messenger, how could he not subdue a Lucario!

Lu Cheng, who planned to repeat Guo Zhang's words, returned to the Armed Forces Department, but received news about the Lizard King's weapon materials.



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