My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 347: Features of Leo Lu (1/3)

Leo Lu looks like a small wolf dog, with wet blue-gray fur, staring at a pair of red eyes and black eyes, looking around curiously.

Biting the eggshell, Leo Lu blinked at Lu Cheng and whimpered happily.

Since he was just born, Leoru quickly fell asleep again.

The breeder smiled and said, "Newborn pixies can be fed with moo milk and fruit puree."

Lu Cheng also smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have experience!"

After all, this is already the third juvenile elf in Lu Cheng's hands.

Six tails hatched from elf eggs, and fossilized pterosaurs resurrected from amber.

Coupled with this newly born Leo Lu, Lu Cheng is quite experienced in taking care of newborn elves.

The growth period of the elves is very fast. When the six tails were born less than a month ago, they could start training.

As a fighting type Leoru, his physical fitness is even more amazing.

According to the breeder, it only takes a week to train the basic moves of hitting and grabbing.

Holding Leo Lu who was soundly asleep, Lu Cheng couldn't help showing a smile.

With the Lucario Mega Stone, the Dragon Fang of the Heavenly King-level Flying Dragon, and the newly born Leo Lu, Lu Cheng returned to Jiangcheng.

He decided to wait until Leo Lu passed his new life, and then took it to Gangshan City to forge the new weapon of the Lizard King.

Before that, he had to prepare Leoru's food and decide its future cultivation direction.

In Lu Cheng's room, several elves were curiously looking at Leo Lu, who was sleeping soundly.

Nine tails looked at Leoru curiously, and her tail gently warmed her.

And the Lizard King was sitting by the window with an indifferent expression, but his eyes kept looking at Leo Lu.

The ever-changing old tool man was shaking a soothing bell, Mumu screamed happily.

As for the fossilized pterosaur, he sniffed the smell on Leo Lu's body, tilted his head, and immediately opened his **** mouth.

Lu Cheng was so frightened that he directly took the fossilized pterosaur back into the Poké Ball.

As for the Tyrannosaurus...

Outside the window, an extremely ferocious head was staring at Lu Cheng resentfully.

Due to its huge size, Tyrannosaurus had no choice but to perch in the pool outside the house, just looking down at the window on the second floor.

Pedestrians passing by were all taken aback by the tyrannosaur inhabiting the pond.

What happened to this family, such a big flashy carp dragon was just thrown outside like this?

Show off your wealth!

While touching Jiuwei, Lu Cheng murmured, "Drink moo milk in the newborn period, you can buy a batch of hard bone sticks when you have teeth, and when you are mature, you can consider a special energy cube."

Lu Cheng also had plans for Leo Lu's energy cube.

The speed provided by the sand scale fruit is exactly in line with the high speed and high attack of Leo Road.

As for the specific formula, it can be carefully discussed with Zhao Dachun or Senior Wei Ran.

By the way, you can pull these two into the Rockets too!

"I'll go downstairs to get moo milk."

Silently pondering, Lu Cheng greeted a few elves,

"You guys take good care of Leo Lu, but don't bully him!"

Several elves nodded in unison.

Just when Lu Cheng closed the door, there was a sudden turmoil in the baby.

Leo Lu, who yawned, opened his eyes and saw the Variety Monster shaking the soothing bell.

Slime: "Mum?"

Leo Lu's eyes widened, and he grabbed the appeasement bell, startling the ever-changing monster.

This sudden change caught the few elves present by surprise.

The next moment, Leo Lu held up the comforting bell and jumped directly onto Lu Cheng's bookcase.

"Olu!" Leo Lu shouted proudly.

But it didn't seem to be able to stand firm, its expression tightened, its body staggered, and it fell directly from the bookcase!

Kyuubi's expression changed, and he was about to use his supernatural powers to lift Leoruto up.

However, at this moment, Leo Lu's mouth showed a scheming smile.

Delicately turned over and jumped, with the help of his supernatural power, Leo Lu leaped towards the tyrannical carp dragon outside the window, and couldn't help grinning.

Big head, here I come!

The tyrannical carp dragon watched Leo Lu rush towards it with a bewildered expression.

And the Lizard King's eyes narrowed, and he closed the window with a snap.

Kyuubi's red eyes also lit up instantly, and the purple supernatural power instantly filled the entire room, causing Leo Lu's movements to slow down.

Slime stretched out two liquid tentacles, grabbed Leoru back, and put it back on the cushion.

Slime: "Mum!"

Be a good baby, don't mess around!

Leo Lu's eyes immediately turned red, and he cried out in a hurry.

"what's the situation?"

Lu Cheng walked into the room with the moo milk, just in time to see Leo Lu crying.

Seeing Lu Cheng walk in, Leo Lu's eyes widened and he cried even louder.

Looking at the chaotic room and the helpless elves, there was a drop of cold sweat on Lu Cheng's forehead.

The characteristics of this Leoru...

Could it be the heart of mischief?


A week passed quietly.

Leo Lu gradually grew, and the fur on his body gradually showed blue-black lines.

What just gave Lu Cheng a headache was that this Leo Lu... was extraordinarily naughty!

Even the eldest sister, the head and the nine tails, can't do anything about this Leoru.

You can't just take it away with a single jet of flame!

Whether it's a comic book or a quilt, you can always find its dark footprints.

Although Lu Cheng had already banned it, he still reached a consensus with the Tyrannosaurus dragon outside the window.

He escaped from the second floor with the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, and after playing frantically in the mud pond, he returned home dirty.

Leo Lu will also put the collected treasures, which are actually all kinds of garbage, into Lu Cheng.

For example, the green onion stick of Green Onion Duck used half a bottle of wound medicine, as well as star fragments and so on.

Even, Lu Cheng found a hard stone that can enhance the power of the rock system in the collection.

In the end, each elf received the collectibles that Riolu had brought from various places.

Looking at the room that was about to be piled into a garbage dump, Lu Cheng couldn't help but look strange.

My own Riolu...

Could it be the pickup feature!

However, looking at Leo Lu's big innocent eyes, Lu Cheng could only sigh silently.

As a child, it's natural to love to play!

Besides, Leo Lu really picked up a lot of precious items...

Lu Cheng stuffed the hard rock into the fossil pterosaur.

Strange to say, Leoru, a newborn calf, is not even afraid of the Tyrannosaurus, but he would be a little timid in the face of the fossilized pterosaur.

Possibly... it was the large mouth of the fossilized pterosaur that cast a shadow on it.

This is one thing falling into one thing!

Early in the morning, Lu Cheng, who was rarely awakened by Leo Lu, walked downstairs refreshed.

Just seeing the scene downstairs, Lu Cheng couldn't help sighing: "Dad, don't get used to it!"

I saw Leo Lu was concentrating on his father's shoulder, scribbling and drawing with a marker.

The faces of Dad Lu and the duck-billed fire beast beside him were already full of graffiti.

Dad Lu smiled and said, "It's okay, you used to do this often when you were young."


Leo Lu let out an excited cry, proudly looking at his proud work.

Lu Cheng pulled down Leo Lu and sighed: "This afternoon, you will follow me to training!"

Leo Lu was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help but grin.


With a bang Leo Lu jumped up, waving his small paws.

Those bright eyes looked at Lu Cheng expectantly.

For the active Leoru, there is nothing more enjoyable than going outside to play!

As for training—

Isn't training part of play?

Thinking of this, Leo Lu couldn't help shaking his head happily.

And looking at Leo Lu, Lu Cheng couldn't help but smile.

Although he's a bit bearish, he's still a good boy!

A loyal spirit like Leoru, he also has an incomparable concentration and enthusiasm for combat and training.

As long as Riolu can focus on training, being lively and active is not a bad thing!

Lu Cheng can already be sure that the trait of this stinky boy is a mischievous heart.

That is to say, it can master the sword dance and self-motivation such changing moves faster.

And Lu Cheng is also very curious, what kind of moves Leo Lu inherited from that Lucario.

With Leo Lu, Lu Cheng went to the fighting gym, Yixin gym.



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