My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 354: Recruiting Rockets

For the Rockets, Mr. Huang Yan is not only a genuine master-level trainer, but also a rare professional talent.

His forging process can also be applied to the development of new weapons.

With the continuous growth of the Rockets, Lu Cheng needs more and more such professionals.

And can fool one is one!

Leaving Gangshan City, the Lizard King harvested a brand new weapon, the dragon tooth.

And Leo Lu also has a new understanding of metal claws and bullet fists.

The goal of the next stop, Lu Cheng put it in the National Flying Spirit Competition held in Canglong Snow Mountain.

In the waiting hall, Lu Cheng swiped the information and muttered: "There is a veteran flying king as a judge. This year's flying competition is quite a bright spot!"

In this era of elves integrating into society, there are different elves competitions being held all over the country at every moment.

This is also why the association has set up a special competition department.

In theory, any application for a competition needs to be reported to the competition department, and only with professional judges.

And the position of the judges determines the importance of the competition to a certain extent.

Just like the National College League, we invited Tu Ming, the King of Fire.

It is quite rare for a professional event like the "Doudou Pigeon Cup" to invite a heavenly-class trainer.

On the Elf forum, there is even a special section called "Flying Contest".

Uzi Eternal Drops God: Three months and three months, how long has the flight competition been bouncing and still can't open!

Ruthless Water Sticker Rotom: Don't worry, you don't know what the mascot of this game is.

This is your excuse for breaking up: we are brothers, how could I pigeon off you?

Kuaiquan Lang hits hard: I have to say one thing, the gold content of this competition is quite high. With the veteran Tianwang trainer Li Yunfei in charge, the ratings are still guaranteed!

Looking at the name of this flying king, Lu Cheng's expression couldn't help but get weird.

Li Yunfei?

Could it be the combination of Li Yunlong and Chu Yunfei!

Also, this flying king, could it be a dragon king?

The following posts are all kinds of predictions about the rankings and awards of this year's contestants.

From the point of view of rewards, the event side has generously provided the Mega Stones of common flying elves, including eagles, big-billed sparrows, and so on.

But for Lu Cheng, he could only sigh with joy.

"I don't know, when will I get the Mega Stone of the fossilized pterosaur."

Lu Cheng sighed and filled out the registration form for the "Doudou Pigeon Cup Flying Contest".

It is said that this competition will be held in late March, but according to the morality of the competition party, it may not be delayed until May.

But Lu Cheng decided to go to Yun Province at present.

After all, the high altitude of Canglong Snow Mountain is very effective for training fossil pterosaurs.

Just as Lu Cheng boarded the plane, news from Guo Zhang suddenly came from his cell phone.

Guo Zhang: The approval of the Rockets has come down. Congratulations, you have officially become the reserve consul of the Rockets!

According to Guo Zhang's explanation, Lu Cheng, who was recommended by Jiang Ziqian at the Tianwang meeting, jumped from a cadre to a reserve leader of the Rockets.

As long as the three-year observation period has passed, Lu Cheng can officially take over the Rockets and become Sakagi... No, he is a partner of justice!

Lu Cheng couldn't help leaning on the back of the chair subconsciously, resting his cheek with one hand and touching Leo Lu, who was dozing off, with the other, and muttered:

"It seems that the candidates for cadres and researchers should also be implemented..."


Jiangnan University Research Institute.

Fang Weiyue was carefully analyzing Regais' crystal sample when she suddenly heard Liu Bosheng's call.

"Weiyue, come and see, what does the email sent by this stinky boy Lu Cheng mean?"

Fang Weiyue looked at the email curiously, and couldn't help but look surprised.

"What kind of organization is this so-called Rocket Team?" Liu Bosheng asked in confusion.

"This kid Lu Cheng was dragged into pyramid schemes?"

"Judging from the documents provided, it doesn't look like an illegal organization." Fang Weiyue pondered,

"However, the association has opened a brand new organization, and the leader... is Lu Cheng?"

The expressions of the two of them became strange at the same time.

When can a sophomore take over a national organization?

Even, this bare commander tried to bring in Liu Bosheng, who has a reputation in the academic world! ?

Liu Bosheng reprimanded: "This stinky boy, I don't know what the **** is going on every day!"

"Doctor, do you mean, or reject him?"

"Add, why not!"

Uncle Liu said angrily, "This kid Lu Cheng, promise me to win the 'Naughty Thunderbolt' award within a year."

"Anyway, there are free resources, don't take it for nothing!

"I want to see what the **** this brat can do!"

In addition to the Jiangnan University Research Institute, many people received this email at the same time.

The cover of the email is Lu Cheng's unique artistic photo, imitating the famous American military recruitment advertisement.


The expression of the person who received this email became exciting.

"This is... quite Lu Cheng's personal characteristics."

Wearing a white shirt, Wei Ran moved his wrists and smiled at Sweet Wuni beside him: "What do you think, let's join too, how about it?"

And senior nutritionist Zhao Dachun also received an invitation from Lu Cheng.

Zhao Dachun said that he would carefully consider it for a period of time, and he had to discuss with his daughter-in-law before making plans.

Regarding this point, Lu Cheng was well prepared.

After all, it is a newly emerging organization and needs a lot of recruiting.

Protection of the rights and interests of disabled elves, protection of the rights and interests of labor elves, disposal of abandoned elves, and even the maintenance of elves' ecology...

All of the fields that may be involved require professional personnel to be responsible.

The first thing Lu Cheng thought of was the lovely group of forest rangers in the ice cave.

Fortunately, Lao Gou's contact information was kept, and Lu Cheng also sent an invitation to Lao Gou.

In the future, income and expenses are things that Lu Cheng needs to consider carefully.

But this year in the Armed Forces Department, Lu Cheng has long learned Guo Zhang's leadership that is to leave everything to Liu Shengnan!

Lu Cheng was only responsible for tricking people in. As for the specific personnel arrangement, it fell to Liu Shengnan.

When Liu Shengnan received the task he was responsible for, he couldn't help itching his teeth.

It's enough to squeeze the employees, but the superior is actually Lu Cheng!

In just one year, this kid actually climbed onto his head!

Despite this, Ryu Shengnan dutifully received people who came to report from all over the country.

Liu Shengnan didn't realize that in the next period of time, she would still have gym owners and even master-level trainers who came from all over.

Liu Shengnan, who had a headache from anger, couldn't help holding his forehead, gritted his teeth and said, "Wait for this kid to come back, he will look good!"

At this time, Lu Cheng did not realize what kind of turmoil the establishment of the Rockets caused.

And what exactly does this emerging organization mean?

At this moment, Lu Cheng, who was still fighting for the national competition, went to Canglong Snow Mountain in Yun Province.

Participated in the "Doudou Pigeon Cup" flight competition, which was postponed for several months, and this time it was rare that there were no bounces!



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