My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 373: Territorial earthquake! 7th emblem

The body of the super-armored rhino is covered with indestructible armor, and the sharp horn drill flashes a sharp cold light.

The super-armored rhinoceros with a height of more than two meters and an incomparably strong physique stepped into the field and let out a loud roar!

The bushy-bearded Gongsun Rong couldn't help looking at Lu Cheng with awe-inspiring eyes.

How will you deal with this super armored rhinoceros?

As the ace elf of Gongsun Rong, the strength of the super armored rhinoceros has definitely reached the pinnacle of the master level!

The Lizard King also did not dare to be careless, his eyes were extremely sharp, and the white light on his body surged like a tide.

Like the Predator-like Mega Lizard King, the corners of his eyes became narrower, and the raised blade blades glowed with an icy luster.

Raising the dragon's teeth, the Lizard King took a deep breath, and the surging dragon energy gradually poured into its body.

At this moment, the momentum of the Lizard King is not inferior to that of the Super Armored Rhinoceros!

Lu Cheng said sternly, "The Lizard King, Ye Ren!"

Holding the dragon's teeth, the Lizard King's figure rushed out, leaving behind afterimages.

On the blade, a green and cold light reflects!

"Interesting." Gongsun Rong nodded slightly, "Jianshi attack!"

Ye Ren directly tore off the armor of the super-armored rhinoceros, and a deep bloodstain was shocking.

However, the super armored rhino did not take a half step back, his eyes were blood red, and his fist like a bomb, suddenly smashed to the ground.


The cracked pattern extended toward the Lizard King like a crack in the ground.

The Lizard King showed a look of horror, and quickly avoided it with a flash of lightning.


The incomparably sharp rock pillar suddenly rose from the crack and directly stabbed the back of the Lizard King!


The Lizard King couldn't help but let out a painful cry, and the blood mist splashed, like a kite with a broken string falling from the air.

"It's not over yet!" Gongsun Rong said coldly, "Super armored rhinoceros, arm hammer!"

There was a crashing sound of stepping on the ground.

The super armored rhino roared and ran with great strides, his iron fist glowed with white light, and slammed towards the fallen Lizard King!

At the critical moment, Lu Cheng's commanding voice sounded.

"Lizard King, see you!"

The fallen Lizard King forcibly stabilized his body, and erected his dragon teeth to resist him.

However, the heavy arm hammer, just by Yu Wei, blasted the Lizard King several meters and broke several rock pillars!

Gongsun Rong's offensive was like a violent storm. Taking advantage of the weakness of the Lizard King, he gave another order.

"Super armored rhino, straight to drill!"

The sturdy horn drill above his head smashed through the rock with a click, and pierced at the chest of the Lizard King!

With this straight punch, the game has come to an end!

But at this moment, Gongsun Rong was suddenly shocked.

This is his combat instinct as a professional trainer.

Years of experience told him that this was a trap set by Lu Cheng!

"Lizard King, shadow clone!"

The weak Lizard King once again clenched his dragon's teeth tightly, his eyes extremely fierce!

The shadow of the sword appeared in the sky, and the super-armored rhino's straight drill tore a clone, but crashed into the rock behind him.

The dust was flying, and a dragon tooth had sunk into the back of the super armored rhinoceros.


This dragon tooth that cuts iron like mud is enough to tear even the armor of the super-armored rhinoceros!

The super-armored rhino with blood-red eyes, let out a painful roar, suddenly stepped on the ground, and swayed a violent shock wave!

This is Gongsun Rong's domain move, Earthquake!

Even the avatars that fill the sky will instantly turn into nothingness before the earth-shaking earthquake.

The entire site collapsed with a bang, the rocks collapsed, the gravel splashed, and the smoke covered the sun!

However, the Lizard King after the Mega evolution was removed, and the light-loading feature made it even faster.

Relying on the obstacle, the Lizard King jumped up into the sky with the following strength, and the sharp leaf blade appeared on its side again.

Lu Cheng shouted: "Lizard King, Flying Leaf Storm!!"

The green grass energy is surging, and the incomparably sharp blade is like a gust of wind and rain poking at the super armored rhinoceros!

Gongsun Rong's eyes narrowed, "Super armored rhinoceros, hold on!"

Even the guard used by the master elves was particularly vulnerable in front of this storm of flying leaves that covered the sky and the sun.

Ye Ren swiftly cut through the barrier formed by the guard, leaving dense wounds on the body of the super armored rhinoceros!


The super armored rhino roared in pain, and on its rock-like muscles, blood was pouring out for a while!

Four times the damage, even if the super armored rhinoceros has the characteristics of hard rock, it seems extremely painful at this moment!

"Super armored rhinoceros, rock cannons!"

The dazzling white light gathered on its body, defending the combo with the rock cannon, causing the muscles of the super armored rhino to swell suddenly.

The power is concentrated on its howitzer-like fist, and the surging rock cannon burst out with a violent roar!

After exhausted, the Lizard King failed to avoid the rock cannon and was blasted directly into the sky.

The Lizard King fell from the air with no strength. At this time, a gentle mental force had already supported it.

"You've done enough." Lu Cheng smiled, "Let's leave it to Jiuwei."

"Cha." The Lizard King tried his best to open his eyes, nodded, and was taken back by the red light.

Gongsun Rong's expression was extremely serious.

Unexpectedly, the Lizard King, whose physical strength was severely exhausted, could also use the Flying Leaf Storm to kill the super-armored rhinoceros.

And after consuming the huge rock cannon, the super armored rhinoceros also fell into a weak and stiff state at the moment.

Under such circumstances, it would undoubtedly be quite difficult to challenge the Nine Tails.

But the super armored rhinoceros, after all, is an elves standing at the pinnacle of the master!

Gongsun Rong's eyes narrowed and he said solemnly, "Let's continue the game, Lu Cheng."

Lu Cheng nodded and said very seriously: "Please, Nine Tails!"


Gorgeous appearance, noble temperament, and nine tails with red eyes, exuding a dangerous aura.

Following the referee's order, Lu Cheng commanded: "Nine tails, purgatory!"

Taking advantage of the rigid state of the super armored rhinoceros, the realm-level purgatory at the moment is undoubtedly the most suitable move!

A surging flame surged out, and the sea of ​​​​fire instantly wrapped the super armored rhinoceros.

The raging flame tornado burned the stiff super-armored rhinoceros, causing it to be extremely painful all of a sudden!

Gongsun Rong was also shocked by the flames.

This turned out to be the Nine Tails' domain move!

Unexpectedly, the nine tails can combine purgatory and flame vortex together.

And this turbulent flame directly locked the super armored rhino's movements, and it was very difficult to even escape!

The fire was soaring into the sky, and Lu Cheng said awe-inspiringly, "Nine tails, big characters burst into flames!"

The Feiye Storm just now had already caused a lot of damage to the Super Armored Rhinoceros.

What Lu Cheng has to do now is to attack the opponent as much as possible before the super armored rhinoceros counterattack!

The dazzling fire lotus bloomed in purgatory, and the gorgeous fire exploded on the body of the super armored rhinoceros.

The crumbling super armored rhino fell to the ground on one knee, but in those eyes, there was still a strong desire for victory!

This scene is very similar to the scene of the fight against Kuailong at the West Lake Hall.

What Gongsun Rong didn't expect was that in just one year, Lu Cheng had already stood at such a height!

Unexpectedly, Gongsun Rong showed a smile.

That being the case, let me show you the true meaning of Shanchuan Gym!

Gongsun Rong shouted: "Super armored rhinoceros, earthquake!!"


The super armored rhino roaring furiously, his eyes were red, and his huge iron fist slammed on the ground.

With its powerful heavy hammer, the ripples surging out will turn everything it touches into annihilation.

Even the nine-tailed purgatory was instantly destroyed by the earthquake of this field level!

Lu Cheng's eyes An earthquake of this magnitude could even affect an entire city if you were not careful!

Even on the battlefield, it seemed to sink half a meter.

The next moment, on the smoke-filled field, a dazzling fire lit up!

The flame vortex formed a turbulent flame tornado, which was wrapped around the body of the nine tails, isolating the broken rock blocks.

The ultimate ignition of the nine tails is on full display at this moment!

However, the incomparably powerful earthquake still ripped open the Nine-Tails' defense.

Even if he was on the verge of death, Gongsun Rong's super-armored rhino was able to fight against the generals.

This is the commanding art of a master trainer to seek opportunities in a desperate situation!

Lu Cheng suddenly shouted: "Nine tails, lightning flashes, supernatural power!"

The rock formation collapsed, and between the roaring earthquakes, a nine-tailed nimbly flew between the rocks.

The surging purple energy turned into a sharp blade to cut into the frail super-armored rhinoceros. ‘

In the end, the purple supernatural power was like a big bell, slamming into the super armored rhinoceros, directly suppressing it!

Boom! !

The ground trembled, and the Super Armored Rhino fell to the ground exhausted.

And Gongsun Rong's eyes were already satisfied, relieved and excited.

"Okay!" Gongsun Rong couldn't help shouting loudly.

: . :

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