My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 375: Ghost Dragon, Doron Baruto (Three/Four)

"Scythe helmet, shell Pokémon, rock and water attributes..."

On the other hand, Professor He's elf picture book has already answered for Lu Cheng.

He Guangshan said with a grim expression, "The visitor is not good."

Pan Shu couldn't help but shivered, gritted his teeth and said, "Professor He, do we need to fight?"

Before He Guangshan could answer, the sickle helmet turned into a bolt of lightning and slashed at Pan Shu with the sharp sickle!

Before Pan Shu had time to take out the Poké Ball, he felt cold on his hands and feet, and closed his eyes subconsciously.

However, after waiting for a long time, Pan Shu opened his eyes tremblingly, only to see a swaying nest ball.

After shaking it twice, the Poké Ball burst open.

Lu Cheng said with a grim face: "It seems that next time, I have to try it with the ball..."

Pan Shu said gratefully, "Thank you Master Lu for saving your life!"

Lu Cheng didn't answer, but looked at the fossil helmets that gradually came up, and took out the Poké Ball.

"Nine Tails, supernatural powers!"

In an instant, dazzling purple awns filled the entire cave.

Those fossil helmets seemed to be squeezed by a pair of big hands, and collided violently, the juice splashed and made a cracking sound.

The expressions of everyone changed.

And the sickle helmet held his head in pain, bowed his body, exposing his incomparably penetrating abdomen with dense chest and feet.

Lu Cheng only felt his scalp tingling, gritted his teeth and said, "Professor He, what should we do with these elves?"

He Guangshan also said with a grim expression: "This is not an ordinary situation, Pan Shu, hypnotize these elves first!"

"Miaowahua, use hypnotic powder!"

With a flash of red light, a large amount of powder was scattered from the back of the flower, and it floated on the group of "corpse horseshoe crabs", causing them to tremble and make a hissing sound.

But the Scythe Helmet seemed to be provoked, and the body controlled by the supernatural power was about to struggle out!

Pan Shu's expression changed, but Lu Cheng said, "Nine tails, hypnotism!"

The red pupils flowed, and the sickle helmet only felt that the world was spinning, and finally fell into the stream with a clatter.

The group of fossil helmets gradually calmed down, and finally, like pebbles in a creek, there was no more movement.

Everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

But Pan Shu looked at Lu Cheng with a hint of awe.

Not only did he control a large number of fossil helmets with his own power, but he also had spare power to hypnotize the sickle helmet.

Is this the strength of a master trainer?

"What exactly is going on?" Zhou Qianyu said in a trembling voice.

"Let's go back first." He Guangshan said with a pale face, "The tombs here are different, you have to report to the association as soon as possible!"

However, at this moment, the metal coffin on the other side suddenly shook violently.

Lu Cheng's expression changed.

Could it be that I really got into the copy of Tomb Raiders Notes! ?

This Nima, is it possible that a corpse king is going to be born!

A layer of gloomy ghost energy surrounds the coffin, and then the coffin floats directly into the air and shatters with a click!

Everyone's eyes widened in shock.

But the coffin was empty.

The empty coffin and the coffin board were separated, and the two split pieces were suspended in the air, and a sharp laugh sounded.

With a buzzing sound, a pair of hideous masks grew on the coffin, with scarlet eyes staring at Lu Cheng and the others, and four huge ghost hands flew out!

And the broken coffin board opened a strange one-eyed eye, and stretched out a pair of giant claws with saliva.

This is the elves wandering in the cemetery, the death coffin and the death board!

The yin wind came, and it was like a real yin and cold aura entangled around Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng sneered, "Nine tails, seal!"

For a time, a golden masterpiece!

He Guangshan and the others, who were still trembling just now, looked in shock at the golden light that erupted from Jiuwei's body.

The movements of the death plate and the death coffin were actually stiff, and the shadow ball's moves were also broken!

In this tomb, the fire cannot be used, which greatly limits the strength of the nine tails.

But for the nine tails, they also mastered the shadow ball move!

Dad is right, use magic to defeat magic!

Lu Cheng shouted: "Nine tails, shadow ball!"


For a time, the surging shadow ball flew towards the death coffin like an explosion, blasting it directly!

This shadow ball is so amazing, the surging energy spreads to the death plate, and there is a cracking sound.

With one move, he defeated two ghost-type elves!

Everyone couldn't help but let out a deep breath.

Looking at each other, several experts all came up with this idea.

It really was the wisest choice to have Lu Cheng come along!

The trembling coffin of the **** of death fell with a strange cry, and ripples were formed on the ground, swallowing the coffin of the **** of death inside.

At the same time, a burst of incomparably powerful purple energy instantly filled the entire tomb!

"This is the fluctuation of the dragon." He Guangshan said in a hoarse voice, "There is definitely a dragon elf living here!"

Everyone was silent for a while.

With such surging energy, at least it has to be a master-level elves.

In this group, only Lu Cheng can take on this unknown dead dragon!

The surroundings seemed to darken all of a sudden, like the real ghost energy, entangling everyone.

Zhou Qianyu, who was trembling all over, released the Qixi Blue Bird and said in a trembling voice, "The Qixi Blue Bird, use magic to force it out!"

He Guangshan suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute!"

But it was too late.

The dazzling flash made Lu Cheng almost unable to open his eyes.

And in the depths of the tomb, there seemed to be a strange giggle.

With a sudden sound, like a sharp arrow, there was a sound of breaking through the air!

Lu Cheng was awe-inspiring and threw out the Poke Ball: "Lizard King, see you!"

The ability to listen to sounds and identify positions was tempered to perfection by the Lizard King.

With a snap, the Lizard King deflected the arrow with his dragon teeth.

But the next moment, with a pop, another sharp arrow hit the Lizard King's shoulder!

The light dissipated, Lu Cheng looked at the so-called sharp arrow, and his face suddenly became ugly.

This rustling, still moving "sharp arrow" is clearly the initial form of the ghost dragon, Doron Messiah!

And the sound of sucking in cold air sounded, following everyone's line of sight, a dead dragon with cold eyes more than three meters high was quietly suspended in the air.

Its head is like a long and narrow airplane wing, but its body is like a fat python. Its body is covered with jagged scales. The cyan dragon tail extends all the way back, and it gradually becomes transparent, floating like a ghost!

Lu Cheng couldn't help swallowing.

This is the quasi-god of the eighth generation, the compound attribute of dragon and ghost, Doron Baruto!

It is said that after the death of a powerful dragon, the reincarnated souls will form such ghost-type spirits.

And the racial value as high as 600, and the strongest speed among the quasi-gods, also highlights its card face as a ghost dragon.

The dragon Messiah has the characteristics of being gregarious, clinging to the frog flower like an ant, as if to eat it directly.

And Tanabata Blue Bird and Mari Luli also looked at Doron Baruto with trembling all over, showing no resistance at all.

He Guangshan swallowed his saliva and said with a wry smile, "Is it a reincarnated elf from the obsession of a dragon-type elf..."

From the huge wall in the distance, the corpse of a dragon-type elf gradually emerged.

I don't know if it's a flying dragon, a fast dragon or a fierce bite of the land shark, that incomparably powerful elf, even after death, still produces the power of a quasi-god!

At this time, Lu Cheng took action.

"Pan Shu, Zhou Qianyu, take good care of Professor He and the others."

Lu Cheng took out the Poke Ball and said coldly, "Let me deal with this ghost dragon!"

: . :

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