My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 378: Darkrai, apply for battle!

Magic City, Cat and Maid Cafe.

At first, when I heard that Lu Cheng wanted her to report to her work, Liu Shengnan refused.

But after thinking about it, Lu Cheng is his boss anyway, and by the way, let's mention this kid, don't go too far!

Gritting his teeth, Liu Shengnan, who walked into the conference room with a pile of documents, was suddenly stunned.

Under the dim light, there was a soft and luxurious sofa, and in the ice bucket beside it, there was half a bottle of red wine.

On the sofa, a man leaned on his cheek with one hand and stroked Nine Tails with the other.

The nine tails were originally stretching their tails comfortably.

Raising his head, Jiuwei stared at Liu Shengnan, a dangerous gleam in his red pupils.

"Come." The man said in a hoarse voice.

Why would I have such a boss!

Liu Shengnan held his forehead and sighed, "About the divine beast plan you mentioned last time, the association's documents have already come down."

Lu Cheng's eyes lit up and said, "How do you say it?"

"The association attaches great importance to this plan." Liu Shengnan frowned, "It's just..."

"As for the divine beast gene you mentioned, which divine beast should be used?"

"I told you that you don't understand." Lu Cheng waved his hand, "Is your grandfather in the magic capital?"

Liu Shengnan's face darkened, but he still replied:

"He is in the research institute of the scientific research department. I heard that he is about to fight with Professor Gao Cong for equipment."

Lu Cheng stood up suddenly.

"To dare to treat the Rockets' employees badly, I think Gao Cong doesn't want to stay any longer!"

Liu Shengnan just pretended that he didn't hear it, but he still sighed deeply: "After all, it is the territory of the scientific research department."

Lu Cheng turned around when he heard the words, a little confused.

"The scientific research department, isn't it my Rocket team?"


Liu Bosheng patted the table with a dark face, and asked loudly, "Professor Gao, in terms of seniority, I am several years older than you!"

Gao Cong clutched his chest as if having a heart attack, and panted, "Here, bring my medicine!"

When Mushroom Head Lu Li heard this, he was about to give Gao Cong medicine, but Liu Bosheng held him back excitedly.

"I'll go to the research room first to occupy a seat, and after the rescue, come here as soon as possible!"

After speaking, Liu Bosheng ran away in the direction of the research room.

A group of researchers who stayed where they were, with big eyes on small eyes.

Until Lu Cheng came in, he was startled when he saw Professor Gao Cong's pale face.

"Professor Gao, don't worry, when the funds are approved, I will let them move out immediately!"

Gao Cong waved his hand weakly, his lips trembling and he didn't speak.

Whatever you want, do whatever you like!

For Lu Cheng's dream-building plan, Liu Bosheng left the research institute of Jiangnan University unused, and came to the magic capital specially.

After all, for a researcher, there is nothing more exciting than the creation of elves.

What's more, what Lu Cheng wants to create is a divine beast!

Just this incomparably bold idea was enough to make Liu Bosheng sleepless all night.

When he saw Lu Cheng, Liu Bosheng grabbed Lu Cheng's hand and said excitedly, "Tell me, what do we use to create the strongest divine beast!"

Lu Cheng laughed dumbly and said, "Doctor, this is really not in a hurry!"

The dream-building plan is definitely going to be carried out, but Lu Cheng also has some headaches.

It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice!

Without the dream gene, it is undoubtedly difficult to create a super dream.

Since a satellite has been released, the dream-building plan can be done slowly.

Otherwise, the forcibly created ultimate weapon is likely to repeat the mistakes of Sakagi.

After some good talk, Liu Bosheng calmed down and said with a frown, "I heard that Galel has already developed a giant transformation."

"It's just that I don't know why, but it hasn't been promoted on a large scale. It seems that a special venue is needed..."

Lu Cheng was a little surprised.

After all, the advent of gigantic transformation will definitely bring about earth-shaking changes to the battle environment.

But right now, Lu Cheng still has plenty of time to improve his strength.

And the Variety Monster has already reached the threshold of extreme giantization. In case of extreme giant transformation, Lu Cheng can also catch up with the first echelon.

"By the way, Doctor, I have one more thing to do this time."

Lu Cheng took out the dark purple elf egg in his backpack.

"This is the dragon-type elf I got in Chang'an, but for various reasons, I don't know what kind of elf it is yet."

"Can you help me see if it can hatch, and what kind of elf is it?"

Seeing the elf egg, Liu Bosheng also became interested.

Putting the elf egg into a special container, Liu Bosheng stood on the console, stared at the data and said seriously:

"From the perspective of hatching, its embryos are temporarily frozen because of the previous storage treatment."

"But if you want to hatch, you only need to thaw it, and it won't affect the elves."

Lu Cheng let out a sigh of relief, but Liu Bosheng frowned.

"However, if you analyze the embryo, it will affect the larvae. I suggest that you should wait until it hatches naturally, and then you will know what kind of elf it is."

Hearing this, Lu Cheng nodded.

This is like testing the gender of an unhatched elves. Analyzing the embryos will eventually affect the elves.

But since he is the descendant of Duolong Baruto, Lu Cheng doesn't have to worry about the aptitude of this dragon elf.

After all, in the tomb, Lu Cheng had already felt the powerful aura of the dragon corpse.

"Judging from the color, it should be a dragon-type elves." Liu Bosheng frowned and said, "However, dragon-type elves take a long time to hatch."

"In terms of time, it is possible for half a year to two years. You have to be mentally prepared for this."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will take good care of him."

Liu Bosheng couldn't help showing a smile, nodded and said, "By the way, the national competition is about to start, you should be able to participate, right?"

Lu Cheng nodded.

Right now, he has already harvested seven badges, and he is just short of the super power gym in Tiansheng gym.

Thinking of the ancient castle called the super energy system, but in fact it was extremely gloomy, Lu Cheng's expression became strange.

But whether it is super energy or ghost type, Darkrai can do a good job of restraint.

Lu Cheng wanted to see what kind of interesting scene the group of superpowers in the name of hypnotism and superpowers would have when they entered Darkrai's nightmare!

Leaving the Lu Cheng deliberately found a training venue that would not be disturbed, and released Darkrai.

"How's your hypnotism training going?"

Darkrai had been learning hypnotism with Nine Tails before. Compared to that, Lu Cheng looked like a trainer who ate rice.

Hearing this, Darkrai showed a sinister smile and said, "Don't worry, I promise to make her remember nothing the next day!"

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, then his face turned black.

"I mean, can you guarantee that you will not be hypnotized by hypnotism!"

Back then, Little Darkrai, who was the **** of nightmares, was almost hypnotized by Nine Tails, which was quite embarrassing.

Darkrai folded his arms and said proudly, "If someone hypnotizes me now, I have the confidence to hypnotize them in turn!"

This is the strength of Darkrai as the **** of nightmares!

Nightmare feature, which can make Darkrai leave endless nightmares wherever he travels.

Although there is no crescent moon feather, Lu Cheng has the protection of nine-tailed supernatural powers and rainbow feathers, thus avoiding nightmares.

But if Lu Cheng lets Darkrai display this characteristic, it will be no less than a dimensional blow to the apprentices of Tiansheng Taoist Hall!

Thinking of this, Lu Cheng also showed a sinister smile on his face. "Hide in my shadow tomorrow and go out with me."

"Where are you going?"

"Gym Challenge!"

: . :

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