My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 379: Kick Hall, Super Energy Dojo

Tiansheng Taoist Hall is located on the outskirts of the magic capital, surrounded by jungles, and it is extraordinarily quiet.

Walking through the forest with the iron shell Kun and the carapace cocoon hanging upside down, a gloomy Gothic castle appeared in front of Lu Cheng.

Darkrai slowly floated behind Lu Cheng, with a black death energy wafting all over his body, he said in surprise, "It's actually this place."

Lu Cheng nodded slightly and said, "After all, it is the entrance to the spiritual world."

No wonder Darkrai was surprised.

This gave it a very familiar feeling.

Lu Cheng had asked Darkrai, and according to him, his father, who had only lived for tens of thousands of years, could travel between the spiritual world and reality.

But Giratina can't, after all, it's an existence that protects the reversed world.

Walking towards the old castle, the strange unicorn sculpture at the entrance suddenly had a faint blue light in his eyes.

"Please show your ID."

Lu Cheng frowned, but still put his trainer certificate in his eyes.

It is said that the assessment of the gymnasium in Tiansheng gymnasium is extremely strict, ranking second in the country's difficulty ranking.

Of course, this is due to the rarity of super powers, but more importantly, I heard that Tiansheng Gym usually does not issue badges in the way of gym challenges.

As a super power gym, Tiansheng gym has recruited many magic and super power fans. It is said that only by passing the apprenticeship test can you get the badge.

But Lu Cheng didn't plan to get the badge as an apprentice.

In other words, he came to play in the gym today!

The red light swept across Lu Cheng's trainer certificate, the door slowly opened, and a man in a dark robe stared at Lu Cheng coldly.

"A trainer who came to sign up for an apprenticeship?"

"No." Lu Cheng smiled slightly, "I'm here to challenge the gym."

The man was stunned for a moment, then looked Lu Cheng up and down.

Seeing such a young trainer, Li Xuelin couldn't help feeling contempt.

In terms of hard power, Tiansheng Gym is no less difficult than the Dragon Gym run by the Jiang family.

This is why many trainers choose to become apprentices instead of gym challenges to get badges.

In the past few years, Li Xuelin has also seen many trainers who came to challenge, but without exception, they all left in despair.

In his eyes, this overly young trainer is just a newborn calf who knows nothing about the sky!

"Challenging the Tiansheng Taoist Hall requires an assessment."

Li Xuelin said with a smile, "First of all, your elf must be able to withstand a strong mental shock."

"Otherwise, in the event of a mental disorder, Tiansheng Gym will not be held responsible."

Lu Cheng had no objection. He showed a bright smile and said, "Exactly, I also want to test my elf's super power, what level it has reached."

Do you train super power trainers?

Li Xuelin's face showed a slight contempt. After all, famous super power trainers from all over the country went out of Tiansheng gymnasium.

With such a young trainer, can you train a powerful super spirit?

"Please come with me." Li Xuelin made a false lead and walked straight towards the depths of the castle.

On the corridors on both sides, there are many precious oil paintings, but for some reason, the faces of the figures seem to be covered with mist.

Darkrai whispered in Lu Cheng's ear: "There are quite a few ghosts staring at us on the oil painting over there."

"Let them see." Lu Cheng smiled, "may not be in this mood later."

In the courtyard of the old castle, there is a quaint dojo, and a group of superpowers dressed in plain clothes are sitting on the ground, closing the meditation.

Feeling the footsteps, they opened their eyes one after another, frowning indistinctly.

Li Xuelin stepped forward quietly and said with a light smile, "Senior Brother Duan, someone has come to the gym to challenge again."

Sitting at the top was a majestic man with a majestic appearance. A hudi was suspended behind him, quietly exuding meditation waves.

The apprentices looked at Lu Cheng curiously, and then there was a low-pitched discussion.

"At such a young age, it is estimated that he is someone who doesn't know the sky and the sky."

"If Tiansheng Taoist Hall was so good at getting badges, I wouldn't have come here as an apprentice."

"Shhh, if you get kicked out, the tuition here will not be refunded!"

The badge of Tiansheng Taoist Hall is extremely difficult to obtain, which is recognized nationwide.

Unless you pay for it as an apprentice, you are really challenged by your strength, and you can't pass without a senior level.

A lot of people have also reported this matter to the Alliance, but since Tiansheng Gym has indeed produced a lot of super power masters, this matter will be over.

Duan Zheng glanced at Lu Cheng, stood up and said, "To challenge Tiansheng Taoist Hall, you need to pass the assessment first."

"In case you can't even hold the most basic mind power, there's no need to challenge the pavilion owner."

"Of course." Lu Cheng looked around, "Is it just you, or is it everyone here?"

The people present were stunned, and then their faces turned black.

"Of course I'm the only one." Duan Zheng sneered, "As long as your elf can resist Xia Hudi's mind power, you can challenge the pavilion owner!"

"Will it be too easy?" Lu Cheng said with a smile.

"Otherwise, it's better for you to go on together."

"Boy, don't be shameless!" Li Xuelin said, "Which of the people here is not an elite trainer?"

"You should still be in college, complete your academic assessment honestly, and then think about the challenge of the gym!"

For a while, there was a burst of laughter in the dojo.

Indeed, elite-level trainers, although not as good as senior-level and gym-level trainers, are quite rare.

Lu Cheng didn't answer, he smiled and said, "Come on then, Brother Duan."

With a flash of red light, the beautiful Nine-Tails stretched out her golden tail, her red pupils wandering, and she looked at the Hu Di with disdain.

Is the opponent in this match so weak?

Duan Zheng's pupils shrank slightly.

Unexpectedly, this kid is so wealthy and can use the Fire Stone to evolve the six tails.

But even if he can master super power moves, how can the Nine Tails without super power attributes be compared to Hu Di?

"I'll state the rules first." Duan Zheng snorted coldly, "As long as you can resist Hu Di's mental strength, you will be considered qualified in this match!"

At this moment, there was a faint cry from the crowd.

"Senior brother, didn't you just say that as long as you resist the power of thought, you are considered qualified?"

Li Xuelin hurriedly glared at the boy.

As you say!

You didn't see the state of the Nine-Tails, isn't it easy to resist the power of thought?

Don't think Let this kid hit all of us in the face?

The latter shrank slightly, but Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Isn't it strong mentality? I understand."

Li Xuelin let out a long sigh of relief, and then glared at the owner of the voice again.

Fortunately, this kid didn't hear it, otherwise you'd be dead!

Duan Zheng's expression gradually became serious.

As the eldest disciple of Tiansheng Taoist Hall, his Hu Di's strength definitely reached the senior level.

With Hu Di's mental strength, not only can this nine-tailed animal not be able to carry it, it might even cause him to become insane!

"I still remind you." Duan Zheng frowned and said, "Mental strength is not so easy to bear, it is too difficult for your nine tails."

"I just want to see it too."

Lu Cheng smiled, but his eyes gradually became sharp, "What level are the apprentices of Tiansheng Taoist Hall?"

Duan Zheng's expression sank, and he said coldly, "Hu Di, use your mental strength!"

Lu Cheng smiled slowly and snapped his fingers, "Nine tails, supernatural powers!"

For a time, the surging purple light skyrocketed.

That incomparably dazzling supernatural power actually turned into substance, directly blasting Hu Di!


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