My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 381: Darkrai, dark black hole! (1/4)

With a slender figure, a white tulle dress, and a pair of crystal red pupils, there is a light blue superpower flowing.

Judging from the fluctuations emanating from its body, the strength of this Shanaido can definitely be called the ace elf of Tiansheng Gym.

But how could the people present think that Lu Cheng's strength is already close to the peak of the master level!

Whether it's flames or superpowers, the Nine-Tails' control has reached the point of perfection.

Those beautiful red eyes stared at Shanaido, causing Shanaido's body to tremble.

This is an extremely powerful elf!

A drop of cold sweat fell from Ning Qian'er's forehead, she calmly said, "Xanaduo, use meditation!"

A light blue halo surrounded Shanaido and gradually turned purple. The powerful super energy fluctuations brought Shanaido's spiritual power to a higher level.

But Lu Cheng just waved his hand and commanded, "Spray flames!"

In an instant, the fiery flames illuminated the entire dojo.

Everyone looked at the surging pillar of fire in despair and took a deep breath involuntarily.

How could there be such a terrifying jet of flame!

The thick jet of flames burned straight towards Shanaido, Ning Qianer's complexion changed, and she said anxiously, "Xanaduo, move instantly!"

The white light that moved instantaneously flickered, and the jet flame failed, but it still exploded dazzling sparks on the field.


The air waves are rolling, and the fire is soaring into the sky!

Shanaido was embarrassed to avoid the jet flame, but felt her body stagnate inexplicably and raised her head suddenly.

I saw the purple light flickering in Jiuwei's eyes, and the supernatural power of the essence directly locked Shanaido, making it unavoidable!

Seeing that Shanaido was in a desperate situation, Ning Qian'er had no choice but to clench her necklace and said nervously, "Xanaduo, Mega Evolution!"

The white light like the tide is intertwined with the splendid rainbow light.

No matter when, Mega Evolution is always so dazzling, so that everyone onlookers unconsciously exclaimed in amazement.

It's just that Shanaido, who evolved from Mega, was instantly swallowed up by the raging sea of ​​fire, and even the hem of her skirt was dyed black!

"Purgatory!" Li Xuelin exclaimed, "But why is this purgatory so powerful!"

Duan Zheng smiled bitterly and said, "I heard that a master-level trainer can master the so-called tricks of the field."

"This seems to be the flame that can devour everything, it should be the domain of the Nine Tails!"

The tornado of surging flames burned Shanaido in pain.

Ning Qian'er tightened her face and said calmly, "Shanaido, use the water drop of life!"

Lu Cheng couldn't help being a little surprised.

Using the drops of life to quench purgatory is indeed the best way at the moment.

Just from the point of view of strength, this drizzle-like drop of life is really not enough to see.

The crystal drops of water dripped down, but were instantly evaporated by the flames, making a hissing sound.

A look of despair appeared on everyone's faces.

And Lu Cheng smiled slightly and gave the final order: "Nine tails, shadow ball!"

Dark as ink, but extremely violent shadow ball blasted out, swaying the sea of ​​​​fire, and gradually formed a huge energy group.


Shanaido was directly blown away by the shadow ball, released from the Mega form, and fell from the sky in pain, and fell to the ground with a thud.

The entire gym suddenly fell silent.

Duan Zheng only felt a little suspicious of life.

With this kind of strength to crush Pavilion Master Ning, I just tried to teach this kid a lesson?

Lu Cheng slowly showed a smile: "At your age, Shanaido with such strength is quite rare."

Lu Cheng is telling the truth.

After all, the sophomore year of nurturing a gym-level elf already belongs to the category of genius.

As for Lu Cheng... not to mention it.

Facing the tone of teaching, Ning Qian'er nodded earnestly and replied, "I will continue to work hard."

Lu Cheng smiled and said, "There are two more games, let's continue!"

For the next two games, Ning Qianer sent Feng Chi Ling and Mengmeng Eclipse.

It's just that the strength of these two is not ideal for Lu Cheng.

In the two games, without exception, the shadow ball of the nine tails directly blasted the opponent, completing one pass and three.

The entire gymnasium was silent.

This is the first time since the director of the Ning Pavilion took office, the first time that he was crushed by the challenger...

Looking at the nine tails again, it seems that they didn't use all their strength!

Seeing Mengmeng eclipse falling to the ground, Ning Qian'er took a deep breath and forced a smile: "Congratulations, the challenge is successful."

Pieces of applause broke out in the gym.

Taking the watch-shaped super badge, Lu Cheng smiled and said, "Are you planning to participate in this year's national competition?"

Ning Qian'er shook her head and smiled, "With a contestant like you, I probably wouldn't have a chance."

Don't, if you go, I'll rise another place in the ranking!

However, Lu Cheng didn't speak his mind and played with the badge happily.

In this way, you can get your eighth badge, just wait patiently for the national competition to start!

However, just when Lu Cheng took over the badge, a mutation suddenly appeared!

From the huge oil painting room in the center of the gym, a grim face slowly emerged.

The grimace gradually expanded, and finally Gengar's entire body emerged, grinning and revealing sharp teeth!

Lu Cheng frowned and whispered to Ning Qian'er, "Is this the celebration ceremony of your Tiansheng Taoist Hall?"

However, Ning Qian'er's expression changed, and she shouted at Geng Gui, "I wasn't bullied, Geng Gui, hurry back!"

However, that Gengar flew straight towards Lu Cheng, with a scarlet luster in his blood-filled eyes!

"What's happening here?"

"Damn it, why did this Gengar fly at us!"

The crowd suddenly fell into a commotion.

Duan Zhengzheng showed a wry smile, "I heard that when King Ning Tian was away, he would leave an elves to guard Tiansheng Taoist Hall."

"Perhaps it felt that the owner of the Ning Pavilion was being bullied, so it flew out of the oil painting!"

"You're sick, isn't this a normal gym challenge?"

"I just said, this old woman is not very healthy, I don't want this tuition, I'll leave now!"

However, the flying Gengar's eyes widened, and a dangerous red light gushed from his scarlet eyes!


This Geng Ghost wants to wait until Ning Chun returns before making a decision!

Lu Cheng just thought it was unreasonable to make sneered: "This is the way of hospitality at Tiansheng Taoist Hall?"

Ning Qian'er hurriedly protected Lu Cheng in front of Lu Cheng and shouted at Geng Gui, "Geng Gui, go back!"

But that dazzling hypnotic red light flickered almost throughout the gym.

Everyone just felt sleepy, only Lu Cheng and Ning Qian'er were still safe and sound!

Darkrai, who was full of gloomy spirit, quietly emerged from Lu Cheng's shadow, showing a wicked smile at Geng Gui.

"Can it be hypnotized?" Lu Cheng frowned, "The Geng Ghost at the peak of the master, luckily he hasn't reached the Heavenly King level yet!"

Darkrai smiled strangely: "If it didn't use hypnotism first, I couldn't help it, but now... Jie Jie Jie!"

Ning Qian'er looked at Darkrai in surprise, with an unbelievable look in her eyes.

Lu Cheng smiled at Ning Qian'er and said, "Sorry, I have to let you sleep for a while."

From Darkrai's body, a piece of nothingness suddenly formed, that piercing void seemed to be swallowing up all the red light!

There was a trace of panic in Gengar's eyes, and he turned to escape from Darkrai's void.

But at this moment, a pair of icy eyes had already locked on it, and an irresistible red light gushed from Darkrai's eyes!

Playing hypnosis in front of the Nightmare God is really a trick!

Although Darkrai's strength is not as good as Gengar, but Darkrai's nightmare talent makes the dark black hole perfectly restrain Gengar!

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