My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 401: King Ho is now in this world and crosses this mountain!

The trainers present felt overwhelming intimidation, and even breathing became difficult.

This kind of peak power can easily change nature, is this the power of the King of Heaven!

There was an uproar in Fengwang's nest.

The blizzard stopped in an instant, and in the silent stadium, cheers erupted from the mountains and tsunamis!

As early as in the Fengwang incident, Lu Cheng had seen the strength of the King of Heaven.

But this time, Han Qing really showed his strength unscrupulously!

Clenching his fists, Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed.

The gap between the master level and the king level... I will bridge it sooner or later!

"Next, there is the Dragon King, Jiang Ziqian!!"

In an instant, thunder exploded, and the situation changed color!

On a cloudless sunny day just now, thick thunderclouds accumulated in the blink of an eye.

Amidst the ink-like rain clouds, a man with a serious face stood on the backs of three evil dragons.

The three ferocious heads, like the messengers of hell, let out a roar like weeping blood!

Thunder, fire, ice!

Three explosive energies illuminated the sky in three colors, illuminating everyone's faces.

Horrified, disturbed, unbelievable—

The trainers have different expressions, but they are all shocked by this power!

When the three evil dragons stopped roaring, the terrifying power was still rolling and scurrying in the thundercloud, causing thunderous lights.

With the three evil dragons perched on the ground, Jiang Ziqian took the three evil dragons back to the advanced ball.

He just stood there so simply, that powerful aura made it difficult for everyone present to ignore it!

"Finally, let's invite Tu Ming, the King of Fire, to light the flame of this competition for us!"


The dark clouds dissipated quietly, and everyone squinted at the dazzling figure in the sky.

Under the clear sky that clears the clouds and sees the sun, the light of scorching flames shines!

The beautiful and dazzling flame feathers, the flaming feather crown, the flame bird made the air waves roll over it, and when it screamed, it lowered the fiery flames.

Located in the center of the venue, the silver-white brazier rose rapidly, and the flames more than ten meters high reflected the faces of all trainers!

This is the holy flame of the national competition, ignited by the flame bird and passed on to the world!

Even Lu Cheng held his breath and looked at the gorgeous flame bird in the sky.

Although he had fought against the flaming bird before, but at this moment, the flaming bird showed its godhead to the fullest!

At this moment, Lu Cheng felt a sudden heat on his chest.

In a hurry, Lu Cheng used the power of the waveguide to investigate, and found that it was the rainbow-colored feather that burst out with a fiery white light!

Wait, this is the case!

Suddenly, the chirping of the flame bird died down.

An incomparably beautiful rainbow crossed the sky, and above the Phoenix King's nest, auspicious dazzling colors appeared!

The expressions of Jiang Ziqian, Tu Ming, and Han Qing were startled at the same time.

No, impossible!

If it really is a rainbow, it should only be the name of the god!

"After the battle in the East Tower, King Ho has never been manifested, right?" Tu Ming said hoarsely.

"Yes." Jiang Ziqian nodded dryly, suddenly stunned.

"Perhaps, it's because the trainer here has someone it wants to see..."

Gorgeous rainbow light, flames with divine breath.

That beautiful big bird with a halo all over its body, soaring above the Phoenix King's Nest!

The entire Howang's Nest was boiling, and people cheered like crazy.

It is said that Ho-oh is now a symbol of auspiciousness.

And this is also the place where Hoo once again came to the national competition in the past 20 years!

The rainbow feather in Lu Cheng's hand has dimmed.

But he felt a burning gaze.

Following that line of sight, the elegant and arrogant Ice Queen leaned her back against the Ice Throne and raised her chin with a smile.

caught you.

The thunder exploded, the flames shot into the sky, and sparkling ice flowers were scattered down!

The three holy beasts came to the world once again, offering their blessings for the national competition and the strongest trainer in the world.

The host's voice began to tremble, and he couldn't help choking: "This is, this is the 20th year, King Ho reappeared!"

Jiang Ziqian looked around, his eyes gradually fell on a young trainer in the crowd.

"If King Ho is interested in any of these people..."

Tu Ming also looked in that direction subconsciously, and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "It's really hard for that kid."

Jiang Ziqian sighed and smiled helplessly: "Perhaps, this is also a good thing?"

Under Ho-oh's flame, the flame in the silver brazier rose again.

The flaming flames are like the trainer's determination to move forward!

The rainbow-colored feathers gradually dimmed, and Ho-oh gradually fluttered along with the hidden rainbow.

Before leaving, a cluster of dazzling firelight fell in the center of Howang's nest.

"This, this is Emperor Yan!"

"Why is it still on the scene?"

"Could it be that you want to choose a trainer!?"

Such an idea was immediately ridiculed.

who do you think You Are?

You can get the approval of the Three Holy Beasts and Ho-oh!

Feeling the familiar aura, Yandi closed his eyes and slowly turned in one direction.

The power of the gentle wave guide made Yan Emperor's telepathy sound.

The corners of its mouth rose slightly.

"I wish you the championship, Lu Cheng."

Lu Cheng was stunned.

Such a big brand came over just to wish me a championship?

No, wait a minute...

Can I ask for another rainbow feather!

Before Lu Cheng could speak, Emperor Yan had already lifted off and followed King Feng away.

In the huge Phoenix King's nest, there was a long silence.

"The one just now, is it really...Ho-king?"

"It should be true. I heard from the older generation that Ho-oh will show up at all previous national competitions."

"Isn't it possible that this year there is a trainer who can be recognized by King Ho!?"

The trainers couldn't calm down for a long time.

The three heavenly kings looked at each other and decided to keep this secret in their hearts forever.

Lu Cheng, on the other hand, looked at the departing Phoenix King with grief and indignation.

I didn't ask you to rush over and pretend to be such a coercion!

Dress up, you can give me another rainbow feather!

I didn't take the initiative to use it, so it's all for nothing?

It seemed to echo Lu Cheng's The bleak rainbow-colored feather became hot again.

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, and quickly recalled King Ho's real name in his heart.

But at the same time, he also felt a trace of pressure he had never felt before.

In case of overturning...

Isn't that slapping King Ho in the face?

Forget it, no matter what, Lao Tzu is also someone who has divine beasts!

Jiang Ziqian coughed lightly, then came up to the stage and said:

"National competition, the opening ceremony continues!"

After the opening ceremony, the audience remained in the momentum of Ho-oh, unable to extricate themselves for a long time.

And Lu Cheng also felt the heavy pressure on his shoulders.

But whether it is a heavenly king or a divine beast, it is a mountain that he must climb over.

Only by constantly climbing towards the mountains can we stand at the pinnacle of the elf trainer!

With a cold look in his eyes, Lu Cheng looked at the group on the big screen.

The first round of preliminaries.

Lu Cheng VS Deng Ruyun!

Turning his head to look, the eyes of the two just collided.

The serious and taciturn black-haired girl slowly burst into a bright smile.

The next moment, her eyes became extremely focused!

Lu Cheng also slowly smiled.

National competition, opener!

: . :

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