My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 411: Mega Lucario, close combat! (four four)

The scorching fire rose into the sky.

The audience on the stage suddenly fell silent.

Although two elves were knocked over, I have to admit that Zhang Xiaoqian's flaming chicken definitely has master-level strength.

The whole body was burning with orange-red flames, and the flame chicken was like a jet fighter, ready to shoot out at any time.

The flames at its heels can not only provide it with instant explosive power, but even allow it to glide briefly.

In terms of speed alone, a fully preheated flaming chicken can't even match the legendary fairy.

This is the very domineering characteristic of the flaming chicken, speed up!

With the appearance of the flaming chicken, Zhang Xiaoqian also breathed a sigh of relief and gradually calmed down.

"I admit, you are quite a formidable opponent." Zhang Xiaoqian said solemnly,

"But as far as fighting is concerned, I still have absolute confidence!"

The powerful fighting spirit once again burned in Zhang Xiaoqian's eyes.

This scene made the noisy audience shut up.

No one can guarantee that there will be a 1v3 scene later.

They have already seen the powerful strength of this flaming chicken.

And Lucario of Lu Cheng——

You must know, this is not Lu Cheng's strongest elf!

Lu Cheng smiled and said nothing.

And Zhang Xiaoqian's eyes narrowed, clenching his teeth fiercely.

This kid is definitely just bluffing!

Lucario must have consumed a lot of stamina!

"The game starts!" The referee blew his whistle.

"Flaming chicken, sword dance!" Zhang Xiaoqian preemptively said.

Sword Dance can greatly increase the attack power of the flaming chicken, coupled with its increasing speed.

Once the flaming chicken is set in motion, no elves can resist!

This familiar scene made the audience who had cheered on Lu Cheng instantly worried.

In case the flaming chicken seizes the opportunity, the situation will not necessarily be reversed!

The flaming chicken's eyes froze, and a scorching flame erupted at its fist,

The temperature of the body surface gradually increased, gradually changing to a white flame.

However, before the flames soared, a black shadow jumped out quickly.

Between the venues, a sonic boom suddenly sounded!

"Lucario." Lu Cheng's eyes narrowed, "God fast!"


The howling Lucario turned into a rapid white awn and flew towards the flaming chicken.

The ground of the arena was instantly pierced by Lucario's explosive force,

With a click, the ground cracked several cracks!

This terrifying speed and explosive force made Zhang Xiaoqian's pupils shrink suddenly.

"The same move, do you think I'll hit the second time!" Zhang Xiaoqian shouted,

"Flaming Chicken, Yan Hui!"

Forcibly interrupting the sword dance, the flaming chicken stomped on the ground, drew a beautiful full moon in mid-air, and kicked Lucario violently!

"The flaming chicken actually avoided the speed that was almost certain to hit!" the commentator shouted,

"Not only that, the speed of the flame chicken has risen again!"

In the midst of Yan's return, the flames all over the flaming chicken soared, and the speed went up a new level!

"Quick defense." Lu Cheng said sternly, "Bo missiles!"

With fists clasped together, the flaming chicken's kick fell on Lucario's quick defense.

The powerful impact made Lucario plough the ground several meters away.

At the same time, Lucario opened and closed his palms, and a surging energy group burst out!

Boom! !

At the critical moment, Zhang Xiaoqian roared loudly, "Flaming Chicken, Mega Evolution!"

The scorching fire soared!

This terrifying wave missile is almost three meters wide, even scarier than the electromagnetic gun.

The flaming chicken, which was instantly swallowed by the wave missile, let out a painful neigh.

But the next moment, the flames on the flaming chicken skyrocketed.

The red light soared, slicing the energy group formed by the waveguide like a sharp blade!

With a bang, the Mega Flame Chicken suddenly jumped out, covered in crimson flames, and blasted towards Lucario like a meteor!

"Flame Charge!!"

The flaming chicken in mid-air, like a chariot burning with flames, radiates an unbelievable light.

No matter what the teammates are, this flaming chicken still makes people feel the shock from its powerful strength!

The acceleration state, coupled with the destructive flash charge, is almost impossible to resist!

Everyone in the audience could not help but take a deep breath.

Although Lucario has won consecutive battles, it is still too reluctant to defeat the Mega Flame Chicken.


Suddenly, someone in the audience shouted:

"Look, what is that on Lucario!"

"Jin, the light of evolution? No way!"

"Fuck, it's really the light of incoming light, the light of evolution of Lucario!"

The flaming chicken in mid-air, that scorching flame, lit up like the sun.

But Zhang Xiaoqian's face was pale, and he felt a chill for no reason.

"You... can't you? Is it possible?" He swallowed.

Lu Cheng smiled slightly, his eyes extremely cold.

"Lucario, Mega Evolution!!"

Lucario howled in the sky.


Lucario, the legendary waveguide spirit, possesses extremely powerful waveguide energy.

When this waveguide energy is combined with super evolution, the fighting genes dormant in its body will wake up.

Concentrate all your mental power to challenge the enemy,

This kind of fighting instinct makes people comment on Super Lucario with two words.



The hair was flowing like a braid behind Lucario's head.

Its stern face was covered with hunting patterns, making its brown-red eyes even colder.

The ancient war patterns, densely covered in its body and limbs, brought it endless power.

And the sharp metal thorns, as well as the dark red fists and claws, all prove the potential of explosion.

Mega Evolution!

Super Lucario!

Infinite energy poured into Lucario's body.

At this moment, Lucario seemed to be aware of the origin of the heart of justice.

Not afraid of strong enemies,

There is no mercy for the weak.

This is a kind of energy that adapts to the origin of all things, and makes Lucario's momentum reach a peak!

Super Lucario, traits, adaptability!

It can make the power of this attribute move to a new level!

In the air, the Mega flame chicken under the flash charge roared like a fire-breathing chariot.

On the ground, Mega Lucario, like an ancient weapon of war, his eyes are as sharp as knives!


Lu Cheng took a deep breath and said word by word.

"Close, body, fight!"

Boom! ! !

It seemed like there was only one punch, and it was like a shadow of a fist in the sky.

The fist that burst out collided with the flame charge, setting off a scorching spark!

The strong air turbulent violently lifted Lu Cheng's cloak.

Hunter's rattling coat, with a determined look, revealing a pair of incomparably awe-inspiring eyes.

Those eyes, the eyes of Lucario and Lucario seemed to merge into one.

"Luca Luca!!"

The howling Lucario threw dozens of punches, directly smashing the fireball with earth-shattering power!

The sparks flew, and the flaming chicken flew out weakly, and fell heavily to the ground.

The smoke filled the air, and the entire venue was silent.

All that was left was the soft sound of the Adam's apple rolling up and down.

"The flaming chicken is incapacitated." The referee took a deep breath and raised the flag violently.

"Contestant Lu Cheng wins!!"


The boiling hall is a uniform roar.

"Lu Cheng, Lu Cheng!!"

"Lucario, Lucario!"

With one against three, a crushing victory was completed.

Even if the opponent is the champion of the division, there is still no hope of winning.

This is the youngest master trainer who has almost left a legend for the national competition.

Lu Cheng! !

The dark red cloak rattled, Lu Cheng lowered the brim of his hat and walked towards the player's passage.

No, it's not yet time to be happy.

Lu Cheng's eyes gradually became awe-inspiring.

My goal is to win the championship!

In the auditorium, the melancholy man with long hair turned and left.

"Junior Brother, it's really interesting." Xing Feng grinned,

"Looks like I have to cheer up too!"

In two different corners, Jiang Xun and Han Ying turned and left almost at the same time, their eyes awe-inspiring.

The same thought arose in the minds of the two of them.

this man,

Must be defeated by me!


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