My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 412: World Championship Youth

At the end of the game in Group A, all the audience were shocked by the repressive power displayed by Lucario.

Facing the champion of the division, he completed one pass and three, and won a crushing victory.

More importantly, Lu Cheng defeated the fighting master with the fighting system. It is not an exaggeration to kill people!

"Let's just say, Lu Cheng is already a king, but he's pretending!"

"Hey, how do you say it, you think I'm a master of flying, but I'm a master of fighting."

"That's it! That's it!?"

With Lucario's eye-catching performance, Lu Cheng became the favorite to win the championship.

And no matter who it is, it is impossible to ignore the powerful strength displayed by that Darkrai.

As long as there is the deterrence of the legendary elves, the opponent is bound to make tactical adjustments.

So for trainers, strength is the best tactic!

Lu Cheng's momentum of winning the championship became more and more powerful, but Lu Cheng himself became more and more calm.

It's only the top sixteen,

It's not time to be proud.

The other groups of players can not be ignored.

After finishing his daily training, Lu Cheng planned to go to the competition venue to watch the battle of Group B.

That is, the highly anticipated duel, the battle between two master-level trainers, Mu Haoyun and Xing Feng.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Lu Cheng suddenly stopped and looked at the man in front of him in surprise.

The most powerful heavenly king in the alliance, Jiang Ziqian, the dragon king who has the friendship of the beasts.

"Are you free to chat?" Jiang Ziqian lowered his sunglasses and nodded slightly.

Players Village, Cafe.

"I came to you this time because I wanted to tell you something." Jiang Ziqian said straight to the point.

"About the Tenno Tournament to be held in Tokyo next October."

Lu Cheng was slightly startled.

He had heard the news about this Heavenly King Race from Du Zhe's mouth.

It is said that the heavenly kings from all over the world will gather together to decide the name of the strongest heavenly king in the form of a championship.

And since the expedition is in the form of a country, China will naturally send its strongest team of heavenly kings.

"Jiang Tianwang." Lu Cheng scratched his cheek and said embarrassedly, "I'm just a junior in the second half of the year."

"Let me go to the Heavenly King Tournament... will it be a little earlier?"

"It's because you're young that I like you." Jiang Ziqian nodded slightly,

"In fact, the Tianwang Competition is also an exchange competition for young trainers from all over the world."

"Leading the team with Tianwang, it is divided into two groups: the master group and the youth group. The required age for the youth group is under 25 years old."

"Looking at the whole country, there are those who are capable of fighting..." Jiang Ziqian smiled slightly, "Who is it that you give up?"

Lu Cheng was taken aback.

"So, let me participate in the youth world championships?"

Jiang Ziqian nodded: "Almost, but you must know that the points of the youth group are also counted in the total points of the national team."

"In other words, even the youth group is an important part of the competition ranking."

Under Jiang Ziqian's explanation, Lu Cheng's expression gradually became strange.

He also thought that Jiang Ziqian was planning to invite him to participate in the Heavenly King Competition.

But who would have thought that he would be asked to test the water in the youth group?

However, this is normal. With Lu Cheng's strength, there is still a certain gap between him and the Heavenly King.

But Lu Cheng is confident that the gap is shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Let me think about it." Lu Cheng pondered, and suddenly said again.

"I joined the youth group, can I still participate in the master group competition?"

Jiang Ziqian was stunned.

"Theoretically, the quota can be repeated, but..."

Interrupting Jiang Ziqian's words, Lu Cheng grinned and said, "Okay, I understand, thank you!"

Jiang Ziqian opened his mouth,

An incredible thought popped up in his mind.

This kid, could it be that he is thinking...

No, this is outrageous.

But Jiang Ziqian still couldn't help but say:

"Why are you asking this?"

"Oh, I'll just ask."

The atmosphere froze for a while.

With a sigh, Jiang Ziqian stood up and said, "I've already brought it to you. Next, it's up to you."

"By the way, your next game, come on."

Looking at Jiang Ziqian's leaving back, Lu Cheng touched his chin and gradually fell into contemplation.

World Championships, Youth Division.

The age limit of less than 25 years old almost determines that there will be no king-level players in the youth group.

This also avoids the situation of bullying and crushing the small.

However, what if a Heavenly King-level trainer is mixed into the youth group?

Or, like a group of lambs suddenly mixed in with a big wolf dog?

A playful smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Lu Cheng's mouth.

"It's interesting too."


"Gentlemen and ladies, the powerful duel in Group B has come to a white-hot stage!"

When Lu Cheng arrived at the battle field in Group B, Xing Feng and Mu Haoyun were already halfway through their schedule.

On the huge LCD screen, it could be seen that Mu Haoyun had fallen two elves, and even the fire-breathing dragon on the field was panting.

And Xing Feng from beginning to end, but only released a giant gold monster.

This amazing suppression force made the entire venue almost silent.

"This, this is too strong, even Mu Haoyun has been beaten to such a degree?"

"This is just Xing Feng's first elf! There won't be a shameful one wearing three!"

"Xing Feng doesn't even use ga, this is too small for Mu Haoyun!"

The noise intensified, but Mu Haoyun's eyes gradually calmed down.

"Fire-breathing dragon, big characters burst into flames!"

The roaring fire-breathing dragon once again blasted out a surging flame.

But with a bang, the large-character explosion was directly crushed by the comet of the giant gold monster.

From the splashing sparks, the giant golden monster's eyes flashed red, and the pair of steel-cast arm claws flashed a dazzling light!

This amazing aura made Mu Haoyun's pupils shrink.

But a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the wrist guard on his hand suddenly burst into a dazzling rainbow color.

The rays of light wrapped the fire-breathing dragon like a tide, and the fire-breathing dragon y with sharp bone spurs all over its body blasted out a scorching jet of flames at the giant golden monster!

The Comet Fist nearly bisected the jet flame.

But under the scorching the power of this jet of flames increases exponentially, swallowing the giant golden monster in an instant!

"Let the giant golden monster face the flames of the fire-breathing dragon." Mu Haoyun sneered, "Your heart is really big enough."

Xing Feng, whose long hair was flowing and Hu Zha sighed, gave Mu Haoyun a deep look.

Then, he slowly raised his hand.

"Rock block."

With a click, a huge rock pillar fell from the sky, inserted into the wings of the fire-breathing dragon y with a puff, and pinned it to the spot!

Blood splashed, and the fire-breathing dragon let out a painful roar, trying to use the flames to resist the huge rock.

But a piece of rock slammed into the fire-breathing dragon, and in an instant, a towering rock wall surrounded it.


The giant golden monster clasped his fists together, and the cyan body appeared red due to the high temperature, but the terrifying mental fluctuations firmly locked the fire-breathing dragon.

"How, how is it possible..." The voice seemed to be stuck in Mu Haoyun's throat, causing his eyes to widen in despair.

"Nothing is impossible." Xing Feng said indifferently, "One wears three."

The hand was raised again.

Four times the attribute restraint, the rock blockade instantly swallowed the fire-breathing dragon.

This time, the fire-breathing dragon failed to stand up again.

The entire hall was silent.

"Golden Monster wins!" The referee blew his whistle.

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