My Pokemon Aren’t Quite Right

Chapter 414: In fact, I am the ice master (2 in 1)

The dreamy eyelash fossils can be used as the genes of the beasts to create the super dream.

Among them, the field of genes is involved, but it is not a problem.

After all, with the current technology of Huaguo, there have been genetic Pokémon like artificial cell eggs in the field of genetics.

Lu Cheng believes that it is only a matter of time before creating the super dream.

However, how to ensure Mewtwo's character and ensure that Mewtwo stays in the Rockets is a big problem.

For Lu Cheng, what he needs to do is to continuously improve his strength and bargaining power.

The first step is to win the national championship, and even advance to the king.

As long as you are promoted to the Heavenly King, you can join the Alliance's Council of Heavenly Kings.

And the unspoken rule of being promoted to the king is to at least have the legendary elves, or gain the friendship of the beasts.

Like Jiang Ziqian and Tu Ming, they each have a Latias and a Flamingo.

Lu Cheng, who is at the master level, has subdued two legendary elves, and it is no exaggeration to describe it as an adventure.

Touching his chin, Lu Cheng murmured, "Looks like it's time to take Regais out for a walk."


Round of 16, Group C.

Ice-type trainer Han Ying faced off against Dragon-type trainer Jiang Xun.

The two contestants, one is the younger sister of the ice king, and the other is the heir of the dragon king.

This topical confrontation made the discussion thread of the Elf Forum instantly top the homepage.

Jujuhua Frost Milk Immortal: Ice type fights dragon type, isn't this a father beating his son?

Commentary by the keyboard maid Ding: It is said that the Yulong family surnamed Jiang will conduct targeted anti-icing training. I support Jiang Xun in this wave.

The head of the independent regiment, Tyrannosaurus, said: "I'm dying, Ding Lei, please don't breastfeed!

Deep-sea stinger jellyfish: These two are both players of the Imperial University, and they can be regarded as **** for tat.

Pay attention to the details of my bowl: it implies that Lushen is from Jiangnan University and has no hope of winning the national competition. Report it!

Did Nine Tails win today: ?

Pay attention to the details of my bowl: what the hell, God of the Road!


The style of painting suddenly turned into a repeat post of the onlookers.

But Rao is also a little curious about Lu Cheng.

"The ice type fights the dragon type." Lu Cheng said cheerfully, "It's okay to go and have a look."

The strength of these two, Lu Cheng had experienced as early as in the spiritual world.

However, Lu Cheng didn't know it was,

It was at that time that Lu Cheng left a huge shadow in their hearts.

This is why the two are so eager to win.

Only the winner will have the opportunity to challenge Lu Cheng!

When they came to the battle field of Group C, cheers came one after another.

"I didn't expect Jiang Xun to send the Dragon King." The commentator exclaimed.

"In this way, Laplace won't have the advantage of attributes at all!"

Lu Cheng looked at the two elves on the field in surprise.

On the lake site, the Dragon King blasted out a surging water cannon, causing a storm of waves in an instant.

The Thorn Dragon King is a composite attribute of Ice Plus Dragon and is not restrained by the freezing beam.

On the other hand, looking at Han Ying's side, her eyes were awe-inspiring and she said loudly, "Laplace, surf!"

Amid the exclamations of the audience, Laplace raised his neck and howled, setting off thousands of waves.

With a bang, the water cannon hit, but it didn't do any damage to Laplace.

"Is it really a water storage feature?" Jiang Xun said coldly, "Thorn Dragon King, Dragon Wave!"

As the purple ripples swayed, the water column exploded in an instant, and an illusory dragon shadow roared toward the big waves.

"It's now! Laplace, use the freezing beam on the big waves!"


Almost instantly fell below the freezing point, and the crystal light beam landed on the rising waves, instantly freezing it into a corridor of solid ice!

Laplace on the waves slid down the ice ladder, and a chilling ice-blue light gathered in his mouth.

"Laplace." Han Ying said coldly, "Absolute zero!"

The icy light exuded cold air, making the entire water area instantly sound the sound of icing.

The lake surface that he touched was instantly frozen, and even the Thorn Dragon King was imprisoned in place.

In an instant, the Dragon King was frozen into an ice sculpture!

"Laplace wins!" the referee waved the flag, "please send the next elf!"

There was an uproar in the venue.

Unexpectedly, the winner was decided in the form of such a spike.

Even Lu Cheng was a little surprised. At this moment, there was the soft sound of high heels beside him.

"That child has already touched the realm of changing nature." Rolling up the hair beside his ears, Han Qing smiled and sighed.

"People always grow up in an instant. It's true."

"Changing nature." Lu Cheng pondered, "That should already be the domain of the Heavenly King."

Du Zhe once told him about the power of a domain-level sunny day.

This kind of move that can change hundreds of kilometers can almost be called a miracle.

Han Qing nodded lightly and said with a smile, "Don't underestimate that child."

"In order to fight against you." Han Qing looked at his sister with deep eyes, "She has put in a lot of effort."

On the other end, Jiang Ziqian in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

In order to let Jiang Xun take over the authority of the Dragon King, he did not hesitate to force a single dragon to Jiang Xun.

But later, Jiang Xun chose a tooth that was not very talented.

To this day, Ya Ya has grown into a two-axe fighting dragon that Jiang Ziqian has no choice but to nod.

"The child has grown up." Jiang Ziqian murmured, "It's time for you to conquer the shadow you're looking for."

Jiang Xun's eyes were stern: "Come on, fight the dragon with two axes!"


A roar resounded through the venue.

His eyes were blood red, covered with metal armor made of steel, and his sickle-shaped head was stained with blood.


Once on the stage, the two-axe dragon stomped on the frozen lake and let out a low roar.

This amazing momentum made everyone shrink their heads unconsciously.

I have to say that Jiang Xun's double-axe fighting dragon definitely has an aura comparable to the peak of a master!

"Frozen beam!"

"Dance of the Dragon!"

The ice light flickered, and the extremely cold beam hit the two-axe battle dragon, causing it to take a half step back in pain.

"The attribute restraint is too strong." The commentator regretted, "This extremely freezing beam is almost fatal!"

However, the two-axe dragon just stood firm, gasped, and stared at Laplace with **** eyes.

"Is the imposing cloak?" Han Ying murmured, "Come on, Bai Xue!"

Retracting Laplace, a beautiful white shadow passed by, and small ice flowers suddenly floated in the sky.

"This is the snowfall characteristic of Bing Jiuwei!" the commentator shouted, "With the current physical strength of the two-axes and dragons, they can't withstand the blow of the hail!"

In an instant, the hard hail mixed with the boulders and fell, hitting the ice surface, making a fine clicking sound.

Between the snow curtains, the graceful and beautiful ice nine tails travel freely like a snow fairy.

However, the two-axe dragon seemed to lock on its target suddenly, and the indestructible dragon tail slammed on the ground.

The ice layer shattered, cracking open several cracks, and then a terrifying opening burst open.

The terrifying earthquake caused Han Ying's complexion to change, and she said anxiously, "Bai Xue, the aurora curtain!"

Seizing the opportunity of the aurora blooming, Jiang Xun said coldly, "Double axe fighting the dragon, guillotine!"

The roaring two-axe dragon rushed out suddenly, pressing Bing Jiuwei on the ice surface with one paw.

With the cry of the ice nine tails, the ice layer shattered, and the earthquake and blizzard devoured the two elves at the same time!

"Both sides lost their ability to fight at the same time!" the referee said loudly.

"Against the ice-type and the goblin-type, it can be a one-for-one match, Jiang Xun did his best."

"The attribute restraint is too serious, but the game is not over yet, there is still a chance."

"Han Ying still has two elves left! Alas, although the dragon type is strong, it's a huge disadvantage against the fairy type and the ice type."

In the auditorium, Lu Cheng asked Han Qing next to him.

"Han Ying also has an elf, it should be that little boar, right?"

"The one you two saved." Han Qing chuckled, "She has always been treated like a treasure."

Lu Cheng coughed lightly and looked at the shattered ice surface.

This kind of boulder-covered terrain is really not optimistic for Jiang Xun.

And the ivory pig can easily break through the icicles, and even has the characteristic of snow concealment that can increase the evasion rate in snowy days.

Lu Cheng frowned.

It's just...why doesn't Jiang Xun seem nervous at all?

on the field.

Jiang Xun took out the advanced ball and his eyes were stern: "This time, I must win."

"I also have a reason to win." Han Ying smiled, her eyes sharp, "Come on, Laplace!"

Filled with ice energy, it can exert the strongest power of Laplace's absolute zero.

The narrator couldn't help but sigh: "This is really taking advantage of the attributes to the extreme. Let's look at Jiang Xun..."

Immediately, the commentator's eyes widened in disbelief.

"This, this is!"

The streamlined body, glazed feathers, like a jet machine, is covered with red eggshell patterns.

The elf like a big red bird is quietly suspended in the air, and the blue light that symbolizes super power blooms in his eyes!

"Player Jiang Xun sent Latias!" the commentator shouted, "This is the second legendary elf to appear in the competition since player Ji Lucheng!"

Beside Han Qing, Lu Cheng was slightly surprised.

"This should be the descendant of King Jiang's Latias."

Han Qing nodded, frowned and said, "Unexpectedly, Jiang Xun can really subdue Latias."

"Although he is a descendant of Latias, it is not to be underestimated to be recognized by the legendary elves."

Amid the noise, Han Qing's expression gradually became serious.

"I originally wanted to wait until the battle with Lu Cheng before sending it."

Jiang Xun's eyes were stern, "But this game, I must win!"

Han Qing smiled slightly: "Although it is a legendary elf, it is also a dragon-type elf, right?"

"Laplace, the freezing beam!"

The extremely cold ice light turned into icicles, streaking all the way through the air, instantly freezing the wall of light it touched.

But Laplace avoided it at a very fast speed, and at the same time, the blue light in his eyes rose sharply.

"Strong mind!"

In an instant, the entire space distorted, and Laplace on the ice curled up in pain.

In an instant, Latias swooped down from the sky like a jet fighter!

"Dragon Wave!"

The turbulent energy fluctuations instantly knocked Laplace flying, leaving cracks on the carapace.

Everyone was shocked by the powerful fighting power of this Latias.

This is Jiang Tianwang's ace spirit, Latias, known as the infinite Pokémon!

"You have no chance." Jiang Xun said coldly.

Gritting her teeth, Han Ying took a deep breath and her expression gradually calmed down.

"Come on, Ivory Pig!"

The ice surface shook, and a rumbling sound resounded through the hall.

That gigantic beast made everyone's eyes flash with strange colors.

"Oh! The little boar has grown so big!" Lu Cheng nodded again and again.

Han Qing sighed helplessly, with a nervous look in his eyes.

Does Han Ying really have a chance against Latias?

Even if her sister didn't tell her, Han Qing could feel the huge pressure Lu Cheng brought her.

In this battle, it seems that we are advancing to the top sixteen.

In fact, the two are fighting for the qualification to fight with Lu Cheng!

"Dragon Wave!" "Instant amnesia!"

The turbulent dragon wave turned into an illusory dragon shadow and exploded on the thick fur of the ivory pig.

The ivory pig roared, digging into the ice, rumbling out like an unstoppable tank!

"Move at high speed to avoid it." Jiang Xun said coldly, "Mental shock!"

The blue light turned into a real sharp blade, like a knife, and a large amount of blood splattered from the ivory pig's body.

However, the ivory pig was still moving forward, stepping on the ice and jumping out of thin air, and the frozen fangs rushed towards Latias in mid-air!

The shadow clone was torn apart by the frozen teeth, and Latias' figure had already come behind the ivory pig.

The deadly dragon wave burst out.

The ivory pig fell to the ground, and the venue was silent.

"The ivory pig is incapacitated." The referee waved the flag, "Jiang Xun wins!"

Cheers suddenly sounded.

Han Qing let out a long sigh and said softly, "It's over."

"It's already very good." Lu Cheng nodded slightly, "It's a pity that Jiang Xun actually subdued Latias."

Between the venues, the contestants shook hands.

Han Ying's expression was low, while Jiang Xun's expression was also serious.

"Don't worry." Jiang Xun whispered, "I will help you defeat him."

After being stunned for a moment, Han Ying bit her lower lip and nodded earnestly.

The round of sixteen is over!

No one expected that Jiang Xun would actually take out Latias during the game.

As a legendary elf, Latias has always been the ace of the Dragon King Jiang Ziqian.

Unexpectedly, to this day, even Jiang Xun has subdued Latias' heir.

This made Lu Cheng shake his head again and again.

Don't the red and blue planes have the nameplates?

As for Group D, professional player Dai Liancheng of Sandstorm advanced with an absolute advantage.

That terrifying is even considered to have reached the level of a quasi-king.

But Lu Cheng estimated that the Nine Tails and the Lizard King were also approaching the bottleneck of the Heavenly King.

As for Dai Liancheng's sandstorm system, it can be resolved with the sunny weather of the nine tails.

As for Jiang Xun...

In the quarter-finals, the player Lu Cheng was going to face was Jiang Xun, who subdued Latias.

Night falls.

In the training cabin, Han Ying stroked the bandaged ivory pig, her shoulders trembling.

Tears fell, splashing small splashes on the ground.

"Humph!" The ivory pig suddenly howled, making Han Ying startled.

"You left the training hatch open."

Lu Cheng pointed to the hatch and said helplessly, "Isn't it the quarterfinals?"

"Wait for another three years, and there is still a chance."

Han Ying was dumbfounded, shook her head slowly and said, "You don't understand."

"Do you like ice elements?"

Stroking the ivory pig, Lu Cheng suddenly said.

Looking at the ivory pig who was rubbing against Lu Cheng, Han Ying nodded earnestly.

"My wish is to surpass my sister and become the strongest ice trainer!"

"Oh." Lu Cheng patted the ivory pig on the head.

"Then you have no hope."

Han Ying was startled: "Why?"

"Because." Hanging the dark red cloak on his shoulders, Lu Cheng lowered the brim of his hat and raised the corners of his mouth.

"I am the strongest ice trainer in this competition!"



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